Saturday, October 22, 2011

Can god solve our problems?

If we look back on our lives, we will sometimes wonder how we were able to overcome the many setbacks and obstacles that came in the past. Our reactions may have been different, some of us who were sensitive must have broken down with grief, some in anger, some think it is their destiny (karma) while some take corrective action to deal with the situation. We are never prepared to tackle calamities, out of sheer desperation; most of us fall prey to a whole lot of beliefs, faith and practices, which go by the name of religion or other occult practices.

We want to overcome our problems and god comes in as a filler to solve our problems. We need no rationale to believe in prayers, soothsayers, tarot card readers or religion. Yet the problem is not to solved, but the blind faith remains intact. There is no sense in praying when something goes wrong; all experiences are lessons in life. Each negative event a person faces leads to an attempt to cope, which makes them learn about their own capabilities. Disorientation and anger that swarm our consciousness in the wake of a catastrophe, also has an upside which is not always visible. Sometimes relationships go sour, but one doesn’t give up loving again. Even the bitterness cannot be harbored for long, we forget the past, choose to forget what went wrong and move on, to find love again, this makes us stronger.

We can not change anything even if we pray fervently. We unnecessarily carry the conditioning's of our immediate past without having any clarity about it. The first thing one must understand is that life is besot with problems and one can not solve it, only try and deal with it. But religion misleads us by stating that problems can be solved with prayer and offerings. If you use the crutch of religion you will not be able to walk on your feet. When god or prayer cannot surmount the situation then what?

If you look into your self you will realize that one can’t always solve all problems and real life situations will exist and one must accept and deal with it; you can not conquer the mountain, just attempt to climb it. We can deal with life well only when we have been through setbacks, and yet survived to emerge stronger. Aversion to clash, yet balanced existentialism is maintained in terrestrial and extra terrestrial realms, because of own will to deal and not in negation

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