Thursday, May 3, 2012

Frozen wall posts

Enlightenment does not come by prayer or meditation, nor by following the moral compass of religion. Enlightenment comes from releasing the pent up emotions and love imprisoned within you into the world.You cannot delve into your past or yogic practices to make your present better - you have to unfold your own myth.-Vinay- "Control is just an illusion. Mind accepts the confusion, lives with the intrusion, until Love ends the delusion." Serious Philosophy Sentiment surfaces fast and runs hot in public life, dumbing it down and crippling intimacy in private life. I regret the insinuation that anything I post is moral, spiritual, theological or good for anyone in anyway. The search for the truth is just a particular species of the search for the truth. - Spiritual encyclopedia- Spirituality is mind over matter –when the mind says ‘it does not matter’ to worldly material possessions. When you wake up at dawn remember the sunset is not far away. Learn to drink life to the lees- savoring each sip lovingly betwixt the lips- there is no destiny in reading the tea leaves. Tell them I am dying as I live, So they the dying will live again As the moon dieth and cometh to life again, So we will also have to die, till we live again.- Indian Prayer- Your love is worth everything I have Pain, Sorrow Passion, Sex and even Death... My elegiac heart....My life...... Possesses nothing else tomorrow naked as a monk I can leave this worldly game. My Soul would surely have lost nothing..... I am like the high plains drifter racing up the Mountain to meet you. to the heavens. I am the soul that frees your heart. Come with me to explore the coast of my love to end of the world and float with me beyond our galaxy. I want to explore every line of your languid body, touch you with the passion of yesterday, today and tomorrow. I do not own the night, the moon, the stars, your body, or the right to call your name; but your love owns everything I have, my heart, my body and my soul. You are sensational, irresistible, you have penetrated my soul, deeply, passionately.

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