Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Loooney Tunes

The world is one large lunatic asylum, where the spotlights shine on the inner skeletons of our heart. The search for truth is just a species of the search for happiness. The collisions of our rational thoughts viewed in the cold daylight against the innards of religion are bound to lead us to a state of crisis, due to the disorderly dichotomy of our minds.
If you want to break through, you must break down the walls of sanity; the mindless rules and societal regulations, and against the backdrop of the disorderly dichotomy of our drip, drop feelings of dismal failure of action and inaction.
Chase your passion like an extreme madness from nature to eternity, through these man made roads of hell. If we cannot separate ideas of logic and reason from concepts, we will never understand the delusional nature of reality. We are constantly in deflection with our innermost desires, why destroy all these ephemeral pleasures in the hope of salvation in an elusive, unreal, hypocritical world. -Vinay

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