Tuesday, June 28, 2011

no options

When we are young and immature we wonder through life as if it were a game, soaking in the palette of colors of life, missing the woods for the trees. Finally we bid goodbye to happy adolescence to don the finery of adult life. Now suddenly our vision is clouded by ideas, opinions, misconceptions and abstractions. By wearing the armor of ego, we lose the vital sense of mystery, and the burden of pain is thrust in our lives. It is the turning point in our lives and we become seekers to decipher the notions of the mind.We have no future, because our present is too volatile. We have only risk and disaster management, given the spinning of the moment’s scenarios. One constant of history is change, who will be the future inhabitants? From the pre-globalised small shops, the world has gone in such a different direction, and business is conducted in cyberspace and on worldwide web.. The days of boozy lunches and careful chatter in 5 star restaurants are over. Now we need to stare at our laptops and cell phones with a haute nerd intensity in the flat and spectral non hour time zone, awash in limbic tides, till the brainstem stirs fitfully, flashing inappropriate reptilian demands for sex, food and alcoholic sedation, all of the above, and none really an option now!

physical world

Death happens to us from everywhere, all around the universe, but we are not prepared especially when it is someone young or close, then it garners more significance.
Even before birth we face death, though our infantile memory may have not registered this, or the many obstacles and death one faces even as a foetus, just like the universe which consists of small indivisible particles.
Death is not something that happens at the end of our life but something that happens from birth, but we don’t view it like that, when we understand this we get a better perspective and it will lessen our sorrow.
At the blastocyst stage itself we are vulnerable to attack by microbes even before the embryonic stage with just 150 cells hat multiply and grow into a fully formed foetus many die at this stage too. Then there are other dangers like lack of oxygen, illness in the mother, asphyxiation by the umbilical cord and other pathological dangers encountered in the womb. We float in a void of timelessness even before the cycle of life and death begins.
If everything is ultimately energy- whether light or dark – the spark that became light has to one day get back to its original state. That is to return to the ultimate cosmic energy that permeates all space. Birth and Death are mere interregnums.
Death is a highly creative force, governed by the inexorable cosmic laws of Shrushti, yet it is traumatic. As they say a journey of even a hundred or thousand miles has to end, then you embark on the spiritual journey, from Prakirita (Physical) to Sukshma (Metaphysical). There are only two ways to view both life and death. One as though nothing is a miracle. The other as though both life and death are miracles. I don't believe that there is a deity concerned with my personal life or anyone else's. I don't believe that anyone can become enlightened in any metaphysical ...sense. I don't believe that anyone has ever been or ever will be reincarnated. These are all things that people want to believe because they offer emotional comfort from the knowledge of our own mortality. The universe was either created or has always been here--either way, existence itself is unfathomable and the greatest miracle, if you contemplate it. If I were to use the word 'spirituality' this is what it would refer to. The physical laws of the universe are the greatest wonders imaginable. Learning them is the closest we can get to understanding god. As for the moral side of religion, what we eat and wear have nothing to do with anything. It's not that complicated. Be nice to each other. Respect each other, the physical world and yourself.


Look for what lies beneath, down deep where there is complete darkness. Darkness is where peace is, it's synonymous with silence. In our universe 98% space is dark, we have very little light.We are all replicas of the Universe, we are dark inside. When we see nature, it asserts over our thought processess and the image is superimposed in our minds eye, then we imbibe it for a moment, don't try to interpret it; extend the moment into eternity/posterity. To live in that moment,taste it continously in everyday life, right amongst the crowds, not in the cave is enlightenment.he mind could be your friend or foe, depending on how it is being controlled. Further, it says that the mind is flickering, restless, yet strong and obstinate. Controlling the mind is harder than controlling the wind. Here the comparison is being made between mind and matter, the wind. While matter is a subject of Physics, the mind does not come under its purview. There are no physical methods of probing the mind. However, an attempt is made here to throw some light on the basis of science on the qualities attributed to the mind.
First let us focus on the flickering and restless nature of the mind. They denote the fluctuation of the mind that arises from indecision. Therefore, if a person is strong-willed, the mind can be controlled and put in orde

winds of change

Blogs are mainly intended for the seekers who found theological, religious, spiritual and theoretical philosophies as useless raft to realize the ultimate truth and interested in deeper self-search and direct realization.But the emergence in the aspirants' mind of such a doubt is itself the signal that the his ignorance that bound him to experience the birth, life and death as reality have got loosened, and that with the sharp razor of wisdom , he can easily overcome the ignorance and assimilate and realize ultimate truth. Spirituality does not consist in the mastery of scriptural knowledge or intellectual speculation or logical conclusions. , but in the realization of the true self, which is neither the waking entity nor the dream entity. Without this Knowledge, it is futile to try to know ultimate truth.As the years roll by, life in all its myriad ramifications still seems elusive as ever.Living simply and wisely, like our ancestors seems unattainable in today's world. knowledge begets pain, seems to unify in the way of an unconsumated marriage of fire with water.No celestial dance of any kind, once you underwrite the ..."urbane madness" everything is unreal,artificial!!
Like the phoenix rising from the pine forests of Arizona, my mind wanders in the complete silence of the this symbol, to rekindle the lost fire in my heart.In love, pain is a blessing that will be blown away to the four corners, by the desert's vast supply of winds.

winds of change

Blogs are mainly intended for the seekers who found theological, religious, spiritual and theoretical philosophies as useless raft to realize the ultimate truth and interested in deeper self-search and direct realization.But the emergence in the aspirants' mind of such a doubt is itself the signal that the his ignorance that bound him to experience the birth, life and death as reality have got loosened, and that with the sharp razor of wisdom , he can easily overcome the ignorance and assimilate and realize ultimate truth. Spirituality does not consist in the mastery of scriptural knowledge or intellectual speculation or logical conclusions. , but in the realization of the true self, which is neither the waking entity nor the dream entity. Without this Knowledge, it is futile to try to know ultimate truth.As the years roll by, life in all its myriad ramifications still seems elusive as ever.Living simply and wisely, like our ancestors seems unattainable in today's world. knowledge begets pain, seems to unify in the way of an unconsumated marriage of fire with water.No celestial dance of any kind, once you underwrite the ..."urbane madness" everything is unreal,artificial!!
Like the phoenix rising from the pine forests of Arizona, my mind wanders in the complete silence of the this symbol, to rekindle the lost fire in my heart.In love, pain is a blessing that will be blown away to the four corners, by the desert's vast supply of winds.

Blogs of loife.

My childhood is dead, my youth is dead, my adolescence is dead, but I am still alive!
Spirituality is not just another department in life after 40 and after having fulfilled your responsibilities, in the material plane then to give us peace, happiness and contentment throughout our remaining life we turn to spirituality. The whole world must be seen as a cosmic wheel of activity governed by the laws of nature, and whosoever is not able to adhere to it, only leads a meaningless life Selfishness is not living as one wishes to live; it is asking others to live as one wishes to live,one does evil enough when one does nothing.Blogs are mainly intended for the seekers who found theological, religious, spiritual and theoretical philosophies as useless raft to realize the ultimate truth and interested in deeper self-search and direct realization.But the emergence in the aspirants' mind of such a doubt is itself the signal that the his ignorance that bound him to experience the birth, life and death as reality have got loosened, and that with the sharp razor of wisdom , he can easily overcome the ignorance and assimilate and realize ultimate truth. Spirituality does not consist in the mastery of scriptural knowledge or intellectual speculation or logical conclusions. , but in the realization of the true self, which is neither the waking entity nor the dream entity. Without this Knowledge, it is futile to try to know ultimate truth.

Material man

When the human soul draws back from the material things of the world and tries to go into deeper things; when man conquers his spirit which has somehow become concretized and materialized, and he understands that he is thereby going to be destroyed and to be reduced almost into mere matter, and turns his face away from matter — then begins renunciation, then begins real spiritual growth.
The human soul has to understand and realize that it has been his spirit, and not matter, which will go on through eternity, and that this conjunction of it with matter is and can be only for a time. You will learn the lesson of renunciation through your own experience of nature. Man as a sentient being has the harshest of all renunciations to go through, as he has to realize from the very first that the whole of this solid-looking nature is all an illusion. He has to understand that all this is a kind of manifestation of power in nature belonging to the soul. He has to know from the very start that all knowledge and all experience are in the soul and not in the intellect. So he has at once and by the sheer force of rational reasoning let go, he lets them vanish and tries to stand alone!Mythology or spirituality only illuminate the way and remove distortions from the mind and facilitate valid perceptions.We have to traverse the path and sift through the dense and convoluted explanations to arrive at what is called the shift in consciousness from selfishness and separation to positive and goodness, not out of fear, but because we desire it from our heart.True love of nature no longer exists because the artisan level of reality is gone forever. It is a virtual world of Xerox symbols, virtual landscapes, soulless streets of tall glass buildings, a solitary wild flower which survived the onslaught sways merrily, quite unsure of its place in the visual diary of everyday life in a metro

frog in wells

Religions and their holy books/scriptures somehow fail to inspire and leave most followers stone cold, apathetic, dry, and uncaring about the plight of the down trodden and world around them..
Most religious treatises despite a sublime treatment and theme together with a strong storyline are really not enthralling or engrossing enough to inspire the faithful. The story meanders around various interesting characters but fails to engage the seekers. The simplest truths about life are drowned in a sea of mythology,
Enlightenment of the self is treated as incidental while making sure, that their scriptures or dogmas are firmly implanted in the psyche.
They create enough drama woven around the story, but enlightenment or self actualization cannot come from mere drama alone! Adopting old classics/folklore or mythology cannot ensure moments of redemption. There is no passion and skill in the story telling, but squander it all in rigid self constricting rigid dogmas, and there is no salvation for the seeker. The followers have no knowledge or case for the process or care for the torturous journey undertaken by the creator or messiah, but want to find their own path or truth which is normally not permitted. This is where all of them fail as they leave the people out in the cold with their own hubris.We are all frogs in a well; It is a term of derision for the intellectually complacent, for someone who thinks he knows everything there is to know. Our well has time, space and words as its walls.
The time we live from birth to death is the only real history we experience; what we hear of what happened before and of what can happen later are just stories. The only space we experience is the land we live in, work in or travel to what we hear of other lands is other people’s imagination.
Thanks to the information explosion, we can see more places and know more words, but time still fetters us. We remain like frogs in our own ponds of misery.
We do not control what lies beyond our domain or horizon or realm of understanding but, we can expand our horizon. For this we have to keep evolving, stretching our knowledge and expanding our viewpoints. We have to engage with more people, discover their beliefs and figure out if theirs will help us make ours wider or narrower. When you interact, you evolve and expand your horizon and today thanks to social networking our horizons have expanded tremendously.


