Many of us fear death. We believe in death because we have been told we will die. We associate ourselves with the body, and we know that bodies die. But a new scientific theory suggests that death is not the terminal event we think.
One well-known aspect of quantum physics is that certain observations cannot be predicted absolutely. Instead, there is a range of possible observations each with a different probability. One mainstream explanation, the “many-worlds” interpretation, states that each of these possible observations corresponds to a different universe (the multiversity).
A new scientific theory – called -Biocentrism – refines these ideas. There are an infinite number of universes, and everything that could possibly happen occurs in some universe. Death does not exist in any real sense in these scenarios. Although individual bodies are destined to self-destruct, the “I” feeling is just a fountain of energy operating in the brain. But this energy doesn’t just go away at death.
All possible universes exist simultaneously, regardless of what happens in any of them. One of the surest axioms of science is that energy never dies; it can neither be created nor destroyed. But does this energy transcend from one world to the other?
According to Biocentrism, space and time are not the hard objects we think. Wave your hand through the air – if you take everything away, what’s left? Nothing. The same thing applies for time. Space and time are simply the tools for putting everything together.
Death does not exist in a timeless, space less world. Immortality doesn’t mean a perpetual existence in time without end, but rather resides outside of time altogether. -Robert Lanza MD –
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
Yoga and sex scandals
The New York Times report that stated that Yoga was fundamentally a Tantric practice with sexual connotations has opened up a Pandora’s Box amongst practitioners and preachers alike.
With the shift of the movie theater generation to internet, people are no longer interested in the sex Scandals of movie stars, but the sex and sleeze in spirituality and religion coming out of the closet is a hot topic for debates.
The Yoga guru scandal that erupted in USA with sex, money, marijuana, videotapes and lies has tongues wagging overtime 24/7. The Anusara yoga edifice with 20000 followers scattered all over the globe was exposed when John Friend the founder was exposed as a serial adulterer, sex maniac and drug dealer.
The original roots of Yoga was to spiritualize the mundane existence, but now it is multibillion dollar business and the west has distorted it beyond recognition of its original frame work. It is using spirituality to cloak the guilt feelings of having sex whenever and with whomsoever. The paradox is that Yoga as enumerated in the Bhagavad Gita , is about Karma and Siddhi or developing the latent energies and understanding - which also comes from the loins and moves upwards, but people who have no control of the sexual impulse use it for respectability.
Pulitzer Prize winning science writer William Broad (pun in name unintended) further eroded the purity of Yoga practice when he wrote, that yoga discipline has its roots as a sex cult to stir the sexual hormones. With glamorous practitioners like Sting, Robert Downey Junior it has become a cult act in the USA, hordes of young people flocks to enroll for the wrong reasons.
This has given rise to unauthorized fly by night yoga guru’s and charlatans, who have seized this opportunity to make a fast buck and fuck, with a self defeating eclectic cocktail of spiritual mumbo – jumbo, sex and sleaze, attracting clients looking for libidinal secrets.
Hatha yoga is the purified offspring of Tantra which is different from the practice of Tantra. People in the West think Indian spirituality is about pot and chillum smoking sages, orgies and asanas are mistaken for erotic positions depicted in Kama Sutra, forgetting that all the original teachers of yoga were celibates, and it was used to heighten the senses for a higher purpose.
Forget trying to get esoteric because the confusion is caused by alliteration of sorts of the asanas. The true aim of the Tantric sex act is to transcend frictional orgasm, but it cannot be misconstrued as nirvana. Yoga in to purest form has no connection to the rites of Tantra. –Vinay- cocktail gossip.-
With the shift of the movie theater generation to internet, people are no longer interested in the sex Scandals of movie stars, but the sex and sleeze in spirituality and religion coming out of the closet is a hot topic for debates.
The Yoga guru scandal that erupted in USA with sex, money, marijuana, videotapes and lies has tongues wagging overtime 24/7. The Anusara yoga edifice with 20000 followers scattered all over the globe was exposed when John Friend the founder was exposed as a serial adulterer, sex maniac and drug dealer.
The original roots of Yoga was to spiritualize the mundane existence, but now it is multibillion dollar business and the west has distorted it beyond recognition of its original frame work. It is using spirituality to cloak the guilt feelings of having sex whenever and with whomsoever. The paradox is that Yoga as enumerated in the Bhagavad Gita , is about Karma and Siddhi or developing the latent energies and understanding - which also comes from the loins and moves upwards, but people who have no control of the sexual impulse use it for respectability.
Pulitzer Prize winning science writer William Broad (pun in name unintended) further eroded the purity of Yoga practice when he wrote, that yoga discipline has its roots as a sex cult to stir the sexual hormones. With glamorous practitioners like Sting, Robert Downey Junior it has become a cult act in the USA, hordes of young people flocks to enroll for the wrong reasons.
This has given rise to unauthorized fly by night yoga guru’s and charlatans, who have seized this opportunity to make a fast buck and fuck, with a self defeating eclectic cocktail of spiritual mumbo – jumbo, sex and sleaze, attracting clients looking for libidinal secrets.
Hatha yoga is the purified offspring of Tantra which is different from the practice of Tantra. People in the West think Indian spirituality is about pot and chillum smoking sages, orgies and asanas are mistaken for erotic positions depicted in Kama Sutra, forgetting that all the original teachers of yoga were celibates, and it was used to heighten the senses for a higher purpose.
Forget trying to get esoteric because the confusion is caused by alliteration of sorts of the asanas. The true aim of the Tantric sex act is to transcend frictional orgasm, but it cannot be misconstrued as nirvana. Yoga in to purest form has no connection to the rites of Tantra. –Vinay- cocktail gossip.-
The power of Thought!
Literature, poetry and prose have been instruments of human expression and creativity, loosely termed as philosophy it is prevalent in all cultures. The world has witnessed an age when literature in all these forms occupied pride of place similar to the ones enjoyed by religion, science and technology.
I seek inspiration from what I see around me, events in my life, what I read how I feel. It is like building on a perception, when you read an article, prose or poetry you tend to buy the vision. There is no piracy or pliagrasim involved, as thoughts belong to no one. You are not seeing other people’s works or their design ideas, but interpretations of the thought process distilled in your own mind.
If you do not borrow the thoughts of others, it will only vegetate there – in that brilliant mind, of no use to humanity and it must be snatched for the sake of posterity. It is like taking away happiness strife or sorrow from someone else’s house and that is not stealing.
The ideas can be conveyed without being physically present; but their presence can be felt like a beam of energy from a torch – and can be interpreted in myriad ways to torch a chord or just set you thinking. It could trigger a vibe of happiness or even confusion. It would be like visiting someone else’s house, painstakingly translating his ideas of what constitutes life’s reality; into a thought specific post, placing ideas inside the mind space.
Thoughts converted to words are like the deep ocean currents; they have to float on the minds surface on their own impulse and cannot be forced from within or without ….. Vinay Kumar
I seek inspiration from what I see around me, events in my life, what I read how I feel. It is like building on a perception, when you read an article, prose or poetry you tend to buy the vision. There is no piracy or pliagrasim involved, as thoughts belong to no one. You are not seeing other people’s works or their design ideas, but interpretations of the thought process distilled in your own mind.
