Medicine is used to heal as well as suppress pain and illness as well as negate misery brought about by the ailment. However in spiritual or palliative healing has a more radical and holistic approach to the disease. It examines the self within the material world and is designed to resolve the illness by harnessing the energy of both body and mind. It aids the mind to attain self awareness and thereby liberation. It uses simple love and compassion as the main ingredient and by elevating the patients own spiritual scope to negate pain. Normal medicine treats the patient as a gross bundle of flesh and bones with the relevant disease. In spiritual palliative care it explores the patients inherent energies both physical and spiritual and transmutes love into an inner awareness, so that there is a creative evolution of transcendence of his own energies into the ultimate liberation. As energy cannot be created nor destroyed ,but it can be transformed subtly into a deeper form, re-equipping his own depleted energy, thereby relieving fear and tension and is a subtle form of indulgence towards honest acceptance of oneself and his condition which can be transformed into a sensory satisfaction. A sort of catharsis of the soul.--Vinay—
To live life fully you must understand the whole life and not part of it. If we compartmentalize our mind, then one portion sees the subjective form while the other takes the objective form. Proper suspension of the mind is required to obtain bliss in your minute pursuits.Life is not not just having an occupation for livelihood, but in spending all and every minute in doing many things, reading singing ,dancing, watching the stars and nature unfolding before us. Whatever we see, touch, and speak are all part of life and spirituality. Spirituality when tempered by open mindedness and receptivity would enable the true seeker to see enlightenment within his inward mind, neither grief or misery will enter when you are in this state.--Vinay—
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
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