Words, spoken or written, carry a message. Since time immemorial, words are believed to contain spiritual energy, which also helps the individual to connect with groups that releases tremendous energy Another thing worthy of note is that words are our creation, and they help us to overcome apparent grief and sadness, which tend to settle in from unachieved desires in everyday circumstances, the individual yearns to reunite with his native soil/roots. What is also true is the fact that opposites symbolize, in a weird way, the complete picture of the thing.
The individual’s view’s, are unfathomable. Opening up of our senses and consciousness give us an ecstasy, but be cautious sometimes questions are more important than answers , so we don’t waste ourselves, you can replace one belief with another, you cannot be bereft of belief, the first step is to realize where we stand. This realisation may seem that we are entangled in an inflexible reality. This realization in the light of liberation is not wrong about but sleep on it you don’t always have to give in to knee jerk reactions. They say when you realise, you start speaking in opposites. Why does this happen? The reason is simply the fact that the truth, being infinity, cannot be bound with words.

full life

To live life fully you must understand the whole life and not part of it. If we compartmentalize our mind, then one one portion sees the subjective form while the other takes the objective form. Proper suspension of the mind is required to obtain bliss in your minute pursuits.Life is not not just having an occupation for livelihood, but in spending all and every minute in doing many things, reading singing ,dancing, watching the stars and nature unfolding before us. whatever we see, touch, and speak are all part of life and spirituality.Spirituality when tempered by open mindedness and receptivity would enable the true seeker to see enlightenment within his inward mind, neither grief or misery will enter when you are in this state.The mechanism by which our minds analyses situations involving chance are an intricate process, a product of of evolutionary factors personal experience ,knowledge stored over the years and emotion.The firmness of mind which is inspired by intelligence , dynamism and sublime thought is the one through which one obtains for himself and others in the universe endearing and enduring benefits.Much of our creative thoughts find their source in our subconscious,it is here that we drown our worries and find our solutions. When we want answers we rummage this part of our mind.Interpreting these thoughts can help us unveil meanings that are not apparent in our linear mind.Spirituality helps us unleash the the hidden powers of our subconscious mind. It allows our intuitive or gut feeling to emerge from the cocoon where it is hidden from normal logical thinking, which has to be dis-engaged for this process to take place. your subconscious is the most powerful repository of creative thought and ideas and the primal intelligence that gives structure to our universal thoughts. Our subconscious mind is always trying to contact you, but is always blocked by our habitual conscious mind which is busy with the everyday mundane emotions and habitual thought patterns.If we can awaken this it is part of our enlightenment.

Healing spirits

Spiritual Healing as opposed to medicine and it's discontents.
Medicine is used to heal as well as suppress pain and illness as well as negate misery brought about by the ailment. However in spiritual or palliative healing has a more radical and holistic approach to the disease. It examines the self within the material world and is designed to resolve the illness by harnessing the energy of both body and mind. It aids the mind to attain self awareness and thereby liberation. It uses simple love and compassion as the main ingredient and by elevating the patients own spiritual scope to negate pain. Normal medicine treats the patient as a gross bundle of flesh and bones with the relevant disease.In spiritual palliative care it explores the patients inherent energies both physical and spiritual and transmutes love into an inner awareness, so that there is a creative evolution of transcendence of his own energies into the ultimate liberation. As energy cannot be created nor destroyed ,but it can be transformed subtly into a deeper form, re-equipping his own depleted energy, thereby relieving fear and tension and is a subtle form of indulgence towards honest acceptance of oneself and his condition which can be transformed into a sensory satisfaction. A sort of catharsis of the soul.--Vinay--

Healing Spirits.

Spiritual Healing as opposed to medicine and it's discontents.
Medicine is used to heal as well as suppress pain and illness as well as negate misery brought about by the ailment. However in spiritual or palliative healing has a more radical and holistic approach to the disease. It examines the self within the material world and is designed to resolve the illness by harnessing the energy of both body and mind. It aids the mind to attain self awareness and thereby liberation. It uses simple love and compassion as the main ingredient and by elevating the patients own spiritual scope to negate pain. Normal medicine treats the patient as a gross bundle of flesh and bones with the relevant disease.In spiritual palliative care it explores the patients inherent energies both physical and spiritual and transmutes love into an inner awareness, so that there is a creative evolution of transcendence of his own energies into the ultimate liberation. As energy cannot be created nor destroyed ,but it can be transformed subtly into a deeper form, re-equipping his own depleted energy, thereby relieving fear and tension and is a subtle form of indulgence towards honest acceptance of oneself and his condition which can be transformed into a sensory satisfaction. A sort of catharsis of the soul.--Vinay--


The quest for truth requires a critical edge, sharpened by lies, hedges, and evasions, truthfulness is largely a matter of deciding what to withhold... but theory of mind is also connected to another human capacity: empathy. Modern psychology strengthened this case, our ability to understand how other people feel is what makes morality possible. Emotional insight is what drives the golden rule So it is with being lied to, in that way, our ability to take up the viewpoint of another is both what makes lying possible and gives us a reason not to do it—usually, at least.
Indeed, it fits with everyone’s tendencies to want to talk more about the virtues of religion around atheists than with believers, or to question the value of philosophy with philosophers. The quest for truth requires a constant critical edge.
The question of whether or not truth always triumphs over other virtues. “Nothing but the truth” is the wrong maxim if things other than truth matter more. The most obvious examples are of courtesy and concern for people’s feelings, where kindness matters more than revealing the full, naked truth. Even here, however, we need to be careful withholding truth for someone’s own benefit is sometimes justified but often it simply diminishes their autonomy.
There is nothing more common than inconsistency and confusion over the imperative not to tell a lie. While “liar” is universally a term of opprobrium, almost everyone accepts that the social world would cease turning without a good scattering of white lies, half-truths and evasions.It might follow from the simple realisation that lying is not always wrong. The key is to recognise that lying is a problem because of what it is not: telling the truth. And if lying is a complex matter that is because truth is too. So once we get to the truth about lying, we’re already in a dizzying tangle of ideas.

Liberate yourself.

Spirituality is inherent in all of us, but very few nurture it, let alone want to explore it. If you were always taught to think within the box or follow your parent’s religion without questioning any assumptions, then you may not want to think beyond your self confined world. You need to understand what it is that makes you unique from other creatures and need to be flexible, agile, easily amenable to change as you evolve. Earlier our parents wanted to be Doctors, Scientists and lawyers the next generation evolved and wanted to be IT / Software Engineers, MBA’s Consultants and now kids want to Actors, sportsmen and Entrepreneurs. Seeking money and fame by itself is not despicable, but not seeking further is like stopping the evolution of the mind.

The need for intuitive understanding is much greater when success has come rather than in the struggling years. A feel for the things, over and above the accumulation of money, fame and knowledge and urging self introspection. Some unlearning is involved to get into spirituality which is also a suspension of logic. It is thereupetic, calms and rejuvenates you, before realization and enlightenment. You have to become a conduit for the spiritual current .to flow through your body to experience this, akin to light filtering through the darkness; we need to slowly withdraw from what is transient. Rationalism, detachment persistence will bring about the transformation. In short a moment of eternity that words can never reveal or describe with accuracy, a moment when neither worldly happiness or misery remains dominants. No words can describe the ecstasy or bliss.As a technical method leading to attainment of Self-awareness, and thereby liberation, spirituality has been part of our spiritualscape along with our sub conscience. A simple, natural method, spirituality seeks sublimation of what one is born with, not its negation as seekers’ asceticism. Unlike most other theologies, spirituality takes off with the real, instinctive or inborn: ‘what is — body, nature, desires…which asceticism outright rejects as base and common.
Spiritualities primary concern is ‘what is’, not ‘what should be’, an honest acceptance of oneself and the world. It is rather a sort of mystic science that examines experiences of ‘Self’ with the material world and explores man’s inherent energies, spiritual and physical and methods to expand them. Metaphysical enquiries as to ‘why’ or ‘whence’, exploring the illusory nature of this world, are it’s domains. Spirituality transmutes all actions into inner awareness and into a creative evolution and desires into the vehicle of transcendence, and energies, into the ultimate means of liberation.
Spiritualism contends that human body, being its microcosmic sample, represents the Universe. Hence, whatever takes place in the universe is repeated in the ultimate liberation.

