Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Doyou want to change yourself?

Once upon a time there was a woman who discovered she had turned into the wrong person.” At 53, Rebecca Davitch, is struck by the fear that she is leading a life not meant for her. She wonders what her “true” life would have been like if she hadn’t interrupted it by ditching her University sweetheart for an older man with three kids. Rebecca embarks on a journey to see if she can pick up the threads of that other life again, but realizes ultimately “There is no true life, your true life is the one you end up with, whatever it may be. You just do the best you can with what you’ve got.”You spot it you got it. This to me is the crux of the matter.
We should accept the life we live as the one meant for us, and accept it calmly. The angst of living with nagging regrets will not allow us to enjoy our life. Moping about what ‘could have been’, what ifs…” and “Wish I hadn’t….” What do you regret? When I was young I had a lot of relationships with some of the most wonderful women, but I enjoyed the relationship at that point of time there is no point in wondering what if I had married one of them!
There is no idea talking about or thinking on all that you could have done had circumstances been any different. In youth I drew an insane of attention from women, even though I was an average guy, its natural that at some point of time, some of them became personal and developed into affairs incredibly intimate physically and emotionally. All of them moved off in life and I am happy and flattered for the endorphin rush it gave me while it lasted.

The reality is that circumstances were not the same then and regret that action today is not going to change the situation for you today. Being besotted with doubts about yourself and the life you have well-recognized symptom of mid-life crisis, and many of us tend to lose control and abuse our current relationship,, chucking the life they have assiduously built over the years and in a weak moment and try a course correction, be it in their careers or personal lives.
Regretting over past mistakes whether academics, investment or choice of partners in the evening of one’s life is like a clarion call for disaster, leaving a home and family alone to fend for themselves, can never be a solution, as the burden of regret will haunt you forever. If all along you had followed your heart, without causing grief to others, we would not have regrets, as we would make the same mistakes if we had to live our life all over again. The greatest tragedy of life is we realize this only when it is too late. Unmuzzled& other links Ozone-Vinay-

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