Thursday, May 3, 2012

Despair is a mortal sin!

Our greatest enemy is boredom and despair; it is really physical there are times when you wallow in self pity & ennui. You really do not realize you are a body and sink to a point of depletion where it doesn’t seem worthwhile to get up. Many of us have been in such a situation and require a herculean effort, or a blessings counter to summon enough courage or reasons, to come out of our shells. Out of this trapped deadwood, it’s worth the effort to spring forth into a new leaf. The universe is 95% dark space, we have very little light, we are all replicas of the universe, and we are dark inside. Look for what lies beneath, deep down, where there is complete darkness. Darkness is everywhere and there is also peace in darkness, it is synonymous with silence. When we see nature, it arrests our thought processes and the image is superimposed in our minds eye, then we imbibe it for a moment, but don’t interpret it. Extend the moment into eternity, to live in that moment and taste it continuously in our everyday life – right in the crowd, not in the cave- is the path to enlightment.-Vinay-

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