More bandwidth

The root cause of superstition is trying to follow the faith and belief of others kindly without applying ones mind. Beliefs and faith are not immune to falsification, by those who want you to follow them. It is like the scientist who handles fact, while religion involves beliefs. No two beliefs can be exactly alike. So unless we make the effort to be clear about our fundamental spiritual and philosophical position in this evolving universe, we will be swept away by the multitudes of faiths that hold sway in this world. If we cannot elevate our minds, we will feel that we are on top of the pile and your internal world will forever elude you.
Everybody wants to have eternal happiness that is why fairy tale of going to heaven reassures people who are afraid of the dark. Negative thoughts or fear of expecting the worst can invite adversity. However for spiritually minded the solutions to adversity are simple. It is like escaping from the mental grid lock of negative thoughts and pushing the “refresh” button every time we come across an obstacle, this will activate and expand your bandwidth. You free will / thoughts will then infuse you with wisdom and enthusiasm to face all the problems in your life. When you attain that state of infinite dynamism, you will feel alive and feel the vitality flow through your veins which will unfold into an intense joy of being one with the universe


One must try to avoid despair, it’s almost a mortal sin, there is a point of deletion to which you can sink, and after that it doesn’t seem worth it. Sadness and a defeatist attitude is a prelude to depression and there is a mental disturbance. It is a psychological phenomenon opposite of satisfaction. When we feel that we have failed to achieve something we feel deprived and sad. However the flip side is that unpleasant experiences contribute to intellectual stimulation and the discontent can be transformed into passion to strive for a higher level of action for success in whatever field. According to nature the journey is also full of pain and joy in equal measure; otherwise you will not attempt arduous tasks and will die without achievement. So initially what seems like a curse can be transformed into a blessing, and the tedious journey will end in happiness when you reach the destination. When all your undertakings and journeys are free from anxiety about results, then all your desires have been consumed in the fire of knowledge. Staying free from expectations but overcoming adversity for the benefit of everyone including ourselves then you have achieved what you thought you were deprived of in the beginning. Philosophically, what is important is not where one is, but where one is heading.!-Vinay-

Oracle of life

Most people, who are not religious extremists, still tend to incline towards one side or religion. Faith apart from religion manifests itself in stock markets and financial markets too, where there are followers of Nouriel Rubini and others who follow ‘’the oracle of Omaha” Warren Buffet. Fund managers are the high priests of finance with their own following, offering eternal salvation and rewards to those who believe in their prophecy and doctrinal advice. Religion is largely a matter of beliefs, but followers of Mammon also have their own faith system and believe the analysts and fund managers’ reports as their gospel, in search of temporal dividends. Being open minded to and dealing intelligently with all types of preaching’s, prophecies and even criticism, would enable the rational seeker not merely improve himself, but obviate souring the beliefs of others.
Many blindly believed the radio preacher Harold Camping who forecast the Apocalypse on 21st May 2011, without questioning the scientific testable propositions involved.
Is free will then an illusion, if every act of ours is determined by external influences, how can we be blamed if we make mistakes or follow the wrong beliefs or advice we receive.
One should be able to determine instinctively the right approach to different belief systems. Constructive decisions or criticism is a multifaceted tool and if used properly enables the true seeker to get rid of the cobwebs of ignorance and not succumb to mere perceptions. Evolving an approach that would not be merely right but is also beneficial to one and all others and their belief systems is the key and has to be cultivated assiduously.
The real answer and danger lies or lurks in our minds.---Vinay---

Cycle of life

Life is cyclical and a succession of events /days/years in a time loop of eternity, and pretty soon all of us get trapped in this endless cycle. Our life is like a river collecting all this debris/ events within the day/month /years like tributaries which flow into our larger self. There are two banks into which these vectors of opposing values run side by side. Each of these embodies a spectrum at whose extreme ends lie these contradictory vectors of positive and negative values which are necessary to bring in a proper balance in life. We must not slip completely into despondency or zones of joy or confidence or complacency. We have to keep growing, learning and share our glory with the Universe as a whole. This equipoise is what matters like the quiet moment in the ocean when one wave falls and the other rises. It only when you reach this stage of awareness, humility, understands and acceptance of our own destiny that philosophy of the external world and its illusion becomes clear. In short we must not be affected by the twists and turns of our life, and like the river we will finally enter the larger cosmic body. Nothing is to be feared, everything should be understood, we should not be attached, and just think it is a passing illusion and move along with it. Otherwise we will fade into the sunset with a dead man’s smile!


Most people seek fame and fortune, most of the time fame is confused with the riches that it brings. Most people seek fame for power, prestige and money. Our quest for fame is perhaps subliminal to our quest for truth. Psychologists say that every human being seeks immortality and therefore seeks fame…so that they live beyond their ca...lendar years, at least in name… and hence the obsession to become famous. Famous people or leaders are not necessarily bad people; rather they lose their moral bearings often yielding to seduction strewn in their paths. When you rely purely on external gratification for fulfillment, then you risk failure. There is nothing wrong with desiring these outer symbols of fame as long as it is combined with a desire to serve something greater than oneself! Lasting fame will only accrue when you recognize from whom you have derived the power and re-invest it back to them. If the goal is only for power over others, unlimited wealth or the fame that comes with success, then dignity and respect will be eroded. For adulation and trust you must realize that the power is derived from others and without it you are nothing. When fame is rooted in a noble activity or service, only then can it become immortal, otherwise you will lose your way in the grime smudged streets of notoriety.=Vinay-


Most people seek fame and fortune, most of the time fame is confused with the riches that it brings. Most people seek fame for power, prestige and money. Our quest for fame is perhaps subliminal to our quest for truth. Psychologists say that every human being seeks immortality and therefore seeks fame…so that they live beyond their ca...lendar years, at least in name… and hence the obsession to become famous. Famous people or leaders are not necessarily bad people; rather they lose their moral bearings often yielding to seduction strewn in their paths. When you rely purely on external gratification for fulfillment, then you risk failure. There is nothing wrong with desiring these outer symbols of fame as long as it is combined with a desire to serve something greater than oneself! Lasting fame will only accrue when you recognize from whom you have derived the power and re-invest it back to them. If the goal is only for power over others, unlimited wealth or the fame that comes with success, then dignity and respect will be eroded. For adulation and trust you must realize that the power is derived from others and without it you are nothing. When fame is rooted in a noble activity or service, only then can it become immortal, otherwise you will lose your way in the grime smudged streets of notoriety.=Vinay-


Doha, Qatar, the city that is home to Al Jazeera, feels like an Arabian-tinged Indianapolis, a million people, an estimated 75 percent of them foreign workers, inhabiting a propagating cluster of bright, faceless glass buildings, a place with an unhurried air befitting a country in which the average per capita income is around $88,000. In spite of the army of cockeyed cranes hovering over a spate of construction projects across the city—a building boom fueled by the $50 billion in oil and natural-gas income that flows to the country annually—Doha's lasting impression is one of mall-shopping and shisha clouds pillowing over café patios as men in thobes (white robes), pants, and ghutras (head scarves) take their satisfaction from gurgling water pipes.(Hooka's).

Kung Fu Panda

Sometimes deep philosophy is entwined even in movies made for children. All of us have a child locked away in our hearts and so I too found myself on a lazy Sunday afternoon watching King Fu Panda with my children. Suddenly I realized that the movie carried a subliminal message of spirituality through this celluloid medium.
Kung Fu Panda explores an individual’s quest for identity and the struggle to come to terms with reality. Po the protagonist takes us through the five stages of life, grief, denial, anger, depression and finally acceptance.
The movie tries to capture on celluloid one of the most existential questions. “Who am I” In his search for answers Po realizes that accepting reality and being comfortable with what has happened in the past are amongst the biggest challenges in his life. Po is confused and is in denial mode, that the lack of clarity in his past life is troubling him and refuses to share his misgivings with his friends.
You can choose your destiny in the present moment and mould your future.
The film is about moving on in life and letting go of the sad memories that hold you back from enjoying the present. It is about stillness and calm because, with inner peace comes insight to deal with life’s toughest problems. Live your life from your heart, share the dreams and misgivings in your heart and you will have a beautiful life that can inspire and touch other souls

live life spherically.

All along I have lived my life on my own terms, lived spherically in every direction, not losing my childhood enthusiasm. now that I am a part of this group, I have had some wonderful insights from all of you and there has been a subtle transformation after perusing your posts and comments.
Your posts are like thoughts frozen in cyber space, a medium by which I can interact with your minds and see the questions and answers unfold, even though the latitudes and longitudes separate us. We are all playing our part in human consciousness and through this exchange we enjoy a broader perspective.
The part we want to play will make the difference as questions and the varied answers unfold in front of our eyes.
A post or comment is not an inanimate material, but an outlook at the world from different viewpoints and from the heart of the person who has posted it. So let us look at the uncertainties of life and future through a million eyes and connect with the Universe.Death is the ultimate goal, so let us not postpone the good life.
The answers are seeking the seeker in the winds of cyberspace.-Vinay-

Dissatisfaction as growth.

Without dissatisfaction there is no growth, just like without happiness there is no life, but we should not divide them. There is no way to happiness, happiness is the way, or we can choose to be happily dissatisfied.

Anything that we know as truth today might become false or irrelevant tomorrow, and what we take as false or non-existent today, might change drastically tomorrow. Human beings have one major flaw: we don’t like to say or accept that we know very little about the world around us. We have set ideas about life and we judge everything from our own viewpoint, which is a mixture of inborn qualities and the way we are conditioned. It is like eating pizza, all of us see only a particular slice of life, much like seeing only one slice of a pizza that we are about to bite, without being able to see the whole of it.
It is because of this narrow vision that we tend to divide everything in life. We cannot help dividing, because that is how we are programmed.
The idea of division is also acceptable to the human mind. In this way, our minds divide everything in existence, creating what is called the illusion. The whole process of spiritual growth is to move from being ‘many’ to ‘one’. The ultimate enlightenment of our souls is to reach this point via the negative path that negates everything that is false, till nothing remains to be negated, or have reached it via the positive path, by accepting everything that exists as one. Either way, the end result is the same.

Belief an intellectual black hole.