If you do not borrow the thoughts of others, it will only vegetate there – in that brilliant mind, of no use to humanity and it must be snatched for the sake of posterity. It is like taking away happiness strife or sorrow from someone else’s house and that is not stealing.
The ideas can be conveyed without being physically present; but their presence can be felt like a beam of energy from a torch – and can be interpreted in myriad ways to torch a chord or just set you thinking. It could trigger a vibe of happiness or even confusion. It would be like visiting someone else’s house, painstakingly translating his ideas of what constitutes life’s reality; into a thought specific post, placing ideas inside the mind space.
Thoughts converted to words are like the deep ocean currents; they have to float on the minds surface on their own impulse and cannot be forced from within or without ….. Vinay Kumar
Poets, Philosophers and Penny Posts no more.
A child of our time is what we call the internet, irrespective of its source. At the very heart of modernity, it belonged to a briskly different age and almost perfectly reflected it. Its matter-of-fact brevity did its sense of urgency, its glimpsing manner, its stab of truth. The penny post or letter overshadowed by the riches and delights of the E-mail, Twitter and Face books novelty was regarded by everyone as little more than a poor relation living on the crumbs scattered by the rural population, senile old folks and the computer illiterate. Success of the Internet, SMS,MMS that flourished as technology never had before.
But these humbly gathered crumbs were more wholesome than they might have been. They nourished a modest art, and in modesty the letter and penny post eventually found itself. It discovered the value of a quiet voice and acquired, in time, a quality it since has made its own: distinctive, spare and unfussy. All that was waiting for the ink pen, who gratefully reached out for it, prized it and indelibly left its mark on it.
Poets and philosophers are men, with unease and doubt and guilt, and an awakened curiosity. They tapped their fantasies, relished imagination's freedom, but still did not neglect the ordinariness of the everyday, or lives that were considered unimportant by those who lived them, or the small events and half-forgotten moments that made lives everywhere what they were.
The unusual as a human quality appealed to them, as mild eccentricity did, and the capriciousness that enlivens the monotony of convention. The poet and philosopher are a doomed species – divided by the march of technology and science like falling in love with a woman who scorns them and their unrequited love ; nothing to do with intellect verbal beauty or accepted definitions of tragedy. What move them are the hurt and the pain which is almost unbearable. They seemed not to be watching a great drama by/ but eavesdropping on life itself.
Truth, somewhere, has got in the way, pushing politeness and pretense aside. -Vinay-(Poets Encyclopedia)
But these humbly gathered crumbs were more wholesome than they might have been. They nourished a modest art, and in modesty the letter and penny post eventually found itself. It discovered the value of a quiet voice and acquired, in time, a quality it since has made its own: distinctive, spare and unfussy. All that was waiting for the ink pen, who gratefully reached out for it, prized it and indelibly left its mark on it.
Poets and philosophers are men, with unease and doubt and guilt, and an awakened curiosity. They tapped their fantasies, relished imagination's freedom, but still did not neglect the ordinariness of the everyday, or lives that were considered unimportant by those who lived them, or the small events and half-forgotten moments that made lives everywhere what they were.
The unusual as a human quality appealed to them, as mild eccentricity did, and the capriciousness that enlivens the monotony of convention. The poet and philosopher are a doomed species – divided by the march of technology and science like falling in love with a woman who scorns them and their unrequited love ; nothing to do with intellect verbal beauty or accepted definitions of tragedy. What move them are the hurt and the pain which is almost unbearable. They seemed not to be watching a great drama by/ but eavesdropping on life itself.
Truth, somewhere, has got in the way, pushing politeness and pretense aside. -Vinay-(Poets Encyclopedia)
Stained glass window of life.
None of us has time to live the true dramas of the life that we are destined for. This is what ages us – this and nothing else. The wrinkles and creases on our faces are the registration of the great passions, vices, insights that called on us; but we, the masters, were not at home.
In the end, we get older, we kill everyone who loves us through the worries we give them, through the troubled tenderness we inspire in them, and the fears we ceaselessly cause. The implication, again, is that a human life would last for ever if we didn’t intervene –
Let’s think no more and talk no more about it. The broken stained glass will merely be what it is in the temple – the symbol of an indissoluble union between man and nature.-
In the end, we get older, we kill everyone who loves us through the worries we give them, through the troubled tenderness we inspire in them, and the fears we ceaselessly cause. The implication, again, is that a human life would last for ever if we didn’t intervene –
Let’s think no more and talk no more about it. The broken stained glass will merely be what it is in the temple – the symbol of an indissoluble union between man and nature.-
Each era shapes generations responses.
In the fifties we respected elders never discussed personal matters, scheduled time for meeting to ask favors. Saved up money to buy houses and send our children to College. Reality was a harsh teacher for a generation that worked with their sleeves rolled up, so that their children could have a better life. They had to sing for their supper, and had a desire for certainty and stability in their lives.
In the sixties the pop culture rebelled against parents and authority visited people on impulse without prior intimation. The flower children and hippie generation believed children should develop their personalities in a free, unstructured atmosphere. And the parents mostly hung out on the second floor of the building, smoking dope and enjoying sex, while downstairs the big kids tormented the little kids. For a long time this generation acted as if only moral, political and religious obstacles prevented love from flourishing in its entire splendor.
Seventies and Eighties bombarded by T.V ads says you owe me a favor, personal matters discussed in public. Disillusionment with the ethos of their own generation, like their equivalents in half a dozen other countries in the world, nourished the dream of an absolute break with the past. Their jobs were a mixture of consultancy, hard sell, event planning and wearing fancy clothes for all night parties around town.
We come to the 21st century! IT savvy youths serious by 20, lived their entire lives with antennae growing out of their ears. They require money for everything, no time to enjoy life; MBAs plug ‘n’ play people want to start careers as Vice presidents, they tweet, they share, they stay in touch with FB and their heads are in the clouds. They send pictures of their body parts, have short attention spans, no loyalty to employer or family, divorces are faster than the time it took to make wedding plans.
They suspect elders; endless upheavals and disappointments, great waves of anger, still find their place within the realm of this century. They wanted a grander, more elevated life, just as before, it can take humans to the depth of existence as well as the heights. That emotion could surely be considered a matter of history in this virtual era.
Compensation and how much money they can make in the shortest possible period is the holy grail~ first to know of fancy changes in technology and think all people who lived in this planet before them were stupid, because they did not know how to Google. B- Schools are churning them out by the millions, they are even willing to outsource their epitaph writing to third parties. These geeks will inherit the earth.-Vinay-
In the sixties the pop culture rebelled against parents and authority visited people on impulse without prior intimation. The flower children and hippie generation believed children should develop their personalities in a free, unstructured atmosphere. And the parents mostly hung out on the second floor of the building, smoking dope and enjoying sex, while downstairs the big kids tormented the little kids. For a long time this generation acted as if only moral, political and religious obstacles prevented love from flourishing in its entire splendor.
