Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Banking on Superstition during hard times. Isn’t it strange that when we are down in the dumps we grasp at every straw, whether it is the Lord of the lies, Feng Shui, Eastern Mysticism or a pantheon of gods for solutions? Superstition plays an important part in our lives, as Mark Twain stated the lack of money is the root of all misery. You can be born with a silver spoon or work your way to riches but when you end up in the soup kitchen you try any remedy. During recessionary period’s people will resort to any sort of hocus focus? We accept many beliefs without questioning them. There is the Hindu goddess of wealth (Mahalaxmi) or Kuber the pot belied dwarf with one eye and eight teeth, who is worshipped by the devout to bring prosperity. If you like western mythology you can implore the Greek god Pluto who ensures allocation of resources (wonder why Greece is bankrupt). The Jhamlias are Chinese wealth gods & the Taoists have their laughing Buddha. Feng Shui is the latest fad for bringing in dame fortune through you may have to re-locate your toilet to the main entrance & paint the main door in flaming yellow. Live plants and a mini waterfall is also a big help, three ancient coins tied in a knot bring in more wealth. In the olden days you worked hard and the sweat would turn to gold and the lazy ones would many into money. Of course now we have credit cards and banks willing to extend easy personal loans & wealth managers to take it away from you. But Bernie Madoff even in prison swears by Ponzi schemes, because like believers there are a billion suckers out there waiting to part with their money. So take a leap of faith: use a three legged toad for luck and launch a new scheme – a sure fire way to bag a grand slam with the new amulet or charms.-Vinay-

Banking on Superstition during hard times. Isn’t it strange that when we are down in the dumps we grasp at every straw, whether it is the Lord of the lies, Feng Shui, Eastern Mysticism or a pantheon of gods for solutions? Superstition plays an important part in our lives, as Mark Twain stated the lack of money is the root of all misery. You can be born with a silver spoon or work your way to riches but when you end up in the soup kitchen you try any remedy. During recessionary period’s people will resort to any sort of hocus focus? We accept many beliefs without questioning them. There is the Hindu goddess of wealth (Mahalaxmi) or Kuber the pot belied dwarf with one eye and eight teeth, who is worshipped by the devout to bring prosperity. If you like western mythology you can implore the Greek god Pluto who ensures allocation of resources (wonder why Greece is bankrupt). The Jhamlias are Chinese wealth gods & the Taoists have their laughing Buddha. Feng Shui is the latest fad for bringing in dame fortune through you may have to re-locate your toilet to the main entrance & paint the main door in flaming yellow. Live plants and a mini waterfall is also a big help, three ancient coins tied in a knot bring in more wealth. In the olden days you worked hard and the sweat would turn to gold and the lazy ones would many into money. Of course now we have credit cards and banks willing to extend easy personal loans & wealth managers to take it away from you. But Bernie Madoff even in prison swears by Ponzi schemes, because like believers there are a billion suckers out there waiting to part with their money. So take a leap of faith: use a three legged toad for luck and launch a new scheme – a sure fire way to bag a grand slam with the new amulet or charms.-Vinay-

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