Monday, July 25, 2011

Is violence the new Lingua Franca???

As the globalized village merges into a single market place, the echoes of the bomb blasts from Bombay to Norway pave the road to perdition. Is the world being flattened and paved with shrapnel? A nation’s language reflects its culture, psyche, and modes of thought……
The crazy fjords are audible like the blasts in the precipitous, intonations of the Norwegians, distinct from the dark I’s of Russian in Tchaikovsky’s lugubrious tunes, searching for peace. French is not only romantic, but the language of love par excellence.
English is promiscuous and adaptable, ah---Italian, seductive embellished with vignettes, all these are melting like a soufflé, in the meaningless, bigoted and absurd language of terror. European languages pinched their verbal philosophical tool kit from Latin, which in turn lifted it wholesale from Greek.
Now when we celebrate the 400th anniversary of the translation of King James, version of the Bible; the semiotics of the Global market place Babel encourages one to revisit the biblical places whose names became words in our lexicon.

Golgotha the hill where Jesus was crucified, whose contours resemble a skull (gulgolet in Hebrew) became synonymous with a burial ground ---- a place of great suffering.
Similarly, Alcedema was the name of a potter’s field purchased by priests with the money Judas Iscariot got for betraying Jesus. Today “alcedema” stands for a place of bloodshed (from the Greek Akeldama, derived from the Aramaic word “field of blood”).

All these words from Biblical times leaves a linguistic trail of blood and gore, in the wake of “The book of God”, that ostensibly changed the world. No language --- not even that of the most “primitive” tribes; is inherently unsuitable for expressing the complex web of violence we see around us.-Vinay-

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