Wednesday, March 21, 2012


Paganism is a spiritual way of life which has its roots in the ancient nature religions of the world. It is principally rooted in the old religions of Europe, though some adherents also find great worth in the indigenous beliefs of other countries. Such belief in the sacredness of all things can be found world-wide. Pagans see this as their heritage, and retain the beliefs and values of their ancestors in forms adapted to suit modern life.
We celebrate the sanctity of Nature, revering the vast, unknowable spirit that runs through the universe, both seen and unseen. Pagans honor all creation in all its aspects, whether male or female, as parts of the sacred whole. Every man and woman is, to a Pagan, a beautiful and unique being.
The woods and open spaces of the land, home to wild animals and birds, are cherished. Paganism stresses personal spiritual experience, and Pagans often find that experience through their relationship with the natural world that they love. Pagans of all paths respect the rights of every living soul, whether human, animal, plant or rock. We are ever mindful of the actions of cause and effect, whether by thought or deed, upon the creatures of the Earth.

We seek spiritual union with the Universe by attuning with the tides of Nature and by exploring our inner selves, seeing each reflected in the other. We believe that we should unravel the mystery of life face to face, within our own experience, rather than through an intermediary.

In these days of environmental concern and eco-awareness, Pagans are often at the forefront of Green awareness. Pagans of all paths respect the rights of every living soul, whether human, animal, plant or rock. We are ever mindful of the actions of cause and effect, whether by thought or deed, upon the creatures of the Earth.
These beliefs are the heritage of all people from our distant and common ancestors ( believing these to be fundamental to our spending our lives in harmony with the rhythms of the natural world.)– They are equally the concern of all our descendants.Pagan federation.

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