Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Th Elegy dies out.

The history of religious disputes and jihads is the history of misleading dogmas, superstitions, half baked logic, baffling abstract scriptures, contemptuous intolerance and theological malfeasance. A mad religious confederacy- a racket of proselyters, who thrive on attacking other faiths and beliefs. As children our lives were magical then conditioning made it boring and finally fear sets in our hearts. How often the fear of one evil leads us into worse. In the holy books the authors feed us with the deadly fear of divine retribution, and then make an outlandish premise of salvation, to convince everyone that this is the reality. Religion is a false therapy for real happiness as it preys on our fears , but it has become a part of society’s addiction mainly because it is a a sort of communal activity – a buddy system, the comfort of the herd. Rationalists fiercely distrust this idea of a collective consciousness behind religions and its discontents. But the poor believer is made to swallow all holy books like the Bible, Koran etc, hook, line and scriptures and asked to recite the verses at the first hint of misery or a problem. In the end the human body reduces to ashes, small enough to fit in to a shoe box. The solitude of the grave being our own mortality and we discover too late that the terrible apprehensions were also mortal and dies with you – neither religion, nor the loud hosanna’s makes any sense or sound.

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