Sunday, December 9, 2012


What is the logic of national pride, family pride or shame? Having a 3000 year genetic legacy can be a source of group identity and pride in the same way as a shared history, culture & religion. Religion, color, caste, creed, region and relationships normally define our identity and classification of humans always depended on physical features like skin color, facial and hair form called me mbers of a race. “Race” is a term of uncertain etymology and many interpretations, human race, white race (Europeans), Englishmen(Nation), Africans, the last of the Mohicans or even a single family. History is replete with race, “tribe” or “people”. Are the NAVAJO, a tribe, a race, or people? Ancestry and origins are vital in every culture, as is family history as Richard Lewotin states in this article; we may understand ourselves better if we know our line of ancestors. Consciousness of being a member of a genetically ethnic group may help us in our quest for self knowledge and to know who we really are. Biological research validates links between Jews and the land which has been the glue of their socio cultural bonds, like cultural or religious principles transforming ancestry into identity of selfhood. The choice to learn about ourselves, to remain who we are or realign ourselves vis a vis the newly revealed sense and bodily facts about who we have always been remains ours to make.

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