Monday, July 25, 2011

The spoils of war.

The carnage of war can have about it a haunting and melancholic surrealism. If nations have determination and no faith in mankind it will lead to strife and appalling effects. With so many religions vying for supremacy, the oxymoronic issue of which faith is more religious creates famines, despair, plunder and burials, we all know that truth and beauty are out there in the Universes, but the biting satire is the nightmare below the world’s surface.
The disasters of war and strife create an ill effect of deprivation, suffering of the mind and soul which reflects images of childhood, mayhem, old age, charlatans and heroes. The world around us expresses this pitiable human condition, both violent and tender human conditions; encompassing all that human beings are capable of, from the animalistic to the magnificent.
The murky and trivial issues, the idiocy of violence,; the judgments fed by brutish men whose fascination with life’s extreme torment of broken down order, suits our modern sense. The dim lights and the surreal feeling, show that the mid quotidian middle ground of human experience does not hold the real truth.- Vinay-

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