Monday, October 31, 2011

Ten commanders of terror

The Ten commandos of terror who’s Gospel spells: thou shall kill!
1. JeM
2. HM
3. ISI
4. al-Qaida
5. Al Badr
6. Taliban
7. JuM
8. LeT
9. HuJI
10 Haqqanis

Tea ceremony

In Japan, they have the tea ceremony. Those who can afford it, have a small temple for drinking tea. The act of drinking tea has been transformed into a celebration. As you enter the temple, you cannot speak; you have to leave your thoughts and speech outside with your shoes. You sit down in a meditative posture. And the host who prepares tea for you — her movements are so graceful, as if she is dancing, putting cups and saucers before you as if you are god. And you will receive it with the same respect.

The tea is prepared in a special samovar which makes musical sounds. Everybody first listens to the music of the tea. So everybody is silent, listening... birds chirping in the garden, and the samovar... the tea is creating its own song. Peace surrounds....

When the tea is ready and it is poured into your cup, you are not to drink it the way people are doing everywhere. First you will inhale the fragrance. You will sip the tea as if it has come from the beyond, you will take time — there is no hurry. Somebody may start playing the flute. An ordinary thing — just tea — and they have made it a beautiful religious festival, and everybody comes out of it nourished, fresh, feeling younger. And what can be done with tea can be done with everything — with your clothes, food, temple is made in a beautiful garden with a pond, with flowers all around. Guests leave their shoes outside. It is a temple.

religion is just an aspect of our lives with same emotions.

Most people invest in religion due to the deep uncertainty in their minds; sometimes pre-determined biases in their brains impede rational thinking. Most of the faithful and followers’ minds are messy, confused and ambiguous mirroring the disillusions and contractions of this prejudiced world, causing flawed history wars over national identity.
Religion is just another aspect of life and is therefore determined by the same set of emotions that we undergo, while dealing with the external world. These aspects of our experience are – joy, disappointment, frustration, fear, hate, love and greed etc. But there is a fundamental difference between religion and real life. While some of these emotions can be positive in our lives, it may be harmful for the success of religion.
This explains why we have intolerance, hatred and clashes with other religions and societies. Defenders of their faith scream blasphemy at the drop of a hat and reach for their swords. Religions have to be modified to appeal to man’s higher nature, and not demand conformity to a particular sect, which is part of change and evolution.
Otherwise religion will remain just another tool in the hands of unscrupulous leaders to sway their followers using a moral high ground to wage holy wars, terrorism and fatwa’s.
As Swami Vivekananda, summed it up succinctly in his address at the congress of religions, after his initial feelings of admiration for religions had waned due to; the brutality, the narrow fanaticism, the monumental ignorance, the crushing incomprehension, of all the believers. He was bitter at the religious hypocrisy practiced by the two largest faiths, which could not succeed even after resorting to the sword! If religion is used only to promote its own ideologies and areas of interest, then it will self implode due to lack of empathy, humility, tolerance and the truth is sacred no more. –Vinay

Prayer has no solutions

If we look back on our lives, we will sometimes wonder how we were able to overcome the many setbacks and obstacles that came in the past. Our reactions may have been different, some of us who were sensitive must have broken down with grief, some in anger, some think it is their destiny (karma) while some take corrective action to deal with the situation. We are never prepared to tackle calamities, out of sheer desperation; most of us fall prey to a whole lot of beliefs, faith and practices, which go by the name of religion or other occult practices.

We want to overcome our problems and god comes in as a filler to solve our problems. We need no rationale to believe in prayers, soothsayers, tarot card readers or religion. Yet the problem is not to solved, but the blind faith remains intact. There is no sense in praying when something goes wrong; all experiences are lessons in life.

We can not change anything even if we pray fervently. We unnecessarily carry the conditionings of our immediate past without having any clarity about it. The first thing one must understand is that life is besot with problems and one can not solve it, only try and deal with it. But religion misleads us by stating that problems can be solved with prayer and offerings. If you use the crutch of religion you will not be able to walk on your feet. When god or prayer cannot surmount the situation then what?

If you look into your self you will realize that one can’t always solve all problems and real life situations will exist and one must accept and deal with it; you can not conquer the mountain, just attempt to climb it. We can deal with life well only when we have been through setbacks, and yet survived to emerge stronger. Aversion to clash, yet balanced existentialism is maintained in terrestrial and extra terrestrial realms, because of own will to deal and not in negation.

Defending the faith

Whenever any post about religion appears almost more than 3 dozen believers rush in to defend their religion. This is more acute in the case of Islam and the Born again version of Christianity. Most of those who rush to defend their religions have no clue of their religion and many, have not even read the Holy Books. I am not blaming them for being wanting in their duty- mainly because it’s so boring to even complete one chapter. Some may have made superhuman gestures to struggle to even complete half a book. Completing the three books of Genesis is like working for a doctorate. Though we may lament this lack of toil in trying to read the scriptures, what we are surprised is the alacrity with which these believers with no knowledge rush to defend it when ethicized. Mebbe some who criticize are also no better acquainted and may have not delved deeply into the Holy books themselves.

The Hebrew Torah, the Psalms of David & the Gospels of Jesus Christ are accepted in the Koran as divinely inspired. Yet the Koran thoroughly contradicts the above three books & explicitly denies Jesus Christ’s crucification. This is the greatest paradox and is causing a great deal of conflict between Muslims and ethnic Jews and is the cause of bloodshed in the Middle East. The main contradiction is about the covenant God made with Abraham (the child of promise) Genesis.15!

As his wife Sarah was barren, she offered her maidservant Hagar to Abraham. So Hagar as a concubine bore Ishmael. However Sarah later begot Isaac who was pronounced as the child of promise who in turn begot Jacob the father of the twelve tribes of Israel, according to the Hebrew Torah.
After being left in the desert Ishmael and his mother Hagar settled in the desert of Paran. Ishmael married and his wife bore him twelve sons who became the 12 Tribal chiefs from Havillah (Assyria) to Shar (Egypt). Muslims also believe that Muhammad was the descendent of Ishmael and he would establish the kingdom of Islam. Isn’t it strange that these two religions with a common thread are the bitterest of enemies.

vague history of religion.

All religions are steeped in vague history with insights and interpretations of the various chroniclers. These creators have developed the thought patterns and religious attitudes to influence their followers and faithful, to their way of thinking or to act in a manner suited to them. Unlike science none of the religious theories are revisited, any premise which assumes that the fundamentals will remain constant throughout history is doomed. Change is the only constant and it applies to religion as well, and unbridled blind beliefs move towards a tendency to self destruct.

If religion has to become an integral part of our lives, it cannot remain indifferent to what is happening around us. Religious principles tend to second guess what its ruling deity wants, which invariably means follow me and not any other faiths. This gives the false assumption that God is divisive, which is why demagogues, clergy, racists and fanatics, find it convenient to fall back on religious intolerance. This is the basic flaw as the world is full of contradictions and there is so much uncertainty in the air, in the emerging new world. Most followers who seek salvation are semi-enlightened in their quest, some highly irrational, which can lead to wild swings in accepting other faiths, and ends up to one version of faith being defended against another till violence is the outcome. Most people invest in religion due to the deep uncertainty in their minds; sometimes pre-determined biases in their brains impede rational thinking. Most of the faithful and followers’ minds are messy, confused and ambiguous mirroring the disillusions and contractions of this prejudiced world. Religion is just another aspect of life and is therefore determined by the same set of emotions that we undergo, while dealing with the external world. These aspects of our experience are – joy, disappointment, frustration, fear, hate, love and greed etc. But there is a fundamental difference between religion and real life. While some of these emotions can be positive in our lives, it may be harmful for the success of religion.
This explains why we have intolerance, hatred and clashes with other religions and societies. Religions have to be modified to appeal to man’s higher nature, and not demand conformity to a particular sect, which is part of change and evolution. Otherwise religion will remain just another tool in the hands of unscrupulous leaders to sway their followers using a moral high ground to wage holy wars, terrorism and fatwa’s. If religion is used only to promote its own ideologies and areas of interest, then it will self implode due to lack of empathy, humility, tolerance and the truth is sacred no more. –Vinay-


Mistakes should be made a part of of the curriculum of life, as the most important lessons are learnt from it.-vinay-
We have too much religion that makes life impossible and too little rationale to make life easy.-Vinay-
In this world we don't have to go around searching for trouble, religion does it for us.-Vinay-
Understanding the laws of nature,does not mean that nature will not make trouble for you.-Vinay-
We are Masters of the Universe but slaves of our religions.-Vinay-
Compassion is a higher revelation than Religion, Wisdom, Knowledge or Philosophy.
A great person is someone who turns adversity into a creative endeavor that shatters the mundane limitations and grasps the spontaneity of opportunity to deliver the marvelous.Vinay-
Atheism has no Church/Temple or Mosque; no prayers, no holy looks, no scriptures, no dogmas and no preachers. You have to make your own path and way of life. It has no prophet and does no make profit by deluding anyone.
Here is a riddle from cosmic link!

What is greater than God; more evil than the devil. The poor have it and the rich need it and if one eats it continuously, one is likely to die.
Nothing is the answer! For nothing is greater than God, nothing is more evil than Satan. The poor have nothing and the rich need nothing. And if you eat nothing you will surely die.
In spiritual terms it says that nothing you really want is outside. Or is the Vedic view that fullness that aligns grace with emptiness.
Quantum physics also says that a vacuum is a veritable atomic cauldron seething with real and virtual particles spontaneously popping in and out of existence. Vital .C.N.