Ah, but this is beyond the ability of science and reason to decide.
"There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy". When you hear that, alarm bells should go off.” Shakespeare's Hamlet
There probably are questions that science cannot answer. But what some people do to protect their beliefs is to draw a veil across reality and say, you scientists can go up to the veil and apply your empirical methods this far, but no further. Behind the veil they will put angels, aliens, psychic powers, God, ghosts and so on. Then they insist that there are special people who can see - if only dimly - through this veil. But the fact is that many of the claims made about things behind this veil have empirically observable consequences and that makes them scientifically testable.
Intellectual black holes are belief systems that draw people in and hold them captive so they become willing slaves of claptrap. Belief in homeopathy, psychic powers, Tarot cards, and alien abductions - these are examples of intellectual black holes. As you approach them, you need to be on your guard because if you get sucked in, it can be extremely difficult to think your way clear again. Not being able to prove the existence of something does not disprove its existence. Much is yet to be discovered. This is just a smokescreen. But because the mantra it's-beyond-the-ability-of-science-to-establish... gets repeated so often, it is effective at lulling people back to sleep - even if they have been stung into entertaining a doubt for a moment or two…! Lots of dodgy belief systems exploit this myth. Given enough shoehorning and reinterpretation, you can make whatever turns up "fit" what the Bible, Koran and Geeta says.

Rewire your mind.

Footsteps sweat, caffeine, memories, stress, even sex and dating habits – it can all be calculated and scored like a baseball batting average. There is a growing number of “self-quantifiers “Moving in the technology circles of New York and Silicon Valley, engineers and entrepreneurs have begun applying a tenet of the computer business to their personal health: One cannot change or control that which one cannot measure .
Their weight, exercise habits, caloric intake, and sleep patterns – they’re all quantified and graphed like a quarterly revenue statement. And just as a business trims costs when profits dip, they make decisions about the day based on their personal ¬analytics: too many calories coming from carbs? Say no to rice and bread at lunchtime. Not enough REM sleep? Reschedule that important business meeting for tomorrow.
Much as engineers will analyze data, and tweak specifications in order to optimise a software program, people are ¬collecting and correlating data on the “inputs and outputs” of their bodies to optimise physical and mental performance. We like to hack hardware and software, why not hack our bodies?

Can spirituality answer our questions?

I started spirituality looking for answers, but along the way I came to exploring the questions of life and death. We must have an awareness of death to fully understand life, progress in spirituality consists, I think, in a clearer delineation of the conceptual options, not in reaching determinate conclusions, like a flower it blossoms slowly and we grow in experience. Unlike religious and scientific philosophy which professes a —logical positivism, or logical empiricism—that is often considered tight, dry, closed, cold, narrow, barren, and juiceless,
and consigns to the bin of mere nonsense the sublime visions that have inspired multitudes to seek the path..
Everybody knows that the etymology of "spirituality" is "love of the universe,” and compassion towards all things encompassed in it, it is a thrilling examination of the physiognomy of thought, a moment to moment awareness and seeing the change unfold in front of our eyes.
But there is a philosophical form of life defined by a certain kind of talk, writing, and thought in which all philosophers must be fluent but in which some philosophers excel, theirs was not a world of just language, truth, and logic, but also of theater, art exhibitions, and gossip.
Spirituality’s purpose is to expose one's innermost convictions to the cutting edges of minds sharpened in the dialogues that make up our formal and philosophical education
The men and women looking out of their frames, with thin smiles, are unrelenting, how we are to live, how we are to think, how we are to act are in the balance. Not to mention the meaning of life, the possibility of knowledge, the attainability of truth, and where beauty lies. Finding the truth may be undergoing cruel stabs and slashes, and reaching surprising conclusions, but that is the quest.

Slut walks a novel protest against rape.

Slutwalk is a protest against rape and sexual atrocities against women, and blaming the victims for the way they dress and not punishing the perpetrators, nor trying to curb these heinous crimes against women. Democracy does not mean women’s emancipation, blaming women for their dress sense is an extension of the Sharia and Islamic laws which are the hallmarks of fundamentalists’ theocracy. In Saudi Arabia women are not allowed to drive cars, in India women are not allowed to be fighter pilots or join Army commando units. Is this proscription part of gender chauvinism practiced all over a patriarchal world? Slut walk is not merely a novel protest, but at a deeper level raises questions about the intrigue and shallowness of the world’s religious high priests and leaders of state.
Artfully dressing is an expression of showing the liberation of the feminine mystique/form, an attack on this freedom is our shame. The protest is like a dormant volcano, where women’s suppression of emotions is finding expression in this novel way. Rape and sexual crimes occur when the mind is obsessed. In such a case the perpetrators sexual thoughts are supreme and the rational thought processes are paralyzed.Women dressing to highlight their assets is beauty and happiness, and celebration of their sexuality and independence. Blaming women for provocating this crime is the height of ignorance.
As Joseph Conrad said “Being a woman is a terribly difficult task, since it consists principally in dealing with men”. -Vinay-

Professional preachers.

Professional Priests, Imams, Gurus philosophers are usually only scholastics absorbed in defending some vested illusion or some eloquent idea, or belief systems. They do not covet truth, and the dispelling of their own doubts. What they defend is some system, that is, some view about the totality of things, of which men are actually ignorant. No system would ever have been framed if people had been simply interested in knowing what is true, whatever it may be
.Religion offers a feast of conventional selection and judgment, and scant critical perspective of the wisdom tradition—those thinkers who care about how we should live our lives—commands its own share of the philosophy curriculum, or at least of humanities real estate but ignores the fact that truth that morality is objective and can be shown to be so.
There is a coherent unity among all human values—ethics and morality are two different parts of the same coin, the first is the study of how to live well, the second is the study of how we must treat other people and our environment.
Any philosophical/religious teaching, regardless of the particular truths it may contain, must eventually be understood as a work of imagination and a piece of human soliloquy.

The Pursuit of happiness.

In the Oscar nominated movie the protagonist Chris Gardner from a homeless salesman wallowing in abject misery becomes a multi millionaire stock broker. Does money buy happiness? Are people living in rich countries happier than those in poor countries? Does economic growth lead to happiness? These questions which were once in the realm of o philosophy are now being brought into the scientific fold, as nations try to the wellness index; and arrive at what is euphemistically called gross national happiness or GNH. The growth in GDP does not reflect the families hit by recession. However most surveys were inconclusive though it established that people with lower income were always in a bad mood, the ones with higher incomes had higher tensions and stress levels. This is loosely defined as the Easterlin paradox, the link between riches and life satisfaction was even more bizarre.
Mexicans were more satisfied with life as compared to Americans even though their per capita income was four times less. Life satisfaction however is not the same as happiness, as even Chris Gardner in the movie was reluctant to admit. Fleetingly beholding the past and “walking down bitter memory lanes”, streets of early sorrow” sans the angst, gives you a palpable nostalgic high. In life you have to move forward to live and multiply, people make their choices. Sometimes when you remember, you see darkness, yet you can see clearly! No worry, be happy.-Vinay-

Rajneesh Bhagwan of apocalyptic orgasm

Rajneesh read a lot about “Freud the world-famous psychoanalyst” back when psychoanalysts could be world-famous, a crusader for sexual freedom back when that cause belonged to intellectuals, not Hugh Heffner or Lady Gaga. He was a prophet of salvation through perfection of the orgasm, and free love sometimes referred to as the "apocalyptic orgasm." The spiritual hysteria that Osho inspired in the America of the 1960s and early 70’s is as hard to explain now especially when you consider that most followers were supposed to be educated skeptics and cultural critics. Even or especially—intellectuals are not immune to America's chronic and recurring religious revivals in their various forms. The moral urgency, the sense of crisis and the concern, with personal salvation that mark the existence of American intellectuals." Bhagwan Rajneesh won a particular following among intellectuals, artists and cultural spokesmen who were looking for a new revolution after becoming disillusioned with communism.
America has long been a land of opportunity for spiritually inclined theorists, especially if they sport long hair have foreign accents, along the lines of G.I. Gurdjieff, with his magnetic treatments in the first half of the 20th century, or Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, with his mantras in the second half.
Working in Rajneesh's favor was his timing. The 1960s and '70s in America were the age of the Kinsey Reports and wife-swapping. Of women worried about "frigidity" and of their men, who worried about it even more? "Intellectuals never had good orgasms." the orgasm became a battleground: was the 'apocalyptic orgasm' the key to a new revolution, as Rajneesh claimed, or a false aim that camouflaged the hipster's narcissistic and hedonistic selfishness?

Conditioned by culture.

Philosophers and theologists must take account of neuroscience in their investigations.Software" of thinking, independently of the "hardware"—the brain structure and neuronal firings—that produced it, this metaphor doesn't work with the brain: Hardware and software are intertwined to such an extent that all philosophy must be "neurophilosophy." There's no other way of explaining the vacuous ness, of a vast swath of contemporary moral philosophy or origins of values. The biological picture contains other elements, of course, notably our large prefrontal cortexes, which help us to take stock of situations in ways that lower animals, driven by "fight or flight" impulses, cannot take logical decisions. Oxytocin and its cousin-compounds ground the human capacity for empathy, and we might accept it as the germ of 'moral sentiment in human minds. We can assume that it is from here, that culture and society began to make their presence felt, shaping larger moral systems: tit-for-tat retaliation helps keep freeloaders and abusers of empathic understanding in line. The rules for acceptable behaviour are passed on from generations, and then cultures raise institutional moral and value structures which vary from culture to culture.

Conditioned by culture.

Philosophers and theologists must take account of neuroscience in their investigations.Software" of thinking, independently of the "hardware"—the brain structure and neuronal firings—that produced it, this metaphor doesn't work with the brain: Hardware and software are intertwined to such an extent that all philosophy must be "neurophilosophy." There's no other way of explaining the vacuous ness, of a vast swath of contemporary moral philosophy or origins of values. The biological picture contains other elements, of course, notably our large prefrontal cortexes, which help us to take stock of situations in ways that lower animals, driven by "fight or flight" impulses, cannot take logical decisions. Oxytocin and its cousin-compounds ground the human capacity for empathy, and we might accept it as the germ of 'moral sentiment in human minds. We can assume that it is from here, that culture and society began to make their presence felt, shaping larger moral systems: tit-for-tat retaliation helps keep freeloaders and abusers of empathic understanding in line. The rules for acceptable behaviour are passed on from generations, and then cultures raise institutional moral and value structures which vary from culture to culture.

