Wednesday, July 13, 2011

The time has come!

Nothing is worse than the status quo, whether you call it Democracy, Facicism, Communism, or Nihilism, for decades people have endured Civil wars, Military rule, and Dictators rule, along with natural disasters. Some souls evolve quickly, some at a snails pace, Spirituality stimulates our imagination; they open up portions of reality, and unlatch the doors we habitually keep shut.
Some realities disturb us, like the revolutionary Arab spring movement, where the puny and fearless go forth and confront the enemies’ tanks. Whether they die or hit the mark, they cause inestimable damage. They spread the light that illuminates or kills like a flash; lone figures armed only with ideas, but blast away at the epochs which like a veil of cobwebs covered our minds. It awakens our collective mummified, inertia, apathy and stupidity. Even God himself cannot stop an idea whose time has come. –Vinay-

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