Untill death do us part.

All Societies irrespective of their culture steadfastly conform to the ideal of marriage (until death do us part). Unfortunately in modern society death is the last reason why couples part. In today’s world, people are supposed to fend for themselves and develop their lives according to their own concepts; this is loosely termed as personal growth. Hence with the internet age the old anachronistic arranged marriages that some found humiliating is a dying trend. Yet most of us are still doomed by the rigid code system of the institution of marriage that tries to glue people together long after the marriage has fallen apart.

Marriage like many other things may not always last forever, it is like staring at the sum for too long, tears well up & one must shut their eyes. If the system is founded on our inalienable right to find happiness, then when it reaches a state of unhappiness, should it not be dissolved in our tears?

This social phenomenon is flawed because it is based on the belief in the perfectibility of marriage! (Marriages are made in heavens). In principle it is less than perfect and once the delirium of passion is over, the consolation of simple companionship may not be strong enough to sustain the marriage.

Sometimes the memory of the happy hours spent in the early stage, seems embedded like the sweet music from a violin. A feeling of warmth and tenderness of the earlier phase but when the sweet music is over should the strings be still attached?

Being in consciousness without the bliss is perceived of, as a possession of something that does not work but is being held onto at any cost to please society. Marriage without love creates a spiritual vacuum and living with the corpse of one’s marriage without desire will exhaust you beyond measure. We must peer into our souls for honest answers and what will emerge may not be re-assuring from a societal view point, but wallowing in melancholy is not the answer. It is similar to the pre-marital days when he / she forgets you completely, with the brutal honesty when the affair was over, to pass on from one person another without remorse. That is a gift which only children possess in common with very wise people.

The gift of forgetting, the gift of detachment is akin to spintuality. When the chronic ecstasy is over it is better to move on in search of another potential partner who may be a source of undiluted joy and happiness. We have to fill in our own inner emptiness try to mould our highly imperfect and lovely lives once again. The individual search for happiness is the philosophical foundation and not the trivial cultural and societal codes of conduct, formed by a society that cannot perceive a grain of truth in the whole world.-Vinay-


The root of all our problems is that we want to possess everything in life. A woman wants to possess her mate, or the rich and powerful want to possess beautiful women in the manner that they own Mansions, Yachts or Art works. They are individuals without individuality. They sometimes have no perception of the true beauty of the spirit, but want to flaunt the external beauty like a trophy. When one’s perception is at a higher level like that of an artist, poet or enlightened person, they are in a position to understand that the beauty of the spirit cannot be owned by any one individual. It has to be shared or projected for everyone to appreciate it. The splendor of a sunrise or a beautiful work of art, sculpture or poem creates great value and beauty and is beneficial for the whole world at large and not for a privileged few to own it. It is essentially a celebration, a glimpse of perfection, a thing of joy in an imperfect world; all the more haunting and elusive lying for eternity. We are in a revolt against the limitations imposed by our own mortality;
Extravagant expectations can lead to the deepest questions of human existence. Desire is ultimately unstable and we spend our entire life in its pursuit. When we realize the futility of this and give up trying to acquire, only then can we climb out of our primordial chaos and replace our desire to own with a lust to live life to the fullest.

Info overflow

Earlier we had the plain telephone to speak, the theatre for drama/movies for entertainment,radio for music/news. Weekends were spent visiting relatives/friends, the local circus, picnics or quality time with family. Now the internet has has seamlessly integrated all this, so what appears on T.V. is also on my mobile phone,my I Pad, and desktop PC.The notion of a worldwide web of information and entertainment, every bit of news, data and discovery is right on your display screen. while you may want to disbelieve what is happening around you, that wont make it go away. and now what is around you is a larger sphere than it was ever before. As more and more data accrues around us, the subject becomes less knowable even with the huge leap in online traffic. Slowly there seems to be a decline in usage in some parts of USA as people are running out of stuff to post on Facebook.-Vinay-

Saturday, October 22, 2011

A Job Well Done.

When the whole world is embracing business school graduates and M.B.A’s/ one man was grateful for the small mercy of dropping out of college. The widespread problem in most college education is the focus on “knowing” or analytical knowledge or skills but stifled creativity and out of the box thanking. Education is at a crossroads and the value proportion has now whittled down to a “passport” for a job in a MNC selling soap or cosmetics and a cubicle.
A sense of purpose is missing from those who graduate these days. Karl Marx tried to usher in a classless society but the failure of Soviet Union showed that ideas may change destinies, but cannot go on forever. However Steve Jobs with his I-Pod, I-Phone, I-Pad has managed to partly fulfill this quest for an egalitarian society with the help of technology. Though technology has galloped in recent times it has not been able to resolve the endemic problems of terrorism, violence, discrimination nor bring peace or happiness. Why are we not able to churn out more people with divine manifestations or great thinker/, scientists like Edison, Marx, and Tagore …
India is rich with spiritual and philosophical precepts which sound profound, but are of no use; even Steve Jobs came to India like the Beatles, Julia Roberts etc to seek enlightenment but returned in disappointment.
Science has definitely scored over religion and spirituality as the invention of light-bulb, telephone, printing press, internet, other technical break through have improved human life than the proselytizing sermons of religions which are naive and only cause more bloodshed hatred destitution in a world that is rocked by violence. The dissatisfaction in the cleric controlled Arab States and the inequality and poverty, of a spiritually rich India, do not reinforce the rhetoric of political, religious and spiritual transformation, but technological supremacy of Silicon Valley is undisputed.
Science encourages examination of its fundamental presumption and is continuously upgraded unlike religion which does not allow questioning nor welcomes change from its fossilized premises. A society that values creative thoughts will always get thinkers and space travel beyond the solar system will also become a reality. No society can function successfully if it is mired in religious fundamentalism, and political decay; and you will keep on searching for spiritually ennobling ideas till you collapse.…..
Steve Jobs may have been eccentric, acerbic and manipulative but his contribution has improved and moved millions of people across the world; without preaching or sermonizing, wisdom peace and love. Religion must break out of its institutionalized straitjacket and embrace science and nature if it wants to survive in the next millennium. Till then we can only worship heroes like Steve Jobs and silently mutter our thanks for a Job well done.

Religion in the socio political context.

All religions including Islam should be viewed in a broader socio political context in the wake of unfolding events in our world. The huge surge of violence in the Middle East is due mainly to despotic regimes rather than Islam, though religion is inextricably linked to violence and terrorism. The inclusion of religion into politics is an age old ploy to garner more respectability for the cause, as it gives a spiritual dimension to an unjust cause. Some of the worst perpetrators of violence and terror on mankind did not even use Religion- Pol Pot, Mao, Stalin, and Hitler.
LTTE Tamil Tigers, Basque terrorists and many splinter groups have also used car bombings and suicide attacks as a political tool in their revolution.
Many Middle East countries are trying to throw out their repressive regimes, the underlying reasons of the Arab Spring and other contemporary uprisings must be understood comprehensively the emotions and impulses cannot be generalized as Islamic terrorism. Many of the extreme reactions of Muslims are nationalistic and not concerned with religion. In some ways the Political Dictators try to don the garb of high priests of morality donning black robes instead of white to fit into their larger grand evil designs.
The 9/11 catastrophe has reinforced the thought that violence, car bombings, Fatwa and terrorism are interwoven into the DNA of Islam. The fact that most educated Muslims all over the world also don’t vociferously oppose these fundamentalists, the repressive regimes, and the suppression of women in the Middle East also adds credence to these myths. Islam must take a hard look at its relationship with other religions, cultures and countries to give a broader color to its sociopolitical context with respect to the modern world. The fact that the Middle East is strategically located and rich in oil/ energy is also one reason that every nation is trying to pitch in and make the scene more chaotic and drag everyone into a river of dark billowing smoke!

Remember "me" and "I".

Mankind is gifted with the power of thinking as well as to elevate himself; it is the ancient science of self consciousness and has nothing to do with religion.

Yet most of us lead unfulfilled life, in spite of being as busy as a bee. This universe and our environment are diverse and complex, because we have not tried to look in to our inner self. As a mother or parent you devote yourself to family and work. You go to work, take care of the children, husband / wife, you cook, you eat you feed, you gossip and dead tired go to sleep. The next day the whole routine is repeated, you make time for all these routine activities, but no time to devote for your self.

It is not about being dutiful, it is about you, sacrificing self will not make you a martyr, when you give in to everyone’s needs you must also look after yourself, make your inner life also rich otherwise you will get harried, irritated , agitated and these will be passed on to children and family. Ultimately this will lead to sorrow and destruction of all your aspirations, and the stress and tension will physically break you down.

To create a happy atmosphere at home and around yourself you must devote time to draw the life force from your inner self, by which can overcome all negative aspects and even though you might make mistakes, you can still be happy. If you want to bring peace and tranquility you must rejuvenate the fount of youth within you. This will energize your body and mind and you can dissolve all the problems of daily life. It is ascension from mundane routine chores to the aspirational that will bring in transformation. The “I” or “me” is also part of the natural environment, so embrace it from moment to moment, to ensure that unnecessary activities are reduced and you will be at peace and happy. It is your state of mind that can create a heaven or hell on earth.

Fatal attraction.