Seventies and Eighties bombarded by T.V ads says you owe me a favor, personal matters discussed in public. Disillusionment with the ethos of their own generation, like their equivalents in half a dozen other countries in the world, nourished the dream of an absolute break with the past. Their jobs were a mixture of consultancy, hard sell, event planning and wearing fancy clothes for all night parties around town.
We come to the 21st century! IT savvy youths serious by 20, lived their entire lives with antennae growing out of their ears. They require money for everything, no time to enjoy life; MBAs plug ‘n’ play people want to start careers as Vice presidents, they tweet, they share, they stay in touch with FB and their heads are in the clouds. They send pictures of their body parts, have short attention spans, no loyalty to employer or family, divorces are faster than the time it took to make wedding plans.
They suspect elders; endless upheavals and disappointments, great waves of anger, still find their place within the realm of this century. They wanted a grander, more elevated life, just as before, it can take humans to the depth of existence as well as the heights. That emotion could surely be considered a matter of history in this virtual era.
Compensation and how much money they can make in the shortest possible period is the holy grail~ first to know of fancy changes in technology and think all people who lived in this planet before them were stupid, because they did not know how to Google. B- Schools are churning them out by the millions, they are even willing to outsource their epitaph writing to third parties. These geeks will inherit the earth.-Vinay-
The Pope and the revolutionary Dictator!
“The time has come” the Walrus said,
To talk of many things:
Of shoes – and ships – and sealing wax –
Of Cabbages and Kings.
The poem flashed across my mind when Pope Benedict and Cuban revolutionary Fidel Castro had a meeting like the Walrus and the Carpenter.
In an era of interconnectedness and interdependence it is all the more imperative that the Church and state come together to formulize strategy. These two eponymous and predatory leaders discussed world matters which are a paradox by itself seeing that they are different as chalk and cheese.
The case for a non religions moral sensibility is now gaining momentum & resonance especially when backed by Dalai Lama, Dawkins, Hitchens, Harris and others who endorse the movement. Religion is a bundle of contradiction even in the scriptures causing confusion in the minds of the single minded zealots and crusading missionaries.
In Mathew 5:39 you exhort followers to “turn to him the other cheek” and in the same vein you use les talions- “An eye for an eye” in retribution.
The poem by Lewis Carrol was brilliantly interpreted by J B Priestly and is viewed as an indictment against organized religion and dictatorship – Jesus depicted as the carpenter representing Religion and Castro the political dictator. Religion and politics cleverly lures its followers and subjects to certain destruction. It is possible to lead a moral and ethical life without the crutches of religion or state as all of us have a moral compass that shows as how to differentiate between right and wrong, and there is no need for special guidance.
Religion has become a sort of aggressive fanaticism whereas many non-believers, atheists do a lot of good for the down trodden, and help people who have been subjugated and exploited in the name of religion and state. One need not pray 5 times or recite anthems in rapture of the lord, to be seen as ennobled, while the atheist tries to give relief to those who suffer. History is full of people who have done wrong and oppression in the name of religion and state.
The real joke was when Fidel Castro asked Pope Benedict “what does a Pontiff do” and he replied that he too had his own ministries. Religion and the church have their own Catechism of things you have to repeat in lockstep; kind of like Fidel’s old Communist party, both of them deny free will.
The Cleric and the Communist dictator hunts the same quarry “man “and one wants to control his body into obedience, whilst the other wants to control his mind…. –Vinay-
To talk of many things:
Of shoes – and ships – and sealing wax –
Of Cabbages and Kings.
The poem flashed across my mind when Pope Benedict and Cuban revolutionary Fidel Castro had a meeting like the Walrus and the Carpenter.
In an era of interconnectedness and interdependence it is all the more imperative that the Church and state come together to formulize strategy. These two eponymous and predatory leaders discussed world matters which are a paradox by itself seeing that they are different as chalk and cheese.
The case for a non religions moral sensibility is now gaining momentum & resonance especially when backed by Dalai Lama, Dawkins, Hitchens, Harris and others who endorse the movement. Religion is a bundle of contradiction even in the scriptures causing confusion in the minds of the single minded zealots and crusading missionaries.
In Mathew 5:39 you exhort followers to “turn to him the other cheek” and in the same vein you use les talions- “An eye for an eye” in retribution.
The poem by Lewis Carrol was brilliantly interpreted by J B Priestly and is viewed as an indictment against organized religion and dictatorship – Jesus depicted as the carpenter representing Religion and Castro the political dictator. Religion and politics cleverly lures its followers and subjects to certain destruction. It is possible to lead a moral and ethical life without the crutches of religion or state as all of us have a moral compass that shows as how to differentiate between right and wrong, and there is no need for special guidance.
Religion has become a sort of aggressive fanaticism whereas many non-believers, atheists do a lot of good for the down trodden, and help people who have been subjugated and exploited in the name of religion and state. One need not pray 5 times or recite anthems in rapture of the lord, to be seen as ennobled, while the atheist tries to give relief to those who suffer. History is full of people who have done wrong and oppression in the name of religion and state.
The real joke was when Fidel Castro asked Pope Benedict “what does a Pontiff do” and he replied that he too had his own ministries. Religion and the church have their own Catechism of things you have to repeat in lockstep; kind of like Fidel’s old Communist party, both of them deny free will.
The Cleric and the Communist dictator hunts the same quarry “man “and one wants to control his body into obedience, whilst the other wants to control his mind…. –Vinay-
The Meandering river of life!
The river, as a metaphor for the journey of life has been amply illustrated in poems, songs, stories and philosophy. The song, “Suzanne” by Leonard Cohen with its haunting score echoes in my mind.
“Suzanne – takes you down to her place by the river….. Jesus was sailor and he said all men will be sailors- and only drowning men can see him, but he himself was broken – human…. Suzanne lets the river answer”…
Similarly Herman Hesse in his book Siddhartha deals with the spiritual journey where Siddhartha hooks up with a courtesan leads a hedonistic life of drinking, gambling till one day he gives it all up to become a boatman~ in his quest for deep comprehension and internalization. The essence is that enlightenment comes neither by embracing asceticism, love or carnal pleasures, which can only give samsara/experiences which allow one to understand life!
Myth, spiritualism and facts all combine to capture the essence of life along a simple meandering river. In the movie the indolent river above an indigo swept sky, swaying gaunt palm trees, cows chewing cud, boys jumping into it, rolls by in slow motion with Siddhatrta as the boatman who has attained Satori.
One is reminded of the holy Ganges quietly flowing, so quiet that one hardly notices its silent unobtrusive course ~ and along the banks the palms lean heaving /swaying and when the wind blows it is filled with a rustling murmur- that sheds a few tears as the waters swirl by representing an idyllic existence when one finds the meaning of existence.
As you see the boats go by watch the pilgrims, rituals, sages, Sadhus, Mendicants, Bodhisattvas, Gurus all showing the way, but not flowing with the river – you realize that no teaching not even Buddha’s can teach enlightenment. The self is not something that one finds - it is something one creates in the journey of life. To some I am the holy Ganges to others I am just a dirty river – and finally when I merge with the ocean there is only water and river no more. -Vinay- distilled from the Vedas.
