Wednesday, July 13, 2011


The path to liberation always provokes thoughts, and is not for those who conform to rituals or live by others priorities,choices, codes, or what is right or wrong. People who are steeped in the resonance of rituals cease to grow.

In essence fear is the key, the obstacle to progress, which binds us to a vegetative and stagnating life. Freedom from the meditative outpourings of religion, its dogmas and cultural conditioning, is the birthright of every person. Whatever stands in the path of freedom must be opposed, be it ritual or superstition or other societal limitations imposed on us,we must be a law unto ourselves.

Our hearts should be filled with the sounds of silence and tranquility, even emptiness occupies space.Our inner spectrum has the vital energy and abstract quality to sense the visual perspective of bliss.
Freedom involves peeling off the many layers of convention, beliefs, opinions, concepts, and dictum that limit our aspirations.
Ultimately life is about having the freedom to soar like a bird, and find eternal joy!-Vinay-

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