Like a moth to a flame, all of us are drawn into a love relationship. An all consuming passion that eventually destroys both partners. Yet we all need it, like manure to a plant, rain on a parched desert, and oxygen for our lungs~ it brings its own warmth, like a blazing fire of desire in the winter of our hearts. What is it about love that in its wake it brings about so much grief in its aftermath. When you are deeply in love even this pain turns into a blessing that will haunt our lives. Once you realize the fickle nature of love and that you can’t have everything for ever, you must learn to let go. The quest is over, so settle down, savor the moments and enjoy what you have.
So instead of bemoaning what cannot be, out of this relationship, it is better to celebrate what you did have for sometime. Enjoy the emotion piecemeal and let the resultant energy fuel the next phase of your journey. Why destroy all these ephemeral pleasures in the hope of an elusive, unreal everlasting love.
In a sea of chaos, if one persons company actually helps you garner calm and happiness, does it matter if he /she is really not wholly or truly devoted to you?

Inner Peace

Attaining inner peace is not easy, but it should not be perceived as a final destination. Inner peace is always a work in progress; it is part of our innate nature. There is a wall or barrier behind which we conceal something of ourselves, hence we are incomplete. Reconnecting our mind with our with our heart is not easy, because of old ingrained / cultural habits, which is the hurdle we have to overcome. Similarly happiness is not a station one arrives at it is a manner of sailing through life.

The concept of a journey is a metaphor but in life there is no destination, hence if we can accept death as our final destination, then we can travel light with a profound sense of freedom. Each milestone is just a pit stop, graduation, marriage, career, being successful in a variety of goals and purposes. The cycle of existence will continue when we live in the human being realm.

The heart and the mind must reciprocate in a sort of spiritual quest which asks us to constantly explore and go beyond the mundane frame of life. This has to be spontaneous the intensity of the heart betrays the emotions of our minds. The turning point will be when this, intuition refines itself to a state of clairvoyance. –Vinay-


The career of a suicide bomber lasts only an instant he presses a button and a flash of light turns a nobody into a somebody. An incompetent somebody,is transformed into a martyr/saint overnight and becomes immortal. It took Mother Teresa 50 years of hard spiritual work before she was declared a saint and beatified. Want instant sainthood like Maggie noodles in two minutes anyone?? -Vinay-

As I drive to work, the message on my wing mirror "Objects in the mirror are closer than you think" makes me peer into the rear view mirror to check on the grim reaper.One gets a unbelievable sense of our own impermanence,we dont have forever to set things right and enjoy life.

Iam adventurous like hanging out,drinking, smoking and sex and possess a mischievous sense of humor;but my peers are jealous and family unhappy.
They want me to act my age, and according to them I should be to be grumpy, old fashioned, spiritual and good for nothing.

Can god solve our problems?

If we look back on our lives, we will sometimes wonder how we were able to overcome the many setbacks and obstacles that came in the past. Our reactions may have been different, some of us who were sensitive must have broken down with grief, some in anger, some think it is their destiny (karma) while some take corrective action to deal with the situation. We are never prepared to tackle calamities, out of sheer desperation; most of us fall prey to a whole lot of beliefs, faith and practices, which go by the name of religion or other occult practices.

We want to overcome our problems and god comes in as a filler to solve our problems. We need no rationale to believe in prayers, soothsayers, tarot card readers or religion. Yet the problem is not to solved, but the blind faith remains intact. There is no sense in praying when something goes wrong; all experiences are lessons in life. Each negative event a person faces leads to an attempt to cope, which makes them learn about their own capabilities. Disorientation and anger that swarm our consciousness in the wake of a catastrophe, also has an upside which is not always visible. Sometimes relationships go sour, but one doesn’t give up loving again. Even the bitterness cannot be harbored for long, we forget the past, choose to forget what went wrong and move on, to find love again, this makes us stronger.

We can not change anything even if we pray fervently. We unnecessarily carry the conditioning's of our immediate past without having any clarity about it. The first thing one must understand is that life is besot with problems and one can not solve it, only try and deal with it. But religion misleads us by stating that problems can be solved with prayer and offerings. If you use the crutch of religion you will not be able to walk on your feet. When god or prayer cannot surmount the situation then what?

If you look into your self you will realize that one can’t always solve all problems and real life situations will exist and one must accept and deal with it; you can not conquer the mountain, just attempt to climb it. We can deal with life well only when we have been through setbacks, and yet survived to emerge stronger. Aversion to clash, yet balanced existentialism is maintained in terrestrial and extra terrestrial realms, because of own will to deal and not in negation

Twinkle Twinkle little star.Quo Vadis?

Twinkle twinkle little star, how I wonder what you are? This simple opening line of the poem is really loaded with meaning and insinuations; about the stars we worship in our life, like talented actors, tragic singers and toxic politicians. We have unwittingly placed them on the starry firmament so that they can dominate others from their lofty perch. When they reach the top they use their charisma, communications, money and their crazy followers to influence others to their distorted news. Their dark side of dealing with people or audiences will not be evident initially, till they reach the top and try to dominate the world with their corrosive fame. They become paranoid that others may try to bring them down from their pedestals and the imposter complex begins to persecute them. This mask is a great escape from their own meaningless, inner desperate emptiness caused by deep insecurities, so deep down they don’t believe that they are as good as their projected image. To try and achieve perfection they become temperamentally complicated and try hard to hide their imperfections. They keep themselves occupied without even a few minutes for introspection and they don’t want to acknowledge their flaws or failings. When confronted they try and blame others and always they find a scapegoat. Their unscripted future layered with narcissism makes their personal loves tumultuous and they battle addictions with alcohol, drugs, failing relationship and are driven to astrologers, soothsayers and charlatan guru’s, whom they can identify with. They cannot let go fame and power and many a fading celebrity tries to make a come back, even after his expiry date. It is lonely at the top and they also realize it is their fans and followers, who are propping them up, yet they often forget this burden they carry and their loneliness becomes an obstacle in understanding the reality. Talent and fame is a heady cocktail but after the initial high their lonely lives are even more poignant. Their struggles are mostly existential but find it difficult to approach it with empathy and their inner voice gets lost in translation. Ultimately they cannot find contentment in their lives despite all the wealth and power, though the hope springs eternal in their hearts. In the end the Armani jackets, Rolls Royce, Hermes, Fancy mansions or luxury yachts cannot help them in crystallizing man greatest dilemma, his relationship with himself. They have shut down their conscience because it was too painful to confront. Behind the veneer of worldly sophistication, they are frightened little souls. –Vinay-

Too many docs spoil my wealth.

I am dying with of too many physicians attending on me. Because of a “vortex of specialists” swirling through the ward; they ran a battery of tests blood/urine stool, X-Ray, CT Scan Sonography, Pornography (removed my clothes), ECG etc. Since
everything was positive they admitted me as an inpatient and then I had to have “an urologist for my urine, a lymphologist for my lymph, a cardiologist for my heart, an endocrinologist for my endocrines, a psychologist for my psyche, a dermatologist for my dermatitis … finally when I saw the (bill) [I burst a blood vessel] and I went searching for a pathologist for my pathos.
This much is certain, that all the Doctors have been infected with the “money epidemic: and that too thoroughly. They are working hard at increasing my life span, so that they can extract more blood money.

Religious defenders

Whenever any post about religion appears almost more than 3 dozen believers rush in to defend their religion. This is more acute in the case of Islam and the Born again version of Christianity. Most of those who rush to defend their religions have no clue of their religion and many, have not even read the Holy Books. I am not blaming them for being wanting in their duty- mainly because it’s so boring to even complete one chapter. Some may have made superhuman gestures to struggle to even complete half a book. Completing the three books of Genesis is like working for a doctorate. Though we may lament this lack of toil in trying to read the scriptures, what we are surprised is the alacrity with which these believers with no knowledge rush to defend it when criticized. Mebbe some who criticize are also no better acquainted and may have not delved deeply into the Holy books themselves.

The Hebrew Torah, the Psalms of David & the Gospels of Jesus Christ are accepted in the Koran as divinely inspired. Yet the Koran thoroughly contradicts the above three books & explicitly denies Jesus Christ’s crucification. This is the greatest paradox and is causing a great deal of conflict between Muslims and ethnic Jews and is the cause of bloodshed in the Middle East. The main contradiction is about the covenant God made with Abraham (the child of promise) Genesis.15!

As his wife Sarah was barren, she offered her maidservant Hagar to Abraham. So Hagar as a concubine bore Ishmael. However Sarah later begot Isaac who was pronounced as the child of promise who in turn begot Jacob the father of the twelve tribes of Israel, according to the Hebrew Torah.
After being left in the desert Ishmael and his mother Hagar settled in the desert of Paran. Ishmael married and his wife bore him twelve sons who became the 12 Tribal chiefs from Havillah (Assyria) to Shar (Egypt). Muslims also believe that Muhammad was the descendent of Ishmael and he would establish the kingdom of Islam. Isn’t it strange that these two religions with a common DNA thread are the bitterest of enemies

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Free love, hippies, flower children and rajneesh.