“Suzanne – takes you down to her place by the river….. Jesus was sailor and he said all men will be sailors- and only drowning men can see him, but he himself was broken – human…. Suzanne lets the river answer”…
Similarly Herman Hesse in his book Siddhartha deals with the spiritual journey where Siddhartha hooks up with a courtesan leads a hedonistic life of drinking, gambling till one day he gives it all up to become a boatman~ in his quest for deep comprehension and internalization. The essence is that enlightenment comes neither by embracing asceticism, love or carnal pleasures, which can only give samsara/experiences which allow one to understand life!
Myth, spiritualism and facts all combine to capture the essence of life along a simple meandering river. In the movie the indolent river above an indigo swept sky, swaying gaunt palm trees, cows chewing cud, boys jumping into it, rolls by in slow motion with Siddhatrta as the boatman who has attained Satori.
One is reminded of the holy Ganges quietly flowing, so quiet that one hardly notices its silent unobtrusive course ~ and along the banks the palms lean heaving /swaying and when the wind blows it is filled with a rustling murmur- that sheds a few tears as the waters swirl by representing an idyllic existence when one finds the meaning of existence.
As you see the boats go by watch the pilgrims, rituals, sages, Sadhus, Mendicants, Bodhisattvas, Gurus all showing the way, but not flowing with the river – you realize that no teaching not even Buddha’s can teach enlightenment. The self is not something that one finds - it is something one creates in the journey of life. To some I am the holy Ganges to others I am just a dirty river – and finally when I merge with the ocean there is only water and river no more. -Vinay- distilled from the Vedas.
Play Misty for me!
In the misty moonlight
By the flickering starlight.
Any place is all right,
Long as nature is in sight
If we stop to pause for a moment from our hectic work we can see the beauty and chaos that define our world. We rush through life with our eyes wide open but our hearts are closely shut, missing the treasures lying in front of our eyes- yet never exploring as we live every moment in the crowded city of sorrows and its veil of illusion.
Our misdemeanors continue, our misery multiples our sorrows increase love blossoms and mayhem ensues. This is what happens every day as we forget what we lost in the years, the simple bliss from being re-interpreted mixed into the language of our life, the joyous discovery of timeless nature.
To capture the beautiful landscape of nature just open the window of your heart, to see the beauty that goes unnoticed and unappreciated. It is like a metaphysical sightseeing trip the colors represent in diverse ways the timelessness and eternal power of nature in the form of invigorating landscapes. The intense vibe one feels enhances every nuance of ourselves and one need not search for that something special as there is something exciting happening around you. The palpable magical atmosphere and physical beauty will transform the mundane aspects of your life.
Nature can manifest into your mind and blend with your unique style of life and add that vivacity to brighten up dull moments. Even the mist and the wind through monochromatic trace a simple but emotional chord within us, in the same way as the twilight of the glowing beach add its mystic touch to our lives. It exposes the cosmos in its entire epiphany, revealing a spiritual sacrality.
Embracing the moment is important because nature is always at its best. Nature is freedom from all our worries & will awaken us to the time – space purpose and meaning of life.- Vinay-
By the flickering starlight.
Any place is all right,
Long as nature is in sight
If we stop to pause for a moment from our hectic work we can see the beauty and chaos that define our world. We rush through life with our eyes wide open but our hearts are closely shut, missing the treasures lying in front of our eyes- yet never exploring as we live every moment in the crowded city of sorrows and its veil of illusion.
Our misdemeanors continue, our misery multiples our sorrows increase love blossoms and mayhem ensues. This is what happens every day as we forget what we lost in the years, the simple bliss from being re-interpreted mixed into the language of our life, the joyous discovery of timeless nature.
To capture the beautiful landscape of nature just open the window of your heart, to see the beauty that goes unnoticed and unappreciated. It is like a metaphysical sightseeing trip the colors represent in diverse ways the timelessness and eternal power of nature in the form of invigorating landscapes. The intense vibe one feels enhances every nuance of ourselves and one need not search for that something special as there is something exciting happening around you. The palpable magical atmosphere and physical beauty will transform the mundane aspects of your life.
Nature can manifest into your mind and blend with your unique style of life and add that vivacity to brighten up dull moments. Even the mist and the wind through monochromatic trace a simple but emotional chord within us, in the same way as the twilight of the glowing beach add its mystic touch to our lives. It exposes the cosmos in its entire epiphany, revealing a spiritual sacrality.
Embracing the moment is important because nature is always at its best. Nature is freedom from all our worries & will awaken us to the time – space purpose and meaning of life.- Vinay-
Love cannot be Destroyed.
Reality is a harsh teacher, for generations religions, state and society have tried to reform the human heart, it has been a strange experience to rediscover certain inviolable codes.
Love remains forever that part of life we can never control. It continues to resist indoctrination of theology and ideology. It does not yield to the inquiries of theory and morality.
The world has tried to bring it within the realm of reason and ethics, make it modern and progressive. But there is no progress in love. It will always be a surprise.
The mysteries of life, birth and death -violence, passion and beauty, out of body-tearing blood-pain comes tenderness ... -in -a-whisper- called ~Love.
Desire (Kama) is the one indestructible power on earth. –
Love remains forever that part of life we can never control. It continues to resist indoctrination of theology and ideology. It does not yield to the inquiries of theory and morality.
The world has tried to bring it within the realm of reason and ethics, make it modern and progressive. But there is no progress in love. It will always be a surprise.
The mysteries of life, birth and death -violence, passion and beauty, out of body-tearing blood-pain comes tenderness ... -in -a-whisper- called ~Love.
Desire (Kama) is the one indestructible power on earth. –
Sex and Spirituality.
America has always been the hotbed of innovation and chronic and recurring religious revivals in their various forms, whether it was Lutheranism, Communism or spirituality. The moral urgency, the sense of crisis and the concern, with personal salvation that marks the existence of American history.
The 1960s and '70s in America were the age of the Kinsey Reports and wife-swapping, of women worried about "frigidity" and of their men, who worried about it even more?
The orgasm became a battleground and Intellectuals who were not immune to Tantric sex and the philosophies of the east made a beeline to the Himalayas and Ganges. Nirvana and enlightenment were the key words and sexual liberation was the most common way to reach this higher reality.
America has long been a land of opportunity for spiritually inclined theorists, especially if they sport long hair, wear saffron robes and have foreign accents, along the lines of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, with his spiritual treatments in the first half of the 20th century, or with Osho with his free love the second half.
Bhagwan Rajneesh or Osho as he was called won a particular following among intellectuals, drug addicts musicians and cultural spokesmen of the new world, who were looking for a new revolution after becoming disillusioned with communism. Working in Rashnesh's favor was his timing,: Was the 'apocalyptic orgasm' the key to a new revolution, as Rajneesh claimed, or a false aim that camouflaged the hipster's narcissistic and hedonistic selfishness?
Osho for instance advocated along with celebrants like Freud the sexual revolution and everyone took it for granted that they could set aside the issue of jealousy. If sexual love could be freely shared, no one would have any reason to be jealous. That emotion could surely be considered a matter of history and there would be love around the world. Something like what was advocated by the flower children in the sixties “Make love not war”.
