Sunday, September 18, 2011

The heart, mind and groin are connected.

From the time of Aristotle it has been observed that all men with great minds also had developed great libidos and all men of stature were men who had interconnectedness between, heart, mind and groin. Even in Hindu philosophy echoes of this insight are described, when it states that” knowledge is always enveloped by desire”. And only when the desire is satiated and disappears can actual Nirvana happen. Both Freud’s “death instinct” and Jung’s “transformation” touch on the primordial libidinous instinct.
Sabina Spielrein a not very well known psychoanalyst conceived and conjoined the above two theories to arrive at the concept that sexual drive contains both an instinct of destruction and transformation. This also brings into focus the oedipal relationship between men of stature and their protégés. The clandestine relationship between Jung and Sabina, who was his student and patient clearly highlights the many other such relationships which have been observed.
Does it mean that many of us strongly repress this urge/desire to possess,(due to societal rules) which tries to escape from our mind and liberate the libido with pleasure; This is loosely termed the sex drive to cover it up with an air of genteel generality, a very strong erotic impulse genetically engineered and embedded in our minds in a sort of psycho sexual violence.It is the mind that controls our limbs and appendages, right from the time of the Neanderthal man to Homoerectus (pun intended). All human desire needs to be clothed with dignity,despite evolution one moral is, the more things change, the more they remain the same.--Juxtaposed and Trans created from links for stimulation.-Vinay-

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