An entire decade was witness to the appalling farce of the “yippies” flower people and their drug crazed orgies of debased sexuality. In GOA in the (60’s & 70’s) Rock bands used their hypnotic rhythm to instill a spirit of rebellion in the youth. Adolescents shorn of ideological commitments were lured into growing their hair. This trichological irresponsibility was accompanied by experiments with drugs like LSD, Ketanse-ecstasy & cannabis, which far from expanding their minds, shrank their capacity to present even the most simplistic critique. Western agents roamed all over the world, tempting even the children of the third world into carnality, tearing down the structures of family life. Free love, Rock ‘N’ roll, hard metal, lascivious gyrations with pelvic thrusts, distorted the values of an entire generation, opening up an untapped market for drugs like LSD and cocaine. Yet nobody complained of depression in those days!

Rajneesh read a lot about “Freud” the psychoanalyst who was a crusader for sexual freedom back when that cause belonged to intellectuals, not Hugh Heffner or Lady Gaga. He was a prophet of salvation through perfection of the orgasm, and free love sometimes referred to as the "apocalyptic orgasm." The spiritual hysteria that Osho inspired in the America of the 1960s and early 70’s is as hard to explain now especially when you consider that most followers were supposed to be educated skeptics and cultural critics.
Intellectuals are not immune to America's chronic and recurring religious revivals in their various forms. The moral urgency, the sense of crisis and the concern, with personal salvation that mark the existence of American intellectuals." Bhagwan Rajneesh won a particular following among intellectuals, artists and cultural spokesmen who were looking for a new revolution after becoming disillusioned with communism.
America has long been a land of opportunity for spiritually inclined theorists, especially if they sport long hair have foreign accents, along the lines of G.I. Gurdjieff, with his magnetic treatments in the first half of the 20th century, or Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, with his mantras in the second half.
Working in Rajneesh's favor was his timing. The 1960s and '70s in America were the age of the Kinsey Reports and wife-swapping. Of women worried about "frigidity" and of their men, who worried about it even more? "Intellectuals never had good orgasms." the orgasm became a battleground: Was the 'apocalyptic orgasm' the key to a new revolution, as Rajneesh claimed, or a false aim that camouflaged the hipster's narcissistic and hedonistic selfishness?

Inner peace.

Attaining inner peace is not easy, but it should not be perceived as a final destination. Inner peace is always a work in progress; it is part of our innate nature. There is a wall or barrier behind which we conceal something of ourselves, hence we are incomplete. Reconnecting our mind with our with our heart is not easy, because of old ingrained / cultural habits, which is the hurdle we have to overcome. Similarly happiness is not a station one arrives at it is a manner of sailing through life.

The concept of a journey is a metaphor but in life there is no destination, hence if we can accept death as our final destination, then we can travel light with a profound sense of freedom. Each milestone is just a pit stop, graduation, marriage, career, being successful in a variety of goals and purposes. The cycle of existence will continue when we live in the human being realm.

The heart and the mind must reciprocate in a sort of spiritual quest which asks us to constantly explore and go beyond the mundane frame of life. This has to be spontaneous the intensity of the heart betrays the emotions of our minds. The turning point will be when this, intuition refines itself to a state of clairvoyance. –Vinay-

A Job Well Done.

When the whole world is embracing business school graduates and M.B.A’s/ one man was grateful for the small mercy of dropping out of college. The widespread problem in most college education is the focus on “knowing” or analytical knowledge or skills but stifled creativity and out of the box thanking. Education is at a crossroads and the value proportion has now whittled down to a “passport” for a job in a MNC selling soap or cosmetics and a cubicle.
A sense of purpose is missing from those who graduate these days. Karl Marx tried to usher in a classless society but the failure of Soviet Union showed that ideas may change destinies, but cannot go on forever. However Steve Jobs with his I-Pod, I-Phone, I-Pad has managed to partly fulfill this quest for an egalitarian society with the help of technology. Though technology has galloped in recent times it has not been able to resolve the endemic problems of terrorism, violence, discrimination nor bring peace or happiness. Why are we not able to churn out more people with divine manifestations or great thinker/, scientists like Edison, Marx, and Tagore …
India is rich with spiritual and philosophical precepts which sound profound, but are of no use; even Steve Jobs came to India like the Beatles, Julia Roberts etc to seek enlightenment but returned in disappointment.
Science has definitely scored over religion and spirituality as the invention of light-bulb, telephone, printing press, internet, other technical break through have improved human life than the proselytizing sermons of religions which are naive and only cause more bloodshed hatred destitution in a world that is rocked by violence. The dissatisfaction in the cleric controlled Arab States and the inequality and poverty, of a spiritually rich India, do not reinforce the rhetoric of political, religious and spiritual transformation, but technological supremacy of Silicon Valley is undisputed.
Science encourages examination of its fundamental presumption and is continuously upgraded unlike religion which does not allow questioning nor welcomes change from its fossilized premises. A society that values creative thoughts will always get thinkers and space travel beyond the solar system will also become a reality. No society can function successfully if it is mired in religious fundamentalism, and political decay; and you will keep on searching for spiritually ennobling ideas till you collapse.…..
Steve Jobs may have been eccentric, acerbic and manipulative but his contribution has improved and moved millions of people across the world; without preaching or sermonizing, wisdom peace and love. Religion must break out of its institutionalized straitjacket and embrace science and nature if it wants to survive in the next millennium. Till then we can only worship heroes like Steve Jobs and silently mutter our thanks for a Job well done.


Perched on the barstool;
I listen
It’s always the same,
slurred tales of misfortune
buying sympathy or another
Business deals with jokes uttered
In stage whispers – to,
Impress themselves, ugh!
Arguments galore when
perceptions become principles
and friends are made or unmade
somebody sings a
sad song – beautifully
I gulp mine and order for
another peg. =Vinay Kumar-

Religion in a socio economic milieu

All religions including Islam should be viewed in a broader socio political context in the wake of unfolding events in our world. The huge surge of violence in the Middle East is due mainly to despotic regimes rather than Islam, though religion is inextricably linked to violence and terrorism. The inclusion of religion into politics is an age old ploy to garner more respectability for the cause, as it gives a spiritual dimension to an unjust cause. Some of the worst perpetrators of violence and terror on mankind did not even use Religion- Pol Pot, Mao, Stalin, and Hitler.
LTTE Tamil Tigers, Basque terrorists and many splinter groups have also used car bombings and suicide attacks as a political tool in their revolution.
Many Middle East countries are trying to throw out their repressive regimes, the underlying reasons of the Arab Spring and other contemporary uprisings must be understood comprehensively the emotions and impulses cannot be generalized as Islamic terrorism. Many of the extreme reactions of Muslims are nationalistic and not concerned with religion. In some ways the Political Dictators try to don the garb of high priests of morality donning black robes instead of white to fit into their larger grand evil designs.
The 9/11 catastrophe has reinforced the thought that violence, car bombings, Fatwa and terrorism are interwoven into the DNA of Islam. The fact that most educated Muslims all over the world also don’t vociferously oppose these fundamentalists, the repressive regimes, and the suppression of women in the Middle East also adds credence to these myths. Islam must take a hard look at its relationship with other religions, cultures and countries to give a broader colour to its socio-political context with respect to the modern world. The fact that the Middle East is strategically located and rich in oil/ energy is also one reason that every nation is trying to pitch in and make the scene more chaotic and drag everyone into a river of dark billowing smoke!


What is this life we lead—a giant mind/heart shrunken? Can you sense the intangible presence shaking the leaves, a mere whisper stirring between polemical and narrative codes? But you hear? Here it comes limping and crashing through your mind, resonating with its own innate energy, evacuate your old abodes, make place in you heart the net of confusion must be let out fully.

When, Mukesh Ambani decides to buy a plane for his wife (essential and tax deductible). He issues shares to raise the money.

People wash their hands and feet when they enter Temples and Mosques, but their minds are still dirty.
To attract happiness you must wallow in sorrow.
There will always be imbalance between good and evil.

There is only a thin line that separates happiness and melancholy, like the thn live between sanity and insanity.

According to the Torah, God made a covenant with Abraham, who cheated on his wife for (the child of promise), then when Sarah conceived, he abandoned his mistress (maidservant Hagar) and 2000 years later everyone still goes to church.
Love as an emotion is a good feeling that is actively directed toward someone or something. Love brings enjoyment to what we do; we say, Love for a person aims to make that person feel better.
However, the feeling of love is not always pure and holy. Often our selfishness limits our love to the objects of our personal desires and ambitions. A grasping, insecure love can make us jealous, envious, greedy, resentful, etc. Love is easily twisted into something else. Although love is the root of all emotion, these various limitations can take our feelings for a ride.
Liking is a love that is conditioned to specific people, qualities, or things to which we are attracted or with which we have previously had pleasant experiences. We selectively love what we like, which implies that love is free and based on choice. We may decide that we no longer like what we used to like; love can be fickle. Courtesy Kinkini

Work is worship.

