Monday, June 20, 2011

1+1 is always not 2

There is a remarkable level of heterogeneity in religions cognizant of our modern times.The common fallacy is to think “one size fits all” theory, not taking into account the myriad cultures, customs and practices in different parts of the world. The concept that absolute moral truth exists is also a slippery slope. In math’s we assume 1 + 1 = 2 but this is conditional to only decimal notation. In the binary system digit 2 does not exist so 1 + 1 = 10. Theory, religion or philosophy cannot resolve so many unsolvable equations in life. It all depends on what we define to be valid and in which in context. Cold logic alone does not work always. Hence the biggest mistake is to overemphasize the tenets of any one religious concept: we only create a Dis- junction between the myriad perceptions of each of them. We miss out on the opportunity to explore how different religions / societies and their concepts can create paths to overcome the ills of societies. We ignore our greatest teacher, experience and end up embracing darkness.In the face of our shared human frailty, forgiveness expresses a kind of transcendent and unconditional regard for the humanity of the other, free of any admixture of interest or punitive anger or puffed-up self-righteousness. Yet forgiveness rightly understood does not deny the reality of justice. It is not a mindless erasure of all standards. To forgive, whether one is forgiving trespasses or debts, precisely means suspending all the just and legitimate claims we have against the other, in the name of the higher ground of divine love and human solidarity. That is why forgiveness, if properly understood, is both costly and rare. It affirms justice even as it suspends it.

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