Yet after he made millions and died the major problems of love remain, endless upheavals and disappointments, great waves of anger, still find their place within the realm of sexuality. In spite of all these movements and followers, today there’s no sign at all that sexual jealousy is vanishing from the world.
Just as centuries before, it can take humans to the depth of existence as well as the heights... of pleasure and violence. It may be more prevalent, from the divorce courts to the advice columns to the celebrity magazines, the news is the same: Former lovers are still turning into haters, their personalities grotesquely twisted by adultery.
The 1960s and '70s in America were the age of the Kinsey Reports and wife-swapping, of women worried about "frigidity" and of their men, who worried about it even more?
The orgasm became a battleground and Intellectuals who were not immune to Tantric sex and the philosophies of the east made a beeline to the Himalayas and Ganges. Nirvana and enlightenment were the key words and sexual liberation was the most common way to reach this higher reality.
America has long been a land of opportunity for spiritually inclined theorists, especially if they sport long hair, wear saffron robes and have foreign accents, along the lines of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, with his spiritual treatments in the first half of the 20th century, or with Osho with his free love the second half.
Bhagwan Rajneesh or Osho as he was called won a particular following among intellectuals, drug addicts musicians and cultural spokesmen of the new world, who were looking for a new revolution after becoming disillusioned with communism. Working in Rashnesh's favor was his timing,: Was the 'apocalyptic orgasm' the key to a new revolution, as Rajneesh claimed, or a false aim that camouflaged the hipster's narcissistic and hedonistic selfishness?
Osho for instance advocated along with celebrants like Freud the sexual revolution and everyone took it for granted that they could set aside the issue of jealousy. If sexual love could be freely shared, no one would have any reason to be jealous. That emotion could surely be considered a matter of history and there would be love around the world. Something like what was advocated by the flower children in the sixties “Make love not war”.
Yet after he made millions and died the major problems of love remain, endless upheavals and disappointments, great waves of anger, still find their place within the realm of sexuality. In spite of all these movements and followers, today there’s no sign at all that sexual jealousy is vanishing from the world.
Just as centuries before, it can take humans to the depth of existence as well as the heights... of pleasure and violence. It may be more prevalent, from the divorce courts to the advice columns to the celebrity magazines, the news is the same: Former lovers are still turning into haters, their personalities grotesquely twisted by adultery.
If all our prayers are answered then God would be Supreme.
There is birth in one place while death stalks another place and in between is the halfway house of life. One enters this world while some one else exits this world, like waves rising to its crescendo and crashing back into the ocean. Where life begins and where it ends is the journey and no one knows.
Life at first is boredom, then excitement sets in, followed by fear of the unknown and our freedom is at stake whether we use it or not, with the passage of time it goes on and on. We eke out a livelihood, raise families and age, then arrive at the end of age and want to leave, disillusioned with this world, a revelation of death as the greatest leveler.
We cannot go back into the past or hit the pause button, nor reflect and say “what if”, like an escalator time moves on relentlessly waiting for no man. Nothing more terrible, nothing more true, a despairing time, but in the fear of death we find our immortality, while there is still time.
In the mind there are a thousand thoughts, in the heart a thousand desires – we seek but cannot find it’s a mystery and we do not have enough clues to solve it. The plot unfolds in a state of mute existence, joy, misery; bliss and fulfillment stir our brain cells fitfully – sending adrenaline shooting through our veins. It leaves something hidden from us, whether we find it use it or not it goes.
The story does not begin or end with either man or god. If all our prayers are answered, and all our desires satiated then life itself will have no meaning, nor will it remain a mystery. The absence of suspense, the sadness of reality and the authority of intrigue are all ingredients of this romance with life. -Vinay -
Life at first is boredom, then excitement sets in, followed by fear of the unknown and our freedom is at stake whether we use it or not, with the passage of time it goes on and on. We eke out a livelihood, raise families and age, then arrive at the end of age and want to leave, disillusioned with this world, a revelation of death as the greatest leveler.
We cannot go back into the past or hit the pause button, nor reflect and say “what if”, like an escalator time moves on relentlessly waiting for no man. Nothing more terrible, nothing more true, a despairing time, but in the fear of death we find our immortality, while there is still time.
In the mind there are a thousand thoughts, in the heart a thousand desires – we seek but cannot find it’s a mystery and we do not have enough clues to solve it. The plot unfolds in a state of mute existence, joy, misery; bliss and fulfillment stir our brain cells fitfully – sending adrenaline shooting through our veins. It leaves something hidden from us, whether we find it use it or not it goes.
The story does not begin or end with either man or god. If all our prayers are answered, and all our desires satiated then life itself will have no meaning, nor will it remain a mystery. The absence of suspense, the sadness of reality and the authority of intrigue are all ingredients of this romance with life. -Vinay -
Atoms comprise the fetus of life in the crucible of earth.
In the morning the mist which has an enchanted effect, that has descended begins to lift the early dawn from its slumber, it’s amazing to see the orange sun light coming through the mist- as if from a painting to construct a verdant countryside of green that bursts into every hue as the sun begins to shine – vividly visual you can picture it in your mind. It is immensely evocative and one can spend hours of awestruck gazing. It punches your senses right in the gut and the only missing link is Tchaikovsky's music for the aural blanks.
In the Universe everything is connected- this unified state is what people aspire for in the world ~ to recreate the special bond that exists between man and nature; in a manner of happenstance into the global culture. The universe is inside you, a part of you and this synchronicity is astounding and exceeds all our expectations; blessed dyslexic, challenged – as we have to douse the basest expectations of man, to unite mankind.
An organism consists of atoms, matter as well as consciousness; it is part of the terrestrial evolution – the inexhaustible infinity in endless space-time and timelessness. This is the manifestation of the absolute knowledge, truth and power. All possibilities exist in life and in the mind as the world becomes depth less
The sea breeze, the air we breathe, the life giving water all are connected to the Universe and live in perfect harmony. Man must thus pick up a leaf from nature take a cosmic leap of faith and connect – going beyond individual identity to a universal one. For a new world order, just Xerox nature where everything co-exists peacefully in a kind of fairy tale. –Vinay-
In the Universe everything is connected- this unified state is what people aspire for in the world ~ to recreate the special bond that exists between man and nature; in a manner of happenstance into the global culture. The universe is inside you, a part of you and this synchronicity is astounding and exceeds all our expectations; blessed dyslexic, challenged – as we have to douse the basest expectations of man, to unite mankind.
An organism consists of atoms, matter as well as consciousness; it is part of the terrestrial evolution – the inexhaustible infinity in endless space-time and timelessness. This is the manifestation of the absolute knowledge, truth and power. All possibilities exist in life and in the mind as the world becomes depth less
The sea breeze, the air we breathe, the life giving water all are connected to the Universe and live in perfect harmony. Man must thus pick up a leaf from nature take a cosmic leap of faith and connect – going beyond individual identity to a universal one. For a new world order, just Xerox nature where everything co-exists peacefully in a kind of fairy tale. –Vinay-
Temple of Gloom.