Islam and Terror

Most modern nationals, especially Westerners history begins after 9/11; they attribute violence, terrorism, and suicide bombings as methods used by Muslims against non believers. The sad irony is that when ever there is news of car bombings, suicide attacks the words ‘fatwa and Islam are flashed across their minds.
All of them should hit their refresh button repeatedly to go back in time, to remember that Basque separatists have always used car bombings as a political tool, Tamil tigers perfected the art of human bombs and in India several fundamentalist groups like Shiv sena have unleashed terror against their opponents. If we go back to history some of the biggest perpetrators of horrors committed on mankind have nothing to do with Islam or religion—Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot etc to name a few.
The Western /American interventional in the Gulf region is mainly due to the oil/energy rich states and its strategic location which everyone wants to control; so they build up this myth that Islam and violence are inextricably linked and that they are the last white hope for mankind.
The huge surge of violence in the Middle East is a reaction to despotic self rule by oligarchies and a revolution to usher in democracy in the broader socio-political context of freedom in these states. Most Middle East countries are now revolting and trying to throw out their repressive regimes, from Bahrain to Tunisia.
Are not national boundaries, economic disparity and religious dogmas, dividing us into different camps, creating unspiritual environments. It is when religion starts to interfere with your everyday life that it is time to give it up. In this respect, it has a curious affinity with alcohol; it too can drive you mad.

Islam and Terror

Most modern nationals, especially Westerners history begins after 9/11; they attribute violence, terrorism, and suicide bombings as methods used by Muslims against non believers. The sad irony is that when ever there is news of car bombings, suicide attacks the words ‘fatwa and Islam are flashed across their minds.
All of them should hit their refresh button repeatedly to go back in time, to remember that Basque separatists have always used car bombings as a political tool, Tamil tigers perfected the art of human bombs and in India several fundamentalist groups like Shiv sena have unleashed terror against their opponents. If we go back to history some of the biggest perpetrators of horrors committed on mankind have nothing to do with Islam or religion—Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot etc to name a few.
The Western /American interventional in the Gulf region is mainly due to the oil/energy rich states and its strategic location which everyone wants to control; so they build up this myth that Islam and violence are inextricably linked and that they are the last white hope for mankind.
The huge surge of violence in the Middle East is a reaction to despotic self rule by oligarchies and a revolution to usher in democracy in the broader socio-political context of freedom in these states. Most Middle East countries are now revolting and trying to throw out their repressive regimes, from Bahrain to Tunisia.
Are not national boundaries, economic disparity and religious dogmas, dividing us into different camps, creating unspiritual environments. It is when religion starts to interfere with your everyday life that it is time to give it up. In this respect, it has a curious affinity with alcohol; it too can drive you mad.

A tale of two religions

It is a sad commentary of life that the holiest of holy places has caused maximum bloodshed and misery and paradoxically it is the world’s two interconnected religions Islam and Christianity that have been at loggerheads with each other since time immemorial.
We are taught that all religions are about love and compassion, and seeing all living beings as one; or as Booker quoted” I will permit no man to degrade my soul by making me hate him”. Yet we see religion everywhere pit brother against brother, Hindu vs. Muslims, Cain vs. Abel, and Islam vs. Christianity! Religion has the power to divide, and only plays a divisive role, as terror is often triggered by religious fanatics.

The city of Jerusalem reminds Muslims of Islam’s pluralistic traditions; for one cannot be a Muslim without belief in Jesus, Moses and other earlier prophets.
Jerusalem the city of monotheistic glory is loved more than any other sacred place in our planet. It was the Archangel Gabriel who escorted the Prophet to Al Buraq and the wondrous winged steed that carried Muhammad to the temple of Solomon in Jerusalem.

The Ascension of the believers is by offering prayers called mirajulmuminin, which are fastened like 5 buttons to the fabric of their faith, with which the believer fumbles to release himself every day. While Christians fervently attend mass on the Sabbath, these prayers and reading the holy verses and scriptures are meaningless, a way for people to fill the spaces that separate them from others, to fill their souls with the sounds of words. Formal prayer has an end, but the prayer of the soul is unlimited. Societies become truly secular not when they dispense with religion but when they are no longer greatly agitated by it.

The challenge for both religions is to see Jerusalem as a symbol of inclusiveness. Muhammad came to unite all the branches of Abraham’s family, but those dreams and visions have been obscured by a hazy blend of religious fanaticism by both religions, drowning the lofty values in their own cesspool of hate. Islam remembers one way and Christianity remembers another way, and in the end it doesn’t matter. –Vinay-

A tale of two religions

It is a sad commentary of life that the holiest of holy places has caused maximum bloodshed and misery and paradoxically it is the world’s two interconnected religions Islam and Christianity that have been at loggerheads with each other since time immemorial.
We are taught that all religions are about love and compassion, and seeing all living beings as one; or as Booker quoted” I will permit no man to degrade my soul by making me hate him”. Yet we see religion everywhere pit brother against brother, Hindu vs. Muslims, Cain vs. Abel, and Islam vs. Christianity! Religion has the power to divide, and only plays a divisive role, as terror is often triggered by religious fanatics.

The city of Jerusalem reminds Muslims of Islam’s pluralistic traditions; for one cannot be a Muslim without belief in Jesus, Moses and other earlier prophets.
Jerusalem the city of monotheistic glory is loved more than any other sacred place in our planet. It was the Archangel Gabriel who escorted the Prophet to Al Buraq and the wondrous winged steed that carried Muhammad to the temple of Solomon in Jerusalem.

The Ascension of the believers is by offering prayers called mirajulmuminin, which are fastened like 5 buttons to the fabric of their faith, with which the believer fumbles to release himself every day. While Christians fervently attend mass on the Sabbath, these prayers and reading the holy verses and scriptures are meaningless, a way for people to fill the spaces that separate them from others, to fill their souls with the sounds of words. Formal prayer has an end, but the prayer of the soul is unlimited. Societies become truly secular not when they dispense with religion but when they are no longer greatly agitated by it.

The challenge for both religions is to see Jerusalem as a symbol of inclusiveness. Muhammad came to unite all the branches of Abraham’s family, but those dreams and visions have been obscured by a hazy blend of religious fanaticism by both religions, drowning the lofty values in their own cesspool of hate. Islam remembers one way and Christianity remembers another way, and in the end it doesn’t matter. –Vinay-

Nature Cure

Animals, primates and other creatures don’t rush to doctors when they are ill, nature is their doctor and they heal themselves. In Indian Ayurveda medicine body systems are divided into vatta, pitta, kapha, and dosha, imbalance between these they claim is the basic cause of disease. The imbalanced life we all lead, to stay on top of the rat race of life is the main cause of all our illness. Life is for enjoyment ignorance leads to suffering.

It doesn’t matter whether we get sick on a physical, emotional or spiritual level. All sickness begins at the cellular level, where the cells vibrate and transform energy,
they balance energy in body, mind and soul. All healing is first a healing of the heart.
Nature has its own specialist’s doctors they are; water, air, forests, rest, exercise and diet. All creatures except humans use these doctors to cure themselves, without antibiotics, painkillers, knife, scalpel, stitches, bandages and medicine. My father never visited a doctor all his life, when he was ill, he would either starve himself or have a Spartan meal of rice gruel for two days and he would be all right. You are the best arbiter of what’s going on with your body, and you are the best one suited to fix it.

Nature is a very powerful healer; it can lift us out of our sick listlessness and help uplift us to a state of tranquility. Just gazing at the blue sky can in a cathartic manner chase away our blues. If one can take a trip to the snow packed mountains, blue lagoons, and emerald green bays and the sea, it is the greatest antiseptic in the world. I always conjure up visions of Lake Tahoe and zephyr cove, the wilderness of Nevada, to revive my flagging senses. This is nature’s way of energizing yourself, and teaches you on how to unlock your body’s healing potential.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Creative thoughts

Much of our creative thoughts find their source in our subconscious,it is here that we drown our worries and find our solutions. When we want answers we rummage this part of our mind.Interpreting these thoughts can help us unveil meanings that are not apparent in our linear mind.Spirituality helps us unleash the the hidden powers of our subconscious mind. It allows our intuitive or gut feeling to emerge from the cocoon where it is hidden from normal logical thinking, which has to be dis-engaged for this process to take place. your subconscious is the most powerful repository of creative thought and ideas and the primal intelligence that gives structure to our universal thoughts. Our subconscious mind is always trying to contact you, but is always blocked by our habitual conscious mind which is busy with the everyday mundane emotions and habitual thought patterns.If we can awaken this it is part of our enlightenment.-The mechanism by which our minds analyses situations involving chance are an intricate process, a product of of evolutionary factors personal experience ,knowledge stored over the years and emotion.The firmness of mind which is inspired by intelligence , dynamism and sublime thought is the one through which one obtains for himself and others in the universe endearing and enduring benefits.

Creative thoughts

Much of our creative thoughts find their source in our subconscious,it is here that we drown our worries and find our solutions. When we want answers we rummage this part of our mind.Interpreting these thoughts can help us unveil meanings that are not apparent in our linear mind.Spirituality helps us unleash the the hidden powers of our subconscious mind. It allows our intuitive or gut feeling to emerge from the cocoon where it is hidden from normal logical thinking, which has to be dis-engaged for this process to take place. your subconscious is the most powerful repository of creative thought and ideas and the primal intelligence that gives structure to our universal thoughts. Our subconscious mind is always trying to contact you, but is always blocked by our habitual conscious mind which is busy with the everyday mundane emotions and habitual thought patterns.If we can awaken this it is part of our enlightenment.-The mechanism by which our minds analyses situations involving chance are an intricate process, a product of of evolutionary factors personal experience ,knowledge stored over the years and emotion.The firmness of mind which is inspired by intelligence , dynamism and sublime thought is the one through which one obtains for himself and others in the universe endearing and enduring benefits.