When you are creative, you need not be politically correct, you can be assertive and even manipulative. Creative people are bursting with energy and cannot tolerate fools. After a long hiatus, the whole world, newspapers, internet and TV channels have come together to mourn the passing of an icon whose achievements are exemplary. Hard work is an old fashioned virtue, no one admires it anymore, and it is a medieval pursuit. Instant fame at any cost is the new mantra, bad is the new good. Many actors, performers, sports person, are praised for their hard core achievements. Mike Tyson, through he was in prison, Tiger Woods, Michael Jackson, for his endless controversies and Mark Zuckerberg who is socially awkward, insecure, devious and an ego maniac. Yet media goes into a frenzy when talking about people who are rich and notorious.
Does that mean achievement wipes out all negatively? No, not quite, commercial success wipes out negatively, its all about the money honey! You can be a Mensa topper or a Phi Kappa Beta no one will notice, who cares the magic formula for success is bad + money then the whole world will be groveling at your feet. This is an incentive for crime and crassness. The quiet pursuit of goodness, the search for excellence, the need for love, truth & justice are all subverted in the quest for stardom & commercial success.
The holy grail for all professions has changed: doctors are no longer selfless healers like Albert Schweitzer, they represent big pharma companies and big bucks, lawyers no longer work for the poor and abused, they are lobbyists, Actors no longer chase great scripts, Musicians don’t devote their life to music; and we the ultimate consumers, judge them, admire them, and worship them for their commercial success and not their work.
A real creative genius like Steve Jobs was willing to live with ambiguity, he was thrown out of his own company, yet he never gave up the dream, and worked quietly for the moment of truth. And he walked into the sunset without much ado, quietly, resigned from Apple, out of work again, doing nothing, waiting for the pain to cease, while the world enjoyed the fruits of his creation. Excerpted Pritish Nandy BT TOI.

Free will.

What is free will and thinking if we cannot voice our thoughts freely! Though our minds have the power we are constrained by the frame work of our societal and religious systems. Religious and the cultural Juggernauts derived by society and spiritual heads want to rein in our freedom and we are halfway between reality and fantasy. Everyday looking at the world we wake up to new aspirations and ideas but are afraid to voice it for fear of offending the established belief systems. Attitudes to religion, war, morals and the meaning of life are changing rapidly since Darwin’s iconoclastic theories. Our ideas need not subscribe to established values; it is one of the hazards of radical thinking. Genuine ideas can communicate before it is understood and no one can control its reception, despite a flood of iteration from Institutions with their own sterile ideas. Thoughts can euphorically over blow cherished relationships with the masses, if we shrug off the mystique and are confident about our own self created ideas. We must eschew the bitterness that is buried inside all of us. Knowing others pain as your own can be a liberating experience, for which one needs to be pro-active in empathy, which will guide us to kindness and co-operation with the universe. Hatred, sleaze, defiance and thoughts are the wasteland which forms fragments of our imagination; and the shock of uncomprehending humanity has lingered in the chambers of our heart. Our work is never finished, we wake to the sound of human voices which is something that transcends and transforms our ideas which form when we look at the world. We see the mirror of our life. –Vinay-

home town blues.

It’s a place I feel a deep connection partly due to my roots and school. How our lives can be dramatically changed by acts over which we have no control – riots, LTTE movement – wars. Do we make our lives or do our lives make us? Societies in different parts of the world are now bleeding into each other in what is termed as globalization. I had to leave Calicut to reinvent myself as a bombayite as lack of opportunity and bad luck dogged me, the provincial pieces pf the jigsaw slowly fall into place and the fish and river songs are the only inheritance I have a long way from Tipperary, living on the borrowed nostalgia of a homeland long abandoned. Mildly inebriated I always wanted to return to my childhood home, if only to take a look how the past has changed. Like the grain of salt when dusted the abrasion remains in memory, the place where life stopped- or began, of the still moment when the self is in a deserted room, its furniture no longer expected to function, running away from a dysfunctional childhood to go and buy my own universe. I seized the opportunity to reshape my life and dance on a bigger stage

Riding into the sunset.

When I leave this earth my body bears more scars than a crucified Jesus. All the skid marks of an abusive life will be strewn all over my skin. Lungs black with smoking, weed and tobacco, liver packing up with dawn to dusk drinking. Bones all fractured with accidents and brawls; body fluids drained, heart broken into smithereens with all the women in my life. Yes my mind will be aching with longing and desires, despite partaking fully in every passion of life. Only fools will want to exit with the pristine body of a sage. I prefer to go with a withered and battered body, yet my spirit will be alive and kicking having savored every sensual moment in my life. Ultimately saints and sinners both disappear.

Rigged Vedas.

The real purpose of the Vedas is to prepare and qualify the individual for Vedanta and help him to climb to a higher realm. It teaches us to attain a balance between the perishable external world and the imperishable ground within us. Those who pursue the perishable go into darkness and those who pursue the imperishable, go into more blinding darkness. Most people tend to get grounded by too many lesser, Gods and Tantriks, simply memorizing and chanting extensive mantra’s without understanding their meanings only stills the mind and tranquilizes the intellect. The sonorous chanting hypnotically, by flickering flames, amidst the scent of incense; all help the seeker transcend the physical and get into a sublime mood. So only if you develop a balance will you be happy in this world and the next. When one studies the Veda’s one understands that the flimsy foundations on which inferior destiny rests if it is devoid of profound knowledge.
Since my teen years I have seen friends family and people frittering away precious time and money on all sorts of Puja’s, offerings visit to temples, shrines and tantriks, donating money, jewellery for favors and to ensure that no harm befalls them. I wanted to share some of my views as an atheist, rationalist and agnostic. As you know in our Hindu context with a pantheon of god’s, goddesses, deities, it will be difficult in one life time to appease the more than 500 Idols. The religion of fear has never been advocated, in any of the Vedas. It is a primitive and destructive stage to try and bribe deities for good luck, wealth and well being, I cannot imagine a god who rewards people who pray and offer money and punishes those who don’t believe in god. This would put god in the mould of man with all his frailties. I have never prayed nor believed in god all my life. God does not play dice with the universe and the path for spiritual evolution does not lie through the fear of life, or death; or money or blind faith without even understanding the meaning’s of our offerings. It is only out of great suffering that peace comes.The whole idea of religion was to help those with less confidence to deal with the important human spirit values, meaning, purpose and quality of life. It won’t help if we blindly follow history and dogma in our offerings and prayer, and try to bribe the creator.
According the Vedas the following offerings represent different thing and are merely representations in the rituals, Betel leaves represents, satisfaction with worldly pleasures ~ cooling bel for purification of soul~ vermillion paste represents virtue~ Incense for reverence~ while flowers denote devotion, and food offerings represents gratification of desires and longevity. The wick in the oil lamp represents the ego, while the oil itself is our negative tendencies. The flame flickering and pointing up represents spiritual knowledge which goes higher towards greater consciousness. Knowledge drains the oil or innate tendencies as it burns the destiny or wick depriving it f ego and when the flame stops flickering calmness descends. These symbolic representations may change in different rituals and religions but the essence is the same.
The goal of life is to avoid suffering and find happiness, beyond all this quality time spent with ones, family, friends and humanity with benevolence is the greatest offering one can give. It is a cruel paradox that despite all these prayers, pilgrimages, offerings and donations bad luck seems to dog most everyone’s footsteps. If people convinced themselves that today is the most important of days; they would have a greater chance of being happy. You don’t need wealth to be generous, true giving happens when we give from our heart and not to holy shrines but to the real needy and not expecting anything in return. So I think you should start enjoying life and forget your temples/church /mosque donations for sometime, and enjoy true freedom, true wealth, which can never be lost. The setbacks you have today should not keep you from having an enjoyable life.
True wealth and freedom comes as a result of a powerful state of mind, which tells us that we are worth far more than our wealth, money can never make you free. At best it can keep you financially unencumbered.This is a lesson I learnt from my father, without much money, he was confident and happy and enjoyed a full life. As they say in the Rig-Veda Tattvarthasutra 7.11, have benevolence towards all living things, joy at the sight of the virtues, compassion and sympathy for the afflicted and tolerance towards the ill-behaved and indolent.

Fatal attraction.

Like a moth to a flame, all of us are drawn into a love relationship. An all consuming passion that eventually destroys both partners. Yet we all need it, like manure to a plant, rain on a parched desert, and oxygen for our lungs~ it brings its own warmth, like a blazing fire of desire in the winter of our hearts. What is it about love that in its wake it brings about so much grief in its aftermath. When you are deeply in love even this pain turns into a blessing that will haunt our lives. Once you realize the fickle nature of love and that you can’t have everything for ever, you must learn to let go. The quest is over, so settle down, savor the moments and enjoy what you have.
So instead of bemoaning what cannot be, out of this relationship, it is better to celebrate what you did have for sometime. Enjoy the emotion piecemeal and let the resultant energy fuel the next phase of your journey. Why destroy all these ephemeral pleasures in the hope of an elusive, unreal everlasting love.
In a sea of chaos, if one persons company actually helps you garner calm and happiness, does it matter if he /she is really not wholly or truly devoted to you?

The pen is not mightier than the blog.

In a world where hand written letter are replaced with e-mails click, delete Ctrl… instant gratification…,communication is the death of distance. The thing to do is to feel the texture of the page, still white before the ink lines form, let the fluid flow into the mute amazement of a sentence, a sort of interior decoration of the mind. In aroma and texture would have made the baroness swoon lustfully! Writing pushes us deeper and higher into ourselves, words seem to come first as an impulsion from nowhere; and then pre-hension till it becomes less and less esoteric. Though I lack the rigor of a trained writer, drinking and writing was like a spiritual quest.

Deep reading or total absorption has given way to power browsing, web pages are viewed/ retained for less than a second. Working the remote while checking FB/E-mail/Blogs? Tweets/ what has happened to attention span? All this multitasking has literally altered the shape of our brains. Our massively plastic “neural pathways” will need course correction to keep up with this online life.

Quill and ink to Fountain pen, then ballpoint pen, to typewriters to word processors and we call it progress. gumastan the only people in India who still knew how to use a manual typewriter, when the pen writes its own epitaph. When I sit down to write I must remember that one does not strike an attitude in front of a mountain.