If our thoughts can be transformed into reality, then the illusion of life will be shattered and the suspense will disappear. The story of our life is like a book – it begins with the first step or chapter and depicts the mundane grind of work, impossible dreams, the hunger for love in an uncaring world, moments of sadness and wonder that come into every human’s life. We have to continue the journey with a rare sense of seriousness – the loneliness and with thoughts of death hovering around, casting a crooked shadow on life.
You cannot delve into your past or yogic practices to make your present better. If we follow the ideals conditioned in our minds from an impressionable age that –ambition, success, money can bring about the blanket of security in life- then we will undergo low phases when we cannot achieve these goals. Dogma and other peoples idea of what is morally right is a problematic concept, given today’s social, political and economic implications, if we follow a borrowed compass. There are some things which may not be immediately perceptible to the human senses.
Where life begins, where and how it ends, which is the path one takes in the journey… there is a high road, a low road, surrender to the chaos and unpredictability of life. No one knows, just turn the chapters the story unfolds and the paths keep changing. Find contentment in your own book of revelations.
The paths may change, one never knows what happens in the next bend – that is the allure, the suspense, where we sit on the edge, living up the lane of unpredictability. If we can appreciate the changes, savor the experiences, the absence of certainty –then we have understood life and the journey can end.-Vinay-
You cannot delve into your past or yogic practices to make your present better. If we follow the ideals conditioned in our minds from an impressionable age that –ambition, success, money can bring about the blanket of security in life- then we will undergo low phases when we cannot achieve these goals. Dogma and other peoples idea of what is morally right is a problematic concept, given today’s social, political and economic implications, if we follow a borrowed compass. There are some things which may not be immediately perceptible to the human senses.
Where life begins, where and how it ends, which is the path one takes in the journey… there is a high road, a low road, surrender to the chaos and unpredictability of life. No one knows, just turn the chapters the story unfolds and the paths keep changing. Find contentment in your own book of revelations.
The paths may change, one never knows what happens in the next bend – that is the allure, the suspense, where we sit on the edge, living up the lane of unpredictability. If we can appreciate the changes, savor the experiences, the absence of certainty –then we have understood life and the journey can end.-Vinay-
The Spy who came in from the cold.
The Russian (or Soviet) winter is a common explanation for military failures of invaders in Russia. According to an American military study, the main body of Napoleon's Grand Army, initially at least 378,000 strong, lost 50% of its men to the harsh winter. Arctic Russia is cold, harsh, strange and vast—it stretches nearly halfway round the world, from Finland to Alaska.
The Russian winter tends to be romanticized, due to Dr.Zhivago a novel by Boris Pasternak, which depicts Mysticism and Ideologies being destroyed by communism. In the shadow of all this grand political change we see that everything is governed by the basic human longing for companionship. Dr. Zhivago and Pasha, madly in love with the same woman, both traverse Russia in those volatile times in search of such stability, high up into the Ural Mountains in search of a steady life.
Though winter landscapes looks evocative on a Christmas postcard its astringent beauty is a letdown when you actually visit the place. During the winter months, it’s perpetual dusk and by 4 o’clock it’s pitch black, with temperatures of minus 25 to minus 40, which left little time to enjoy the stark beauty as it was difficult to expose oneself for long.
The snowy fields around Monchegorsk, Murmansk region disguise the fact that it is one of the most polluted towns in Russia, a church was built just a year ago and is surrounded by dachas (traditional Russian country homes), a retreat for the rich and poor alike. Since the demise of communism, the church has enjoyed a revival of sorts. Simon Roberts, a British photographer who braved the blizzards to take some beautiful and breathtaking snaps of the landscape, had frostbite when he took the pictures during the coldest winter.
Though the cold war ended years ago the mystery and intrigue of the spy wars continue in earnest. Taking a leaf from Ian Fleming’s “From Russia with love” the Russian spy ring is active in the USA. Anna Chapman was the honey trap bait used to lure the high powered lawyer John Altorelli. Not having the legendary skills or training of 007 aka James Bond, John introduced her as the woman in his life and boasted that she was the most adventurous woman in bed, shortly before she was arrested. Sometimes life is stranger than fiction.
The Russian winter tends to be romanticized, due to Dr.Zhivago a novel by Boris Pasternak, which depicts Mysticism and Ideologies being destroyed by communism. In the shadow of all this grand political change we see that everything is governed by the basic human longing for companionship. Dr. Zhivago and Pasha, madly in love with the same woman, both traverse Russia in those volatile times in search of such stability, high up into the Ural Mountains in search of a steady life.
Though winter landscapes looks evocative on a Christmas postcard its astringent beauty is a letdown when you actually visit the place. During the winter months, it’s perpetual dusk and by 4 o’clock it’s pitch black, with temperatures of minus 25 to minus 40, which left little time to enjoy the stark beauty as it was difficult to expose oneself for long.
The snowy fields around Monchegorsk, Murmansk region disguise the fact that it is one of the most polluted towns in Russia, a church was built just a year ago and is surrounded by dachas (traditional Russian country homes), a retreat for the rich and poor alike. Since the demise of communism, the church has enjoyed a revival of sorts. Simon Roberts, a British photographer who braved the blizzards to take some beautiful and breathtaking snaps of the landscape, had frostbite when he took the pictures during the coldest winter.
Though the cold war ended years ago the mystery and intrigue of the spy wars continue in earnest. Taking a leaf from Ian Fleming’s “From Russia with love” the Russian spy ring is active in the USA. Anna Chapman was the honey trap bait used to lure the high powered lawyer John Altorelli. Not having the legendary skills or training of 007 aka James Bond, John introduced her as the woman in his life and boasted that she was the most adventurous woman in bed, shortly before she was arrested. Sometimes life is stranger than fiction.
From a Proselyte to an Atheist.
A Christian missionary sets out to convert a remote Amazonian tribe. He lives with them for years in primitive conditions, learns their extremely difficult language, and risks his life battling malaria, giant anacondas, and sometimes the tribe itself. In a plot twist, instead of converting them he loses his faith, morphing from an evangelist trying to translate the Bible into an academic treatise, determined to understand the people he's come to respect and love.
Along the way, the former missionary discovers that the language these people speak doesn't follow one of the fundamental tenets of religion, morality or linguistics; a finding that would seem to turn the field on its head, undermine basic assumptions about how children learn to communicate, and dethrone the conditioned belief which mutates into a gothic fantasy embracing Jesuits, Islamists, Buddhists and above all Jews, like an inspired twisting of history and fiction.
More than any of that, though, his claim is difficult to verify because religion and the linguistics of scriptures is populated by a deeply factionalized group of scholars and theologists who can't agree on what they're arguing about and who tend to dismiss their opponents as pagans or infidels, blasphemers ,atheists, heathens or enemies. Such divisions exist, to varying degrees, in all disciplines, but religion seems uncommonly hostile. The word "brutal" comes up again and again, as does "savage," "infidel," and "heretics."
With that in mind, why should anyone care about the answer? Because it might hold the key to understanding what separates us from the rest of the animals.
