Monday, June 20, 2011

Creative thoughts

Much of our creative thoughts find their source in our subconscious,it is here that we drown our worries and find our solutions. When we want answers we rummage this part of our mind.Interpreting these thoughts can help us unveil meanings that are not apparent in our linear mind.Spirituality helps us unleash the the hidden powers of our subconscious mind. It allows our intuitive or gut feeling to emerge from the cocoon where it is hidden from normal logical thinking, which has to be dis-engaged for this process to take place. your subconscious is the most powerful repository of creative thought and ideas and the primal intelligence that gives structure to our universal thoughts. Our subconscious mind is always trying to contact you, but is always blocked by our habitual conscious mind which is busy with the everyday mundane emotions and habitual thought patterns.If we can awaken this it is part of our enlightenment.-The mechanism by which our minds analyses situations involving chance are an intricate process, a product of of evolutionary factors personal experience ,knowledge stored over the years and emotion.The firmness of mind which is inspired by intelligence , dynamism and sublime thought is the one through which one obtains for himself and others in the universe endearing and enduring benefits.

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