The supposedly great misery of the 21st Century is the back of time itself; or our sense of that, not a disinterested love of science and certainly not wisdom why. We devote such a huge proportion of the ingenuity & income of our societies to finding fast sways if ding things as if the final aim of mankind was to grow closer not to perfect humanity, but to a perfect lighting flash. The one commodity that is becoming scarce is the leisure to enjoy life. In the future what will work look like as we evolve into a species of laptop toting nomads roaming desolate corporate campuses and scrounging for electrical outlets to recharge our batteries.

Great conversations are seldom linear, don’t progress logically, they digress and meander all over, you can’t put complex thoughts into one line. Conversations like a good cigar takes time and people have no time. Conversations are about the ability to relax, it’s like listening to music, and you come away rejuvenated, formality kills conversation. Need a minimal amount of knowledge to have productive conversation. Internet, Blogs, and email are quickies (slam bang goodbye madam) 1994 claret,so young drinking it was like child abuse.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Doyou want to change yourself?

Once upon a time there was a woman who discovered she had turned into the wrong person.” At 53, Rebecca Davitch, is struck by the fear that she is leading a life not meant for her. She wonders what her “true” life would have been like if she hadn’t interrupted it by ditching her University sweetheart for an older man with three kids. Rebecca embarks on a journey to see if she can pick up the threads of that other life again, but realizes ultimately “There is no true life, your true life is the one you end up with, whatever it may be. You just do the best you can with what you’ve got.”You spot it you got it. This to me is the crux of the matter.
We should accept the life we live as the one meant for us, and accept it calmly. The angst of living with nagging regrets will not allow us to enjoy our life. Moping about what ‘could have been’, what ifs…” and “Wish I hadn’t….” What do you regret? When I was young I had a lot of relationships with some of the most wonderful women, but I enjoyed the relationship at that point of time there is no point in wondering what if I had married one of them!
There is no idea talking about or thinking on all that you could have done had circumstances been any different. In youth I drew an insane of attention from women, even though I was an average guy, its natural that at some point of time, some of them became personal and developed into affairs incredibly intimate physically and emotionally. All of them moved off in life and I am happy and flattered for the endorphin rush it gave me while it lasted.

The reality is that circumstances were not the same then and regret that action today is not going to change the situation for you today. Being besotted with doubts about yourself and the life you have well-recognized symptom of mid-life crisis, and many of us tend to lose control and abuse our current relationship,, chucking the life they have assiduously built over the years and in a weak moment and try a course correction, be it in their careers or personal lives.
Regretting over past mistakes whether academics, investment or choice of partners in the evening of one’s life is like a clarion call for disaster, leaving a home and family alone to fend for themselves, can never be a solution, as the burden of regret will haunt you forever. If all along you had followed your heart, without causing grief to others, we would not have regrets, as we would make the same mistakes if we had to live our life all over again. The greatest tragedy of life is we realize this only when it is too late. Unmuzzled& other links Ozone-Vinay-

Loooney Tunes

The world is one large lunatic asylum, where the spotlights shine on the inner skeletons of our heart. The search for truth is just a species of the search for happiness. The collisions of our rational thoughts viewed in the cold daylight against the innards of religion are bound to lead us to a state of crisis, due to the disorderly dichotomy of our minds.
If you want to break through, you must break down the walls of sanity; the mindless rules and societal regulations, and against the backdrop of the disorderly dichotomy of our drip, drop feelings of dismal failure of action and inaction.
Chase your passion like an extreme madness from nature to eternity, through these man made roads of hell. If we cannot separate ideas of logic and reason from concepts, we will never understand the delusional nature of reality. We are constantly in deflection with our innermost desires, why destroy all these ephemeral pleasures in the hope of salvation in an elusive, unreal, hypocritical world. -Vinay

Whiff of a Woman!

The diaphanous nightie or the revealing bikini were created to deceive our senses. They also stir our desire just like the pin ups and center spreads of " Playboy" amongst other magazines;where the lascivious male gaze lingers. Seeing a bouquet of fresh flowers blossoming in the chaos of our existence, it is impossible to love only one of them. Like a thirsty flame my flesh burns with the enormity of this tenderness and thoughts run amok in the semiotics of my mind. I cannot conceal the irrepressible love that invades my heart.Certain things I cannot reveal, making love is a beautiful thing. I am still attracted to women like a moth to a flame, when that doesn't happen my life will shut down like a computer. If a man is not attracted to a woman, then he must be a stone god and our temples are full of them.-Vinay-

Bohemian Buddha

o take the world as one finds it, the bad with the good, making the best of the present moment—to laugh at Fortune alike whether she be generous or unkind—to spend freely when one has money, and to hope gaily when one has none—to fleet the time carelessly, living for love and art—this is the temper and spirit of the modern Bohemian in his outward and visible aspect. It is a light and graceful philosophy, but it is the Gospel of the Moment, this esoteric phase of the Bohemian religion; and if, in some noble natures, it rises to a bold simplicity and naturalness, it may also lend its butterfly precepts to some very pretty vices and lovable faults, for in Bohemia one may find almost every sin save that of Hypocrisy. ...
His faults are more commonly those of self-indulgence, thoughtlessness, vanity and procrastination, and these usually go hand-in-hand with generosity, love and charity; for it is not enough to be one’s self in Bohemia, one must allow others to be themselves, as well. ...
What, then, is it that makes this mystical empire of Bohemia unique, and what is the charm of its mental fairyland? It is this: there are no roads in all Bohemia! One must choose and find one’s own path, be one’s own self, live one’s own life.

The Ten Phallacies.

The “Ten Commandments” when it was first inscribed in stone centuries ago, during the dark ages had no relevance then as it has today. Dona Juana gets smart and changes the rules of engagement. I think these new “Ten Phallacies” should be an integral part of our lives to fully understand why relationships don’t last. As they say the “Boy Scouts” and “Girl Guides” so here goes … preface by Vinay-
Phallacy-1. If he loves me, he’ll be faithful forever.-Truth. His loving you has nothing to do with his being faithful. Some men are monogamous, most aren’t’, the sexy ones usually aren’t. Monogamy lasts, three months, or at best three years with most men. Often it lasts just about long enough to get you pregnant. Nature has a reason for this, men are programmed to spread their seed as widely as possible and women to raise live healthy babies. Human babies take a long time to grow to self-sufficiency unlike animals- as you may have noticed. Some men lie better than others but lying is endemic in the species. Some few paragons of males are faithful, most cheat. The question is; can you stand it? If the cheating is not blatant and disrespectful and you get a lot out of the relationship in other ways (a friend, a lover, a father to your kids, an economic partner), then consider these alternatives; you can accept his cheating gracefully and at the same time extract emotional and financial benefits from his guilt, you can cheat discreetly yourself – if (and only if) you enjoy it (not for spite). You can realize it has noting to do with you. He does it for his manhood, not against you womanhood.

Everything is impure.

In our lives there will be ten thousand sorrows and ten thousand joys, as Leo Tolstoy stated in “War & Peace” pure and complete sorrow is as impossible as pure and complete joy. Life is about equipoise the exact moment when a wave dies and another wave begins to rise. So if we want to have balance in our live you must experience extreme joy and extreme sorrow. What we call the beginning is often the end, when life for the caterpillar seems to be the end; it is the beginning for the butterfly. Integrating the two and finding the balance is the secret to a blissful existence, one has to achieve this equanimity.
We can change the externals in our life but the difficult part is controlling the internals which is the key or perspective for self realization; for this we must break the years of self conditioning and apply our minds. This requires a lot of strength will power and character because we are weak, due to our inherent herd mentality and teachings of religions, groups, society etc. To set all this aside just follow your heart and beliefs, it may not be easy people may resent it and family may think you are crazy. This extreme reaction stems from culturally conditioned mindset as people like to follow copy and very few are creative in their approach. People might initially mistake it as an attitude problem as everyone generally follows what they have been taught over the years. But if you want true happiness you must break the mould of ignorance and ensure that there are no boundaries. It will be frightening and maddening to suddenly cut loose but it’s the only way you can liberate your self from the prison of societies.

Overhaul religion

Religion should be a process of completely overhauling the system, a sort of spiritual workout that enhances our mind towards fulfilling our ultimate potential. It cannot remain apathetic and indifferent to our changing needs. One cannot restrict religion to the confines of holy books alone; there is a need to create new emotional, spiritual and social concepts.
Unfortunately most religions are in a state of decay and the decrepit edifices are crumbling with the advances in science and technology. Religion today is like running on a treadmill, no matter how hard you try, you and the preachers are left standing stationery, rooted in the same spot. The saint’s, preachers and mullahs represent rusting treadmill machines, repeating the old decadent scriptures which contain no wisdom in today’s context. Like yellowing newspapers or parchments they keep repeating old and stale stories with no fresh infusion of thought.
When the world is changing at a frenetic pace religion must respond to the needs of society, guiding, counseling without bias or prejudice. Invoking god’s name, chanting slokas/hymns, offering prayers all come in the way of accepting that the world is an illusion, and nothing belongs to us. There is no escape from the universe and all it’s elements because nature regulates the inner and outer world.
Religion must discard their clannish robes and secularize themselves to current politics, business, and economy and spiritually evolve to embrace change. Only then can they guide humanity to deal with economic, social and political issues. It is high time they discard the narrow monotheistic mentality to proactively deal with change. It has to follow the logic and semiotics of the market place and smell the zeitgeist!