The second part, he found, was tough because the Pirahã are rooted in the present. They don't discuss the future or the distant past. They don't have a belief in Gods or an afterlife. And they have a strong cultural resistance to the influence of outsiders, dubbing all non-Pirahã "crooked heads." They responded to Everett's evangelism with indifference or ridicule.
As he puts it now, the Pirahã weren't lost, and therefore they had no interest in being saved. They are a happy people. Living in the present has been an excellent strategy, and their lack of faith in the divine has not hindered them. Everett came to convert them, but over many years found that his own belief in God had melted away. In the final analysis as Richard Dawkins argues that humanity would be better off without religion or belief in God. - By Tom Bartlett-
Along the way, the former missionary discovers that the language these people speak doesn't follow one of the fundamental tenets of religion, morality or linguistics; a finding that would seem to turn the field on its head, undermine basic assumptions about how children learn to communicate, and dethrone the conditioned belief which mutates into a gothic fantasy embracing Jesuits, Islamists, Buddhists and above all Jews, like an inspired twisting of history and fiction.
More than any of that, though, his claim is difficult to verify because religion and the linguistics of scriptures is populated by a deeply factionalized group of scholars and theologists who can't agree on what they're arguing about and who tend to dismiss their opponents as pagans or infidels, blasphemers ,atheists, heathens or enemies. Such divisions exist, to varying degrees, in all disciplines, but religion seems uncommonly hostile. The word "brutal" comes up again and again, as does "savage," "infidel," and "heretics."
With that in mind, why should anyone care about the answer? Because it might hold the key to understanding what separates us from the rest of the animals.
The second part, he found, was tough because the Pirahã are rooted in the present. They don't discuss the future or the distant past. They don't have a belief in Gods or an afterlife. And they have a strong cultural resistance to the influence of outsiders, dubbing all non-Pirahã "crooked heads." They responded to Everett's evangelism with indifference or ridicule.
As he puts it now, the Pirahã weren't lost, and therefore they had no interest in being saved. They are a happy people. Living in the present has been an excellent strategy, and their lack of faith in the divine has not hindered them. Everett came to convert them, but over many years found that his own belief in God had melted away. In the final analysis as Richard Dawkins argues that humanity would be better off without religion or belief in God. - By Tom Bartlett-
“Eat my shorts” –Bart Simpson-
“Eat my shorts” –Bart Simpson-
Why do good things happen to bad people? Or vice versa why do bad things happen to good people? This is a question that all theologists and preachers of the faith abhor and the answers may vary, from cause and effect in this life, to next life, rewards in heaven etc.
As science learns more and more about the nature of the universe- religion and its scriptures tend to become marginalized. Believers always state that God is in the details whilst Atheists would rather state it is the Devil that lies in the details. There are some things which may not be immediately perceptible to human senses.
Like all paradoxes in life, this is also difficult to accept as it is counter intuitive to our conditioned mind to accept that – things which appear morally wrong appear correct. A quirk of fate is the plausible explanation as both in life and science; paradoxes are the exceptional norm rather than the normal exception. The imprimatur of religion is embedded in our minds via social, parental and cultural influences and is difficult to dislodge; unless we are willing to unfold our own myths.
In science all matter is pored over through a microscope and reams of data go to form a quantum academia and fill excel sheets. The simple statistical answer to these questions is known as the Simpson Paradox. It simply states that when the parts and whole indicate the opposite, there is a lurking data nuance you have missed.
There is no reason why it happens; can we draw conclusions based on selective or segmented outcomes? Causality is contextualized by this paradox; at least we do not have to crib about life being unfair, we just have to find the casual relationship between the factors that impacted the data.
The Vedantic world view that “Nothing is real is more aligned if want to follow the Upanishads which state “Truth lies everywhere and partially in lies”. The truth is out there; truth may be elusive, it may even be unknowable ~ but that doesn’t mean as mystics aver, that reality is just a matter of subjective perspectives, though as Errol Morris states “that is one way of seeing things, and is as good as another. Otherwise we may be hoist with our own scriptural petard.
We all think we “know” what we are doing but nobody knows. –Vinay- (Cocktail of Quantum spirituality and science.)
Why do good things happen to bad people? Or vice versa why do bad things happen to good people? This is a question that all theologists and preachers of the faith abhor and the answers may vary, from cause and effect in this life, to next life, rewards in heaven etc.
As science learns more and more about the nature of the universe- religion and its scriptures tend to become marginalized. Believers always state that God is in the details whilst Atheists would rather state it is the Devil that lies in the details. There are some things which may not be immediately perceptible to human senses.
Like all paradoxes in life, this is also difficult to accept as it is counter intuitive to our conditioned mind to accept that – things which appear morally wrong appear correct. A quirk of fate is the plausible explanation as both in life and science; paradoxes are the exceptional norm rather than the normal exception. The imprimatur of religion is embedded in our minds via social, parental and cultural influences and is difficult to dislodge; unless we are willing to unfold our own myths.
In science all matter is pored over through a microscope and reams of data go to form a quantum academia and fill excel sheets. The simple statistical answer to these questions is known as the Simpson Paradox. It simply states that when the parts and whole indicate the opposite, there is a lurking data nuance you have missed.
There is no reason why it happens; can we draw conclusions based on selective or segmented outcomes? Causality is contextualized by this paradox; at least we do not have to crib about life being unfair, we just have to find the casual relationship between the factors that impacted the data.
The Vedantic world view that “Nothing is real is more aligned if want to follow the Upanishads which state “Truth lies everywhere and partially in lies”. The truth is out there; truth may be elusive, it may even be unknowable ~ but that doesn’t mean as mystics aver, that reality is just a matter of subjective perspectives, though as Errol Morris states “that is one way of seeing things, and is as good as another. Otherwise we may be hoist with our own scriptural petard.
We all think we “know” what we are doing but nobody knows. –Vinay- (Cocktail of Quantum spirituality and science.)
The Universe is God;
True humanism, primal spirituality, and the energy of evolution must join together in a conscious force, to tell the truth about God and life.
The truth is that there is no” God” in a book – “holy,” golden, or otherwise. There is no God in a church a cathedral, a synagogue, a temple, a mosque. There is no God cemented inside any manmade theological system or elitist cultural architecture.
God is definitely not bursting neck-veins of righteously profitable baloney at you from the TV Screen. There is no God for sale, even to the highest bidder, no matter how much organizations indulges in religious or nationalistic flag-waving and the bellicosity of world power.
The Universe is God; we are all now living inside the body of the Universe. There is nowhere to go to get there, we are already here. There is nowhere to go to get outside of the universe to find God; there is just a forgetting of this truth. It is impossible not to be living, right now and always, within the universe’s body. It is only possible to be aware, or unaware, of this fact.
Religions that try to block or repudiate our awareness of this cosmic fact, must themselves be repudiated. Religions that try to cut us off from our long evolutionary past, moralistic-mechanistic dogmas that deny our billions of years of passionate, heroic survival crawling up from the first cell through the genetic adventures of algae, fish, land plants, insects, reptiles, birds, mammals to the complex human consciousness of now must themselves be denied.