Quest for truth

As a technical method leading to attainment of Self-awareness, and thereby liberation, spirituality has been part of our spiritualscape along with our sub conscience. A simple, natural method, spirituality seeks sublimation of what one is born with, not its negation as seekers’ asceticism. Unlike most other theologies, spirituality takes off with the real, instinctive or inborn: ‘what is — body, nature, desires…which asceticism outright rejects as base and common.
Spiritualities primary concern is ‘what is’, not ‘what should be’, an honest acceptance of oneself and the world. It is rather a sort of mystic science that examines experiences of ‘Self’ with the material world and explores man’s inherent energies, spiritual and physical and methods to expand them. Metaphysical enquiries as to ‘why’ or ‘whence’, exploring the illusory nature of this world, are it’s domains. Spirituality transmutes all actions into inner awareness and into a creative evolution and desires into the vehicle of transcendence, and energies, into the ultimate means of liberation.
Spiritualism contends that human body, being its microcosmic sample, represents the Universe. Hence, whatever takes place in the universe is repeated in the ultimate liberation.he quest for truth requires a critical edge, sharpened by lies, hedges, and evasions, truthfulness is largely a matter of deciding what to withhold... but theory of mind is also connected to another human capacity: empathy. Modern psychology strengthened this case, our ability to understand how other people feel is what makes morality possible. Emotional insight is what drives the golden rule So it is with being lied to, in that way, our ability to take up the viewpoint of another is both what makes lying possible and gives us a reason not to do it—usually, at least.
Indeed, it fits with everyone’s tendencies to want to talk more about the virtues of religion around atheists than with believers, or to question the value of philosophy with philosophers. The quest for truth requires a constant critical edge.
The question of whether or not truth always triumphs over other virtues. “Nothing but the truth” is the wrong maxim if things other than truth matter more. The most obvious examples are of courtesy and concern for people’s feelings, where kindness matters more than revealing the full, naked truth. Even here, however, we need to be careful withholding truth for someone’s own benefit is sometimes justified but often it simply diminishes their autonomy.
There is nothing more common than inconsistency and confusion over the imperative not to tell a lie. While “liar” is universally a term of opprobrium, almost everyone accepts that the social world would cease turning without a good scattering of white lies, half-truths and evasions.It might follow from the simple realisation that lying is not always wrong. The key is to recognise that lying is a problem because of what it is not: telling the truth. And if lying is a complex matter that is because truth is too. So once we get to the truth about lying, we’re already in a dizzying tangle of ideas.

Inherent spirits

Spirituality is inherent in all of us, but very few nurture it, let alone want to explore it. If you were always taught to think within the box or follow your parent’s religion without questioning any assumptions, then you may not want to think beyond your self confined world. You need to understand what it is that makes you unique from other creatures and need to be flexible, agile, easily amenable to change as you evolve. Earlier our parents wanted to be Doctors, Scientists and lawyers the next generation evolved and wanted to be IT / Software Engineers, MBA’s Consultants and now kids want to Actors, sportsmen and Entrepreneurs. Seeking money and fame by itself is not despicable, but not seeking further is like stopping the evolution of the mind.

The need for intuitive understanding is much greater when success has come rather than in the struggling years. A feel for the things, over and above the accumulation of money, fame and knowledge and urging self introspection. Some unlearning is involved to get into spirituality which is also a suspension of logic. It is thereupetic, calms and rejuvenates you, before realization and enlightenment. You have to become a conduit for the spiritual current .to flow through your body to experience this, akin to light filtering through the darkness; we need to slowly withdraw from what is transient. Rationalism, detachment persistence will bring about the transformation. In short a moment of eternity that words can never reveal or describe with accuracy, a moment when neither worldly happiness or misery remains dominants. No words can describe the ecstasy or bliss.

Reboot your life

Relax, reboot, hit the refresh button, make every moment an experience of your lifetime. We live in a world where materialism and the themes of violence/terror are embroidered in the moral fabric of our lives. We have not understood the ethics of interpersonal relationships or materiality. The material props we use in our daily drama of life are also required; they are tangible represent reality form part of the Universe and facilitate our expression in life. However we need to use them in a more creative manner adding the gentle touch of spiritual awareness to overpower the stench of fear and uncertainty that casts its crooked shadow on our paths. Like the passion of a tree that beckons the spirit to bring the rain to quench its thirst in summer, we must invoke our spiritual love to turn away from this gross living and bloom. We must enter the wonderful jungle of the universe and discover that the open countryside, trees are more beautiful than the walls of any opulent mansion or house. Use our sensuality to explore the bliss and serenity of being engulfed in nature. It will rejuvenate you and transform your fabric from the throes of violence, racism and bigotry. It will chart the path to enlightenment, thereby returning you closer to the state of oneness with the Universe.-Vinay-

Spirals of life

In Eastern philosophy the ascending and contracting spiral is the symbol of the living Universe! Involution of energy into matter and evolution of matter into energy.Inhaling and exhaling breaths of the universe creating a dissolution. Our alienation and disorientation is also due to the loss of the traditional components of our own identity. The circle or spiral should encompass our family, community, nation, and the whole Universe for the proper cosmic process. when we limit this expanding circle to only our self and family, then we are becoming insular and actually exacerbate the process and create conflicts and problems.If we understand this and encompass the whole world and ecosystem then we can see the beauty and open ourselves to enlightenment and complete the circle of life.Life is a moving picture, you seem to be there,yet you are not there. it is like time has stopped, yet you are aware of time. this duality is like holding eternity in one hand and the present in in the other hand.. If we take this a step further means that there are multiple viewpoints, truth and reality are perceived differently by different people.The Vedas speak of interdependence of all things;"I am Brahmn' ( you are that) which is eternal, unchanging, immanent and transcendental reality. It is a concept of oneness, where distance between self and other in the universe are reduced. We must be a little less judgmental about our surroundings, though this concept rejects the idea of a creator or god. Only death can bring us closer to the ultimate illumination. -Vinay-

1+1 is always not 2

There is a remarkable level of heterogeneity in religions cognizant of our modern times.The common fallacy is to think “one size fits all” theory, not taking into account the myriad cultures, customs and practices in different parts of the world. The concept that absolute moral truth exists is also a slippery slope. In math’s we assume 1 + 1 = 2 but this is conditional to only decimal notation. In the binary system digit 2 does not exist so 1 + 1 = 10. Theory, religion or philosophy cannot resolve so many unsolvable equations in life. It all depends on what we define to be valid and in which in context. Cold logic alone does not work always. Hence the biggest mistake is to overemphasize the tenets of any one religious concept: we only create a Dis- junction between the myriad perceptions of each of them. We miss out on the opportunity to explore how different religions / societies and their concepts can create paths to overcome the ills of societies. We ignore our greatest teacher, experience and end up embracing darkness.In the face of our shared human frailty, forgiveness expresses a kind of transcendent and unconditional regard for the humanity of the other, free of any admixture of interest or punitive anger or puffed-up self-righteousness. Yet forgiveness rightly understood does not deny the reality of justice. It is not a mindless erasure of all standards. To forgive, whether one is forgiving trespasses or debts, precisely means suspending all the just and legitimate claims we have against the other, in the name of the higher ground of divine love and human solidarity. That is why forgiveness, if properly understood, is both costly and rare. It affirms justice even as it suspends it.

A time to live and a time to die!

Life imitates art or can art imitate life, whatever the answer is, two movies that left a lasting impression on me were “Bucket List” and “Manhattan”! Though the genre in both were different there is a common thread. In Bucket List, Edward Cole a caustic millionaire who has led a life of indulgence and Carter Chambers a quite God fearing mechanic have nothing in common but their terminal illness. They come together and make a list of things they want to do before they die (kick the bucket). They learn from each other and do the positive things they always wanted to do. In Manhattan the movie traces the poignant relationship between Ike (Woody Allen) and Tracy in New York. In a soliloquy Ike asks himself about the ten wonderful things that make life worth living. Many of us have our secret list of the things we want to do before dying, tucked away in the innermost recesses of our heart. We postpone these things in our mundane lives. It is only when we view our own sense of mortality that we realize inaction in our actions. Then we see things in a proper perspective; feel the urges and desires you always subdued. If you are brave enough, you will open your heart let go your trepidations and do the things that make life worth living. Encompass the incredible energy of the Universe, touch base with your deepest desires, banish the fear of what society will say. Each one will have his own bucket list, the adventure, the best restaurant, you will be surprised at the number of things each one of us wants to do. Capture the magic of a relationship with the person that obsessed you in the privacy of your most lonely movements. You only live once! but will die a million deaths if you cannot fulfill your dynamic dreams in this passing illusion of life. Otherwise darkness will envelope you and life will not be worth living.


