Friday, July 29, 2011

Window to the world.

They say we are the window to the world but many of us don’t perceive this in the true sense and fail to explore the opportunities. At a certain point in our lives we lose control of what is happening to our lives, and leave things to the Drums of destiny. Often it is our choice, more than chance that, decides our circumstances in life.

Being aware of the opportunities and wary of the risks is something in the path to actual self realization. Weighing uncertainties and calculating risks in our minds we often ignore the actual relationships which had to last through fleeting time. We often expect the worst and don’t see the light or test the waters, we don’t take the plunge.

Deep in the ocean lie riches and wealth beyond compare, but if you seek safety we will end up walking on the shoreline forever.
The professional always seizes the moment, while the amateur thinks of the consequences and the moment is lost or gone forever. –Vinay-

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