Such religions give us a cardboard definition of life that keeps us always lonely and alienated, cut off from the creative energy and integrity of the earth’s biological imagination. Religions that curse and distort our past as rooted in some dark savage “evil,” which, they say, can only be “expiated” by lifetimes of guilt and suffering – must be repudiated.. …. The Magic Flight Home-Patriarchal Culture and Religion.
The truth is that there is no” God” in a book – “holy,” golden, or otherwise. There is no God in a church a cathedral, a synagogue, a temple, a mosque. There is no God cemented inside any manmade theological system or elitist cultural architecture.
God is definitely not bursting neck-veins of righteously profitable baloney at you from the TV Screen. There is no God for sale, even to the highest bidder, no matter how much organizations indulges in religious or nationalistic flag-waving and the bellicosity of world power.
The Universe is God; we are all now living inside the body of the Universe. There is nowhere to go to get there, we are already here. There is nowhere to go to get outside of the universe to find God; there is just a forgetting of this truth. It is impossible not to be living, right now and always, within the universe’s body. It is only possible to be aware, or unaware, of this fact.
Religions that try to block or repudiate our awareness of this cosmic fact, must themselves be repudiated. Religions that try to cut us off from our long evolutionary past, moralistic-mechanistic dogmas that deny our billions of years of passionate, heroic survival crawling up from the first cell through the genetic adventures of algae, fish, land plants, insects, reptiles, birds, mammals to the complex human consciousness of now must themselves be denied.
Such religions give us a cardboard definition of life that keeps us always lonely and alienated, cut off from the creative energy and integrity of the earth’s biological imagination. Religions that curse and distort our past as rooted in some dark savage “evil,” which, they say, can only be “expiated” by lifetimes of guilt and suffering – must be repudiated.. …. The Magic Flight Home-Patriarchal Culture and Religion.
Nature Cure - the panacea for all ills!
As all spiritual Guru’s and columnists like Mendonca,Nadkarni, and philosophers, keep stating that our life and our body is a living sacrifice - holy and unholy things will happen. Suffering is not punishment but part of the natural order of the Universe. As the Greek philosopher Epicurus stated in his philosophy~ pleasure and pain are past of survival till we decay and die to return to earth.
Only humans brood about it, because we fear and believe in God. The Universe is an interaction of atoms and even God cannot stop this. Religion propagates the theory of causality and spreads it like a disease. But when you embrace the love of nature in its glory - it converges and integrates into your self and you become part of the whole Universe.
Epicurus’s panacea, called Tetrapharmakos postulates this. Do not have any fear of god; sustenance and shelter is for everyone but don’t be greedy, if there is no pain then we do not need pleasure - death means nothing, when we exist death is not present and when death is present we no longer exist. Illness pain and pleasure are always transient, but worry is the dose of poison that prolongs it, and will add to your misery.
In your depressive moments look at nature, the sounds of birds chirping, water gushing from a river, surf breaking on the ocean, leaves rustling, the breeze whistling through the woods, the pit patter of rain drops, the bees buzzing and …crickets singing. Take a hard look and focus on the beauty, simplicity and a visceral emotional pleasure will cure your misery.
The depths and dimensions of nature can only be fathomed if you realize where to look, since otherwise it remains as an abstract object since no forms are recognizable to the untrained state of mind. Nature has a cure for everything; nothing perishes, but just takes another form. Nature is the concrete representation of the nebulous energy fields in the universe that is immeasurable and takes many forms.
When a plant sprouts there is energy around it, this hidden power, energy is vital for curing us also. We must tap into this source differently according to our ailment or misery.
Its time to celebrate, like the advertisement of the soft drink “Thumbs up” (Rival to Coke) “taste the thunder” and take your pick of the sensuous perspective. Nature is freedom from all our worries and misery, there is no better cure all.-Vinay-
Only humans brood about it, because we fear and believe in God. The Universe is an interaction of atoms and even God cannot stop this. Religion propagates the theory of causality and spreads it like a disease. But when you embrace the love of nature in its glory - it converges and integrates into your self and you become part of the whole Universe.
Epicurus’s panacea, called Tetrapharmakos postulates this. Do not have any fear of god; sustenance and shelter is for everyone but don’t be greedy, if there is no pain then we do not need pleasure - death means nothing, when we exist death is not present and when death is present we no longer exist. Illness pain and pleasure are always transient, but worry is the dose of poison that prolongs it, and will add to your misery.
In your depressive moments look at nature, the sounds of birds chirping, water gushing from a river, surf breaking on the ocean, leaves rustling, the breeze whistling through the woods, the pit patter of rain drops, the bees buzzing and …crickets singing. Take a hard look and focus on the beauty, simplicity and a visceral emotional pleasure will cure your misery.
The depths and dimensions of nature can only be fathomed if you realize where to look, since otherwise it remains as an abstract object since no forms are recognizable to the untrained state of mind. Nature has a cure for everything; nothing perishes, but just takes another form. Nature is the concrete representation of the nebulous energy fields in the universe that is immeasurable and takes many forms.
When a plant sprouts there is energy around it, this hidden power, energy is vital for curing us also. We must tap into this source differently according to our ailment or misery.
Its time to celebrate, like the advertisement of the soft drink “Thumbs up” (Rival to Coke) “taste the thunder” and take your pick of the sensuous perspective. Nature is freedom from all our worries and misery, there is no better cure all.-Vinay-
Evil is that which prevents the unfolding of the One.
According to this definition, surely all of the patriarchal religious societies are evil. Even in its death-throes, it attempts to pit us all against each other, as economic enemies, as political enemies, as racial enemies, as religious enemies – worker against worker, white against dark, man against woman, belief against belief – as patriarchal religious systems begin and end by instigating competitiveness for survival, i.e., by trying to make communalism, mutual cooperation, impossible. Ironically, even the minimal cooperation required to keep patriarchal systems going seems to be rapidly dwindling.
Against the unfolding of the One – against the revelation of our oneness – patriarchal religious schemes ferociously pit us against each other like many rats in a small cage, like many hungry dogs thrown only one bone. If we have to keep surviving at one another’s expense, we will of course never learn, or never remember, how to live in the hope of one another’s well-being. Religion thrives on human discord; as a system it strives to corrupt-us all, buy and sell us all, one against the other.
At the very heart of this divide and conquer strategy, we must remember, is the colonization of the individuals mind and spirit by a decadent and bizarre framework whose moral and rational energies are dwindling as science advances to usurp their place.
The fundamentalists preach; rather they are the corrupt residues and grotesque spasms of a dying exploitful organization which manipulated mankind for centuries in the name of so called salvation. In the name of God, these priests, in their mercenary sermonizing, becomes the original “Capitalist” to control and own like a flock of sheep the collective souls of its followers. For more than four millennia it has robbed and exploited the energies of earth and her creatures.-Culture and Religion -Sjoo-
Against the unfolding of the One – against the revelation of our oneness – patriarchal religious schemes ferociously pit us against each other like many rats in a small cage, like many hungry dogs thrown only one bone. If we have to keep surviving at one another’s expense, we