Most people, who are not religious extremists, still tend to incline towards one side or religion. Faith apart from religion manifests itself in stock markets and financial markets too, where there are followers of Nouriel Rubini and others who follow ‘’the oracle of Omaha” Warren Buffet. Fund managers are the high priests of finance with their own following, offering eternal salvation and rewards to those who believe in their prophecy and doctrinal advice. Religion is largely a matter of beliefs, but followers of Mammon also have their own faith system and believe the analysts and fund managers’ reports as their gospel, in search of temporal dividends. Being open minded to and dealing intelligently with all types of preaching’s, prophecies and even criticism, would enable the rational seeker not merely improve himself, but obviate souring the beliefs of others.
Many blindly believed the radio preacher Harold Camping who forecast the Apocalypse on 21st May 2011, without questioning the scientific testable propositions involved.
Is free will then an illusion, if every act of ours is determined by external influences, how can we be blamed if we make mistakes or follow the wrong beliefs or advice we receive.
One should be able to determine instinctively the right approach to different belief systems. Constructive decisions or criticism is a multifaceted tool and if used properly enables the true seeker to get rid of the cobwebs of ignorance and not succumb to mere perceptions. Evolving an approach that would not be merely right but is also beneficial to one and all others and their belief systems is the key and has to be cultivated assiduously.
The real answer and danger lies or lurks in our minds.---Vinay

Free will

What is free will and thinking if we cannot voice our thoughts freely! Though our minds have the power we are constrained by the frame work of our societal and religious systems. Religious and the cultural Juggernauts derived by society and spiritual heads want to rein in our freedom and we are halfway between reality and fantasy. Everyday looking at the world we wake up to new aspirations and ideas but are afraid to voice it for fear of offending the established belief systems. Attitudes to religion, war, morals and the meaning of life are changing rapidly since Darwin’s iconoclastic theories. Our ideas need not subscribe to established values; it is one of the hazards of radical thinking. Genuine ideas can communicate before it is understood and no one can control its reception, despite a flood of iteration from Institutions with their own sterile ideas. Thoughts can euphorically over blow cherished relationships with the masses, if we shrug off the mystique and are confident about our own self created ideas. We must eschew the bitterness that is buried inside all of us. Knowing others pain as your own can be a liberating experience, for which one needs to be pro-active in empathy, which will guide us to kindness and co-operation with the universe. Hatred, sleaze, defiance and thoughts are the wasteland which forms fragments of our imagination; and the shock of uncomprehending humanity has lingered in the chambers of our heart. Our work is never finished, we wake to the sound of human voices which is something that transcends and transforms our ideas which form when we look at the world. We see the mirror of our life. –Vinay-

Free will

What is free will and thinking if we cannot voice our thoughts freely! Though our minds have the power we are constrained by the frame work of our societal and religious systems. Religious and the cultural Juggernauts derived by society and spiritual heads want to rein in our freedom and we are halfway between reality and fantasy. Everyday looking at the world we wake up to new aspirations and ideas but are afraid to voice it for fear of offending the established belief systems. Attitudes to religion, war, morals and the meaning of life are changing rapidly since Darwin’s iconoclastic theories. Our ideas need not subscribe to established values; it is one of the hazards of radical thinking. Genuine ideas can communicate before it is understood and no one can control its reception, despite a flood of iteration from Institutions with their own sterile ideas. Thoughts can euphorically over blow cherished relationships with the masses, if we shrug off the mystique and are confident about our own self created ideas. We must eschew the bitterness that is buried inside all of us. Knowing others pain as your own can be a liberating experience, for which one needs to be pro-active in empathy, which will guide us to kindness and co-operation with the universe. Hatred, sleaze, defiance and thoughts are the wasteland which forms fragments of our imagination; and the shock of uncomprehending humanity has lingered in the chambers of our heart. Our work is never finished, we wake to the sound of human voices which is something that transcends and transforms our ideas which form when we look at the world. We see the mirror of our life. –Vinay-

Religion Vs spirituality.

Religion and Spirituality are not the same.
Because religion is self-enclosed, so are religious studies. The point of asking questions, is frowned upon it seems, one must believe what is written in the holy books. Don’t ask questions. Call it belief for belief's sake. Does a religious scripture have the freestanding power to change the world? Does it make us more alert, more skeptical, more humble, and more open? What are scriptures? Does a piece of writing achieve divine status by virtue of its intrinsic quality, or only as a product of social consensus? Spirituality on the other hand means awareness, it is useful because it wakes us up from the sleepwalk of self-involvement—of plans, anxieties, resentments, habits, the fog that clings to our eyes as we stumble through the day, stumble through our lives—and shows us the world, shows us ourselves, shows us life and experience and the reality of other people, and forces us to think about them all. The pleasure of spirituality is not escape or fantasy; it is this very shiver of consciousness, this troubling exhilaration. Thinking and feeling, both at once and both together, simultaneous and identical...
As for Religious scriptures, the only people who read them are the ones who make a career out of studying them (Parsons), and the believers who attend the sermons.

brief escape

Went to the mountains on a brief sabbatical, was cocooned in the lush environs and the remoteness of the mountain resort was awesome. The natural beauty,serene mountains and hush were all overwhelming. Even the dogs were quiet and never barked, the birds snuggled contentedly. Here there was only nature and peace, cut off from cellphones, internet, and cacophony of TV a coud of calmness descended over my sanity. Now that my batteries are charged I will have to return to the insane, but more interesting mundane world of everyday problems, noise and madness. As GEKO said "If problems can be solved why be sad and if problems cannot be solved what is the use of being unhappy? Trees are happy, because they don't aspire for much,only sunshine and water. Let us mentally enter the forest,look at the flowers and embrace the world and look at the stars for answers.--

Gridlocked in the Lap of Luxury

It was a typical Monday morning traffic snarl with thousands of cars bumper to bumper on the arterial roads, an air conditioned nightmare. I glanced at the commuter in the $ 1 Million S.U.V. who was compulsively checking into his Blackberry mobile and then his expensive Piaguet wrist watch, both products despite the price their humungous price tags were of no help to him in his current predicament.
This is life’s greatest paradox, that all there rich and powerful who possess, swanky cars, rare watches, fine art, haute couture and $ 10,000 suits are stuck in the same log jam with those living on the fringes of Society. The poor can afford to get down and walk but this luxury is denied to those who have access to designer brands. The rich and famous don’t have time and freedom to be free. Luxury pampers you, you feel differentiated, adorning products that are special, but don’t have the luxury of time. La coste, Benetton, Hermes, Gucci and Armani, reveal the insecurity of the wearer, whose personality has been subsumed under the manufacturer’s label. All of them have been relegated to the status of mini-moving billboards that displays the marketed image of the Company. The brand label is the assumed language of the sartorially dumb. How would a handsome lion in the jungle look if he sported an Yves St Laurent headband?
They are connected 24 hours a day, seven days in a week in this fast paced world, where they think they are calling the shots. Yet all material things are not the ultimate luxury in life through we may think so for variety of reasons. Real luxury is having a simple meal, enjoying the silence of nature, watching the sunset and spending quality time with the family. Real definition of luxury is having precious quantities of time and the freedom to enjoy it whenever you want however you want. It is nice to have a pause button and hit the reset key when you want and you don’t need a designer brand for it. –Vinay--

No apology.

Spirituality cannot be shaped by following thoughts of Guru’s or reading holy books. Spirituality is a state of mind and not skill sets one learns. It is a state of mind that does not care what others might have to say, but what you think for yourself and feeling good about it. It is a sort of window to the soul, without it you would never be able to see beyond our immediate world; nor could the world see the man within you. Religions teach you to forget your basic instincts and do what is expected as per their code of conduct or dogma’s which is like forcing you into submission. It is like breaking the spirit of a wild horse so that their religious agenda’s can ride on it. Unlearning all this is a pre requisite to the spiritual journey, as we are muddled up about all our notions of good and evil. It is not about revolting, but a journey of self discovery and finding your passion and what drives it. Following your instincts and asking “why not”; you must create an edifice of trust by pushing the envelope of transparency. One must develop courage for the untried and eschew the beaten path of success and failure and collaborate with universe. You don’t have to apologies for who you are!

No apology.

Spirituality cannot be shaped by following thoughts of Guru’s or reading holy books. Spirituality is a state of mind and not skill sets one learns. It is a state of mind that does not care what others might have to say, but what you think for yourself and feeling good about it. It is a sort of window to the soul, without it you would never be able to see beyond our immediate world; nor could the world see the man within you. Religions teach you to forget your basic instincts and do what is expected as per their code of conduct or dogma’s which is like forcing you into submission. It is like breaking the spirit of a wild horse so that their religious agenda’s can ride on it. Unlearning all this is a pre requisite to the spiritual journey, as we are muddled up about all our notions of good and evil. It is not about revolting, but a journey of self discovery and finding your passion and what drives it. Following your instincts and asking “why not”; you must create an edifice of trust by pushing the envelope of transparency. One must develop courage for the untried and eschew the beaten path of success and failure and collaborate with universe. You don’t have to apologies for who you are!

Deep Ecology lessons from our ancestors.

The Eastern/Asian cultures penchant for frugality foreshadowed the concern for the earth’s sustainability and conservation that is now one of the defining issues of our time. Today everyone talks of global warming, protecting the earth and going green. In India the older generation recycled whatever it could and their ability to lead a rich life with meaning while minimum resources, is not a spiritual trait, but the result of an elaborately constructed grand design, which is itself loosely designed to be sustainable. However many of us have thrown the wisdom of our ancestors to embrace the new gizmos of technology. In those days everyone walked to the grocery store, children rode bicycles, not gas guzzling cars, people took a bath in pond and rivers, not fancy bathrooms and no Jacuzzis. They climbed stairs, no lift or elevators, washed clothes and hung them to dry on a clothes line, no Laundromat or washing machines. Siblings wore hand me down clothes, there was only 1 Radio for the news and music, one the switch for the light not a bank of outlets to power 3dozen gizmos. The milk and soft drink bottles were recycled; the cut throat razor was used for shaving and push lawn movers for the garden. All this exercise made them healthy, no fancy health club or gyms where treadmills run on electricity. People used coal or wood stoked fireplaces for cooking and heating, no microwave or induction ovens. In India in some villages people still use burnt husk or red paste to brush, no fancy electric toothbrushes or toothpaste, gel, mouth fresheners or perfumes that destroy the ozone layer. With the shift of ages, this wisdom went down the drain, should we not recycle this wisdom to save planet earth.? In a world struggling to come to terms with a ecologically sensitive view of human progress, there are many lessons we can draw from our past.

The Rainbow and the Rose.

During our childhood and schooldays we had the curiosity to explore and learn however as soon as we finish our formal education we stop questioning the intrigue that often leads to growth and enlightenment. This is because most people consider learning as a phase rather than a way of life. Once we complete our formal education and get our degrees, the quests are for grossly overpaid employment or search for riches and fame.