The whisper of the darkness, which faded with the dawn,
reminded me of flowers and the singing of a a song,.
I could only think of promises, which heralds every dawn.
As sunshine filtered past the trees, the buildings and the beams,
then the sky woke up in glory, to its lively shades of blue…..
Elusive one, I think of you…
dressed in various hues of blue. – Vinay Kumar

Shaken not stirred

As Bombay burns in the aftermath of the bomb blasts, a certain amount of cynicism has crept into the soul of the Mumbaikar. Violence is now accepted as a way of life, terrorism is not going to end and will be a way of life for all in the coming decades.
When the going gets tough, the Bombay spirit gets going, they don’t sit wallowing in self pity, but get going and do whatever is required to be done.

The biggest joke and irony is that, even in the hospitals these silly politicians think it is customary and politically correct for senior politicians to visit the hospitals; where the victims are battling for their lives, creating insult to injury.

These VIP visitors with their 2 dozen gun toting security guards hamper the efforts of hospital staff who are even otherwise ill equipped to handle emergencies like this. The visits serve no purpose as loss/grief is a personal emotion, and the visit is actually counter productive to the recovery and convalescing process.

The citizens are resilient and bounce back despite the odds and become more fatalistic in their attitude towards life in a metro. As they pick up their threads, stalked by the shadow of death, they have stopped believe in bullshit and are no longer vulnerable to deceit by the powers to be.

Like James Bond’s martini they return shaken not stirred to figure out that the spelling of “God” subsumes that of “dog” too. Halleluiah! – Vinay_

Female of the species is stronger than the male

The term “Weaker Sex” was coined because the sexual urge in women is not as pre-dominant as in men. With just a tumble they are not ready to rumble! Unlike men whose basic instincts are always on tap, a woman has more self control and goes beyond the narrow confines of a physical act. The feminine principle comes into play and they are more concerned with the psyche than the physical emotions. Their circle of emotions like, attachment, true love from the heart, and long term commitment is required before arousal.
Recent researches by Dr. Claude Liebert have established that women are stronger than men, when it comes to fighting diseases as well as infections. The secret lies in the key biological difference where women have an extra X—Chromosome. This means women have greater access to molecules of micro RNA’s which are encoded on the X—chromosome. For centuries the ancient world was dominated by the Mother goddesses as creators. So one more myth has been exploded and MCP’s will have egg (Estrogen) smeared on their faces.

memories turn to ashes

The past now exists only in memories; the present reality is too grim to survive. I attempt to throw off the pain accumulated over the years, the virus of our disillusionment. Recalling memories make us somber, shedding silent tears, sharing the pain & pleasure of the past glory. My mind is crowded with the ghosts of yesteryear and my ears echo with the sound of voices of the people long lost in time.
A sultry emotional rebellion filled my veins as my dreams burst into flames of passion , why did we keep our love trapped in our hearts, confined like a prisoner in a solitary cell without expressing our love, which was wanting to escape. Like the eternal dreamer I seek vainly to find form and shape to fit my ethereal vision. Now when my hair has turned grey, my memories turning to ashes, I impose upon myself a wanton amnesia!-Vinay-


We can change the externals in our life but the difficult part is controlling the internals which is the key or perspective for self realization; for this we must break the years of self conditioning and apply our minds. This requires a lot of strength will power and character because we are weak, due to our inherent herd mentality and teachings of religions, groups, society etc. To set all this aside just follow your heart and beliefs, it may not be easy people may resent it and family may think you are crazy. This extreme reaction stems from culturally conditioned mindset as people like to follow copy and very few are creative in their approach. People might initially mistake it as an attitude problem as everyone generally follows what they have been taught over the years. But if you want true happiness you must break the mould of ignorance and ensure that there are no boundaries. It will be frightening and maddening to suddenly cut loose but it’s the only way you can liberate your self from the prison of societies.
In our lives there will be thousands of sorrows and thousands of joys, as Leo Tolstoy stated in “War & Peace” pure and complete sorrow is as impossible as pure and complete joy. Life is about equipoise the exact moment when a wave dies and another wave begins to rise. So if we want to have balance in our live you must experience extreme joy and extreme sorrow. What we call the beginning is often the end, when life for the caterpillar seems to be the end; it is the beginning for the butterfly. Integrating the two and finding the balance is the secret to a blissful existence, one has to achieve this equanimity.

Profound Jargon

When you perceive reality you will deliberately trade off the angel for the devil which you possess. Most people hide their thoughts & emotions behind a mask of religious righteousness, this is anathema to me the spectacle of an able mind reduced to a state of insanity is of course afflicting,
I don’t try to manipulate as my wants are simple, so there is nothing convoluted about it. Cultivation of the self has a destructive impact on commitment and ego. My insights about life usually make people sit up and have second thoughts about their beliefs, this gives an element of mystique to my personality. These young men/women appear to have received from nature talents of an excellent, perhaps even of a superior order— abilities which, devoted to the purposes of any useful profession, must have rendered them eminent citizens, rocket scientists or neurosurgeons. But all has been undone by a sudden attack of the malady of being conditioned by religion without applying their own sharp minds.
Hindu and Greek mythology show us that even Gods had problems with relationships, so what can we mere mortals do? Religion can only give us fixed answers but no solutions, except advise us to pray, in the hope that the problem will sort itself. Usually religious and management teachers have a penchant for using profound terms (jargon) that sound erudite--- but means very little… Balderdash!-Vinay-

The Lord is my shepherd and I shall weep, Allah is merciful but some followers are merciless!

Our life is full of confusion, complications, convolutions and complexity, guided and manipulated by society and religions; and our disenchantment's not getting any clearer as time goes by, and we string along with diversity, dynamism and disagreement. We think we live in a free world, but we are chained and dispossessed, unless like that of many modern believers we move a long way from the positions of our predecessors: as Mill once said, they may believe they are loyal to an old-time religion when in reality they have subjected it to “modifications amounting to an essential change of its character”. Scriptures should be tweaked to become relevant, which requires radical retooling to prevent intolerance and holy wars. The preachers should practice the admonitions, sensible and essential advice rather than simply preaching them ad nauseam.
Otherwise why should we who seem to have everything- success, technology, material comforts are still unhappy? The malaise is because we don’t want to break free from the bondage, we are followers, a herd of sheep that flock to the shepherd, who will make us weep inside. The dividing lines between religiosity and secularism, or between beliefs and disappointments, are not getting any clearer as time goes by, the vaguely intolerant bias should be deleted and non verbal cues applied when appropriate. When we are scanning a wider world view the vision should pass through unstained in the streets of our minds. Innocent blood and wounds cannot scar the heart and soul if we want to connect with the universe.
The criminal nexus between Islamic fundamentalists, state and religion must be thrown out of its evil axis, to abhor violence and usher in a new era of peace. And if there has been a lot of sheep traveling from the camp of religion to the camp of disbelief in the past couple of centuries, it has followed many different paths, as we are bound for many different destinations. If religions pursue their own selfish agenda’s leaving humanity to cope with the soul crushing violence, terrorism, unending warfare, bloodshed and strife, then it is inevitable that the traditional veneration will wear off to be replaced by the thin veil of skepticism. We have to realize that god may not be an existing entity and there has to be more truth in religion than the belief in god alone. If religion itself is corrupted, then it can only inflict all kind of disasters on the

Blinded by the darkness of faiths.

Blind faith in religion makes all things possible: Jihad, violence, hatred, terrorism, rebellion unholy wars and bloodshed. To discern this human disease of misunderstanding and mistrust caused by religions is distressing however feeble. It is with great sorrow that we contemplate the case of blind followers of different religions whose minds are reduced to a state of insanity and intolerance. Just imagine that if all these followers were to unite and use their energy, talent and effort to some useful purpose or lofty cause devoted to alleviating misery and other noble/ eminent causes, rather than wasting it on religious mania.
Atheists, philosophers, rationalists, humanists and others who oppose religion in its present form; have long ago realized that religion is a complicated Pandora’s box of diseases, containing much wisdom as well as folly. Back to the origins of religion, they used to see the high priests of religion as wise men in ivory towers full of knowledge and wisdom and no one could oppose them. Things have changed now and these very erudite men have no explanation for their systems egregious failure.
The statistics, that all the world’s religions are stunted and have no growth, has to be reviewed skeptically and investigated for a course correction. Religion has been in cold storage and frozen in time with no tangible interface to reach out to the continuum of rational opportunities, its overall DNA has to be changed. It has to turn from its fixed and bound orbit, to a new axis of endeavor for the valuable progress of mankind. The religious model of faith has to be used as a persuasion to create a better world bereft of devastation and horror that is being unleashed today. They must be able to help people realize the divinity within the heart and slay the demons of hatred. They must act as an anchor to help articulate compassion through the human experience, and empower us with the ability to walk down the streets of life safely, and caution the world to avoid a collision of religions with people from opposite camps.
The time has come like the “Walrus said to talk of many things” a lot of questions need action & answers. We can feel the pulse of history throbbing in our veins, the conceptual landscapes of the mind falling like ninepins; Dogmas, beliefs and systems are being battered and devastated by the rising crimson tide of violence, mostly fostered by religion. Bereft of religion, perhaps the world will be a better place and we may like animals only fight peacefully for survival, bare essentials and a place under the sun. –Vinay

Heal yourself.