This is like being trapped on the hamster wheel of life, the rut of routine and arrogance of the ‘know it all’ who looses his edge with time. Like the butterfly that is trapped by the glass pane / window, thrashes his wings unrelentingly in the hope of getting out. Because the butterfly’s brain does not function, it depends on its eyes with thousand of lenses and concentrates on the glass, missing the open door a few feet away. We too become immune to the landscape around us, failing to notice the small changes around us, despite traversing the same path everyday.

This happens in our work and life, as we go through the motions with our minds shut. We don’t challenge assumptions, we have lost our childlike curiosity to explore, change irritates us, our intentions don’t translate into actions, till we cross the tipping point.

You see only the things in front of your eye, like the struggling butterfly who cannot see the open door, or the Rose and Hibiscus in bloom with the nectar and pollen releasing olfactory messages for your senses. Thus you too will miss the rainbow and the rose waiting out these in the Universe.

Vengeance is mine.

Revenge subverts the ethical basis of a competitive society. It is also a revolution in miniature; it assumes that the existing state of affairs is insupportable, and it actively seeks to transform it. Violence and headlines seem to be made for each other.
Early modern audiences enjoyed and celebrated revenge, associating it with the pursuit of social and economic justice, a leveling of scores. Shylocks, seek to avenge themselves on an unjust social order. In war or crusades the soldier, and unpaid religious zealot uses revenge to claim the equal rights of which society has deprived them, what they desire they call, is not retaliation, but the triumph of justice.

The morality of revenge is thus a deeply fraught and finely balanced ethico-political question. Revenge is reprehensible, to cite Complete Works of Shakespeare, which remarks that the playwright “allows Shylock to place himself in the wrong by his refusal to forgive his enemies”. The inference is that “anyone with ethics . . . will oppose revenge”. They enjoyed it because revenge satisfied an increasingly widespread fantasy of social equality be revenge. Paradoxically non violence does not make great news, mercy and forgiveness seem alien to many nations and people around the world.
Though the great Messiah Christ, asked his followers to turn the other cheek upon being slapped, and MK Gandhi remarked about revenge ‘an eye for an eye will make the world blind’. In certain parts of the world, adultery is punished by public flogging, and a thief’s hands are chopped off and then there is the death sentence.

Nevertheless, the original impulse behind this “law of talon’ or lex talonis was benign; it was meant to provide satisfaction to the offended party. But did this make retributive justice less cruel than the original crime? Not really. That is why the spiritual doctrine of forgiveness provides a revolutionary contrast to justice. Many factors including social contribute to crime and punishment. It does not matter what goes on in the mind, it really doesn’t. The only difference between the wise and the foolish is that the wise learn to cope with reality and transform while the foolish get swept away by emotions. It is better to leave behind the intoxicating fragrance of revenge and embrace the peace of mercy and compassion.-Vinay


Holding on to life as long as humanly possible is the holy grail of everyone. By replacing every organ from heart to kidneys we try to evade death the silence of the morgue, is replaced by the “silence of the organs”. Life they say is disease with 100% mortality, then why don’t we live it that way, instead of denying the main benefit of a healthy life, and indifference to oneself? Trapped in the treadmill of living, we are bombarded with negative news and forget to focus on our positive identities buttressed with the good life.

Today we are trying to save our self from true happiness with our obsession for health, from cholesterol, to Heart ailments, Weight gain, Diabetes and Cancer. Like the Nazis, the hunting down of smokers from every public place is like a collective exorcism, the whole society wants to deny the smoker the pleasure he found in cigarettes. Everyone is on a diet and everything is banned, Red meat / Cholesterol, Eggs / salmonella poisoning, Sweets, cakes / Diabetes, smoking/cancer, Apples/sprayed with pesticide (daminozide) Vegetables / molybdenum deficiency in soil, aluminum toxicity from vessels, salt/hypertension, Sprouts, sea food / E coli. Sickness and health have become indistinguishable; we have become a nation of hypochondriacs. The dinner, lunch and breakfast table resembles a pharmacy counter, where calories are weighed; whole grain bread for digestion, garlic and other insipid food have to be eaten conscientiously like medicine and finally tablets for desert. We have lost touch with the art of living a happy life.

The domain of therapy has annexed everything that once belonged to the art of good living, even languishing horizontally can cause sacral sores and deep vein thrombosis, with all this you don’t become immortal but survive longer. For most people death starts to be interesting or scary with the first intimation of their mortality. As they work through the seven ages of mankind, they turn to dependence, indignity and pain that affect everyone at the end of life.

Expects say that a brush with death is not bad at all, unless it includes them. Close shaves have interesting features they include panoramic memory, a feeling of pleasure and joy (akin to orgasm) and images of a heavenly world, assuming that’s where you are headed. Mystics maintain that it opens the soul, broadens the mind and can change a person’s life.

I think my policy is the best, diseases and all like tax can be deferred, and I will enjoy the best things in life and food in my lifetime. Rather than resist / avoid deadly disease, why not enjoy life and he terminally ill in Bangkok or Hawaii. Let us reconnect with what we have lost and learn to savor “The art of dying”.-Vinay-

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

The Rose a symbol for love.

The rose was made for symbolism, metaphor, allusion. Its beautiful flowers – in the wild, each bearing the symbolically charged number of five petals – bloom alongside vicious thorns. Sight, touch, smell and taste – when petals are distilled into rose water or rose oil – are all captivated (or challenged) by this extraordinary plant. If only sound is missing, then that is a gap rapidly filled, as that of the physical transformation from the simplicity of the wild briar into the sophistication of the garden rose; and the cultural metamorphoses that the rose simultaneously experienced as the centuries passed roses quickly came to represent the earthly pleasures of the flesh as well as the transcendent virtues of the spirit. – became the sign of the alchemical mysticism of love.
A Rose half blown” had become a standard medical description of female genitals; “and thence”, explained the herbalist Nicholas Culpeper, “came the word to deflower a virgin.

Corruption a way of life

Corruption is the most discussed topic in today's context. Media blurts out so much on this topic. Special courts, CBI arrests, Tihar jail, Supreme Court are all discussing this subject almost everyday, making voluminous reports, lawyers making hectic efforts to support their clients so on and so forth. Lot of money is being spent in addition to looted money from Govt. coffers, with nothing in sight to reduce this social evil. In fact India excels in this area compared to many countries. All Industrialists are part of this system as otherwise they would not be able to survive, let alone make huge profits.

But if we view it in the larger context this colored or black money also goes to upliftment of the relatives of the looter, then his friends their families and slowly percolates down to others in terms of employment. Some of this money is donated to Temples, goes for construction of Medical colleges, Educational institutions, Hospitals, welfare schemes, providing accommodation for the needy by investing real estates etc, Because the corrupt cannot swallow all the money they has looted, he reinvests his booty, in things which he feels will feed his ego.

After all the money is not static it is dynamic gets reinvested and changes the life styles of many, whether acquired through loot or normal way.

Corruption a way of life

Corruption is the most discussed topic in today's context. Media blurts out so much on this topic. Special courts, CBI arrests, Tihar jail, Supreme Court are all discussing this subject almost everyday, making voluminous reports, lawyers making hectic efforts to support their clients so on and so forth. Lot of money is being spent in addition to looted money from Govt. coffers, with nothing in sight to reduce this social evil. In fact India excels in this area compared to many countries. All Industrialists are part of this system as otherwise they would not be able to survive, let alone make huge profits.

But if we view it in the larger context this colored or black money also goes to upliftment of the relatives of the looter, then his friends their families and slowly percolates down to others in terms of employment. Some of this money is donated to Temples, goes for construction of Medical colleges, Educational institutions, Hospitals, welfare schemes, providing accommodation for the needy by investing real estates etc, Because the corrupt cannot swallow all the money they has looted, he reinvests his booty, in things which he feels will feed his ego.

After all the money is not static it is dynamic gets reinvested and changes the life styles of many, whether acquired through loot or normal way.

Sprituality notes

The sword of terror will enter their own hearts and their Jihadic vows will be broken. ~ Taliban's retaliatory attack on cadets in Pakistan
Communication is also an exchange of energy, all of us have likes and dislikes, positive and negative feelings towards everything in life, sometimes we are neutral, being human is having an opinion but we don't have to sit on judgment always. Our thoughts are transformed into energy bursts of the fifth element and also affect others. Hence the parable of the 3 monkeys sees no evil, hear no evil and do no evil. It is also part of the healing process where positive thoughts raise the life force energy which can be harnessed to heal the body and mind. Most ailments are also because of a disturbed mind, which affects the physical well being also. Energy does not operate in isolation in space or time.-Vinay-
If i question the existence of everything, I must also question my own existence, this then will be the beginning of an endless circle, leading into a labyrinth of confused thoughts. Just be yourself discharging your normal activities, be friendly to every living being; try to be of service to others, free from the contamination of fruital expectations, then you need not seek further!-Vinay-
It is the irony of life that when god men ride off into the sunset, the greatest paradox that they have created amongst their followers and close trust groups, upon their demise is the bitter /internecine struggle for the huge wealth but no one wants their sparse spiritual legacy
A spiritual approach to matters of the universe is not based on religion; it is intuitive Its mysteries are not unraveled As rational beings, we are guided by reason or intellect. Human tendency, however, is to question everything Intellect is a servant and is not the master It has serious limitations of function, scope and application It moves horizontally It does not notice what lies vertically above, on higher planes religion cannot harmonize as it has it’s own dogmatic codes. Spiritual verities which are sublime and hidden they may be perceived or experienced under certain conditions but cannot be studied in a religious manner. As matters of faith and religion are essentially non spiritual but, concern the soul, what is needed for its reception and appreciation is not intellect but some faculty of the soul itself.