According to Susan Biall, Dr. Andrew Weil’s “Spontaneous healing” is as relevant as ever before.
According to this the human body is inherently designed to restore health by itself. Health is a state of balance wholeness that allows you to surmount illness. In our life we are exposed to toxins, germs and surrounded by allergens. Our inner resistance keeps us from falling ill all most of the time. Most doctors medicate to cure only the symptoms and do not go deeper to find why the human body’s immune system has not kicked in and cures only the symptomatic illness. Inherent immune functions and cellular repair are a well acknowledge system in both the human and animal world.
Most illness comes because we have changed our food habits and way of life, like consumption of coke and high fructose syrup based soft drinks and junk food, irregular meal times and lack of physical work out. We have stopped playing games and are addicted to TV, internet and mobile phones. When depressed you pop pills or go to a psychiatrist, when actually dancing is the best anti depressant in the world. Walking instead of driving to work would prevent a whole host of diseases.
Good health and happiness rather than entertainment should be the goal in life. Balance your life then your medical bills will disappear.

A Job Well Done.

When the whole world is embracing business school graduates and M.B.A’s/ one man was grateful for the small mercy of dropping out of college. The widespread problem in most college education is the focus on “knowing” or analytical knowledge or skills but stifled creativity and out of the box thanking. Education is at a crossroads and the value proportion has now whittled down to a “passport” for a job in a MNC selling soap or cosmetics and a cubicle.
A sense of purpose is missing from those who graduate these days. Karl Marx tried to usher in a classless society but the failure of Soviet Union showed that ideas may change destinies, but cannot go on forever. However Steve Jobs with his I-Pod, I-Phone, I-Pad has managed to partly fulfill this quest for an egalitarian society with the help of technology. Though technology has galloped in recent times it has not been able to resolve the endemic problems of terrorism, violence, discrimination nor bring peace or happiness. Why are we not able to churn out more people with divine manifestations or great thinker/, scientists like Edison, Marx, and Tagore …
India is rich with spiritual and philosophical precepts which sound profound, but are of no use; even Steve Jobs came to India like the Beatles, Julia Roberts etc to seek enlightenment but returned in disappointment.
Science has definitely scored over religion and spirituality as the invention of light-bulb, telephone, printing press, internet, other technical break through have improved human life than the proselytizing sermons of religions which are naive and only cause more bloodshed hatred destitution in a world that is rocked by violence. The dissatisfaction in the cleric controlled Arab States and the inequality and poverty, of a spiritually rich India, do not reinforce the rhetoric of political, religious and spiritual transformation, but technological supremacy of Silicon Valley is undisputed.
Science encourages examination of its fundamental presumption and is continuously upgraded unlike religion which does not allow questioning nor welcomes change from its fossilized premises. A society that values creative thoughts will always get thinkers and space travel beyond the solar system will also become a reality. No society can function successfully if it is mired in religious fundamentalism, and political decay; and you will keep on searching for spiritually ennobling ideas till you collapse.…..
Steve Jobs may have been eccentric, acerbic and manipulative but his contribution has improved and moved millions of people across the world; without preaching or sermonizing, wisdom peace and love. Religion must break out of its institutionalized straitjacket and embrace science and nature if it wants to survive in the next millennium. Till then we can only worship heroes like Steve Jobs and silently mutter our thanks for a Job well done.

Myth or fact violence and religion Islam?

All religions including Islam should be viewed in a broader socio political context in the wake of unfolding events in our world. The huge surge of violence in the Middle East is due mainly to despotic regimes rather than Islam, though religion is inextricably linked to violence and terrorism. The inclusion of religion into politics is an age old ploy to garner more respectability for the cause, as it gives a spiritual dimension to an unjust cause. Some of the worst perpetrators of violence and terror on mankind did not even use Religion- Pol Pot, Mao, Stalin, and Hitler.
LTTE Tamil Tigers, Basque terrorists and many splinter groups have also used car bombings and suicide attacks as a political tool in their revolution.
Many Middle East countries are trying to throw out their repressive regimes, the underlying reasons of the Arab Spring and other contemporary uprisings must be understood comprehensively the emotions and impulses cannot be generalized as Islamic terrorism. Many of the extreme reactions of Muslims are nationalistic and not concerned with religion. In some ways the Political Dictators try to don the garb of high priests of morality donning black robes instead of white to fit into their larger grand evil designs.
The 9/11 catastrophe has reinforced the thought that violence, car bombings, Fatwa and terrorism are interwoven into the DNA of Islam. The fact that most educated Muslims all over the world also don’t vociferously oppose these fundamentalists, the repressive regimes, and the suppression of women in the Middle East also adds credence to these myths. Islam must take a hard look at its relationship with other religions, cultures and countries to give a broader colour to its socio-political context with respect to the modern world. The fact that the Middle East is strategically located and rich in oil/ energy is also one reason that every nation is trying to pitch in and make the scene more chaotic and drag everyone into a river of dark billowing smoke!

All’s fair in love and war.

Occupy wall street is an ongoing people powered series of protests in New York city, that took inspiration from the Arab Spring movement in Tahrir Square protests in Cairo. Protestors want to end the monied corruption of democracy, and economic inequality. The focus is on corporate greed, lack of opportunity and the large gap between the rich and poor. The movement has spread across major cities in USA, using social media they are calling on everyone to join the cause and stop the lobbyists on government who influence the govt with corporate money.
After a month the movement is also taking on the overtones of a sex, drugs and rock and roll reminiscent pf the 196o’s free love situation. Complimentary condoms have helped couples make out in the tents provided for protestors, creating a hippie type of ambience.
As Warren Buffet stated “Wall Street is the only place that people rode into in a Rolls Royce to get advice from those who take the subway”(train). TOI

Be selfish

Mankind is gifted with the power of thinking as well as to elevate himself; it is the ancient science of self consciousness and has nothing to do with religion.

Yet most of us lead unfulfilled life, in spite of being as busy as a bee. This universe and our environment are diverse and complex, because we have not tried to look in to our inner self. As a mother or parent you devote yourself to family and work. You go to work, take care of the children, husband / wife, you cook, you eat you feed, you gossip and dead tired go to sleep. The next day the whole routine is repeated, you make time for all these routine activities, but no time to devote for your self.

It is not about being dutiful, it is about you, sacrificing self will not make you a martyr, when you give in to everyone’s needs you must also look after yourself, make your inner life also rich otherwise you will get harried, irritated , agitated and these will be passed on to children and family. Ultimately this will lead to sorrow and destruction of all your aspirations, and the stress and tension will physically break you down.

To create a happy atmosphere at home and around yourself you must devote time to draw the life force from your inner self, by which can overcome al negative aspects and even though you might make mistakes, you can still be happy. If you want to bring peace and tranquility you must rejuvenate the fount of youth within you. This will energize your body and mind and you can dissolve all the problems of daily life. It is ascension from mundane routine chores to the aspirational that will bring in transformation. The “I” or “me” is also part of the natural environment, so embrace it from moment to moment, to ensure that unnecessary activities are reduced and you will be at peace and happy. It is your state of mind that can create a heaven or hell on earth.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Free will download now!

What is free will and thinking if we cannot voice our thoughts freely! Though our minds have the power we are constrained by the frame work of our societal and religious systems. Religious and the cultural Juggernauts derived by society and spiritual heads want to rein in our freedom and we are halfway between reality and fantasy. Everyday looking at the world we wake up to new aspirations and ideas but are afraid to voice it for fear of offending the established belief systems. Attitudes to religion, war, morals and the meaning of life are changing rapidly since Darwin’s iconoclastic theories. Our ideas need not subscribe to established values; it is one of the hazards of radical thinking. Genuine ideas can communicate before it is understood and no one can control its reception, despite a flood of iteration from Institutions with their own sterile ideas. Thoughts can euphorically over blow cherished relationships with the masses, if we shrug off the mystique and are confident about our own self created ideas. We must eschew the bitterness that is buried inside all of us. Knowing others pain as your own can be a liberating experience, for which one needs to be pro-active in empathy, which will guide us to kindness and co-operation with the universe. Hatred, sleaze, defiance and thoughts are the wasteland which forms fragments of our imagination; and the shock of uncomprehending humanity has lingered in the chambers of our heart. Our work is never finished, we wake to the sound of human voices which is something that transcends and transforms our ideas which form when we look at the world. We see the mirror of our life.

In the eye of the storm. (Hurricane Irene)

Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned! For thousands of year we have raped pillaged, ravaged and polluted the earth. Her soil, atmosphere plant life trees, animal world have been destroyed by man, in an attempt to break down the earth’s immune system.
Now she returns as hurts Irene and even the mightiest nation in the world, who has invaded other nations, won the star wars etc, is cowering and fleering like whimpering idiot. When the empire starches back fear spreads like wildfire and little men with spines resembling spineless lighting rods can not escape the bolt from the blue. They shut down power, trains, airports, life came to a standstill.
The message was clear “don’t mess with me” I will blow you into smithereens into kingdom come. Yet nature is a woman and is compassionate, she has love in her heart and has just admonished everyone. For those who believe in her and have the courage to go beyond the end of the line, the rainbow will appear, because we are here to enjoy our life and nature despite the storm lets not forget at the end of the day we have only ourselves to answer. As Steve jobs status- you have to trust in something – your gut, destiny, life, Karma, whatever and then the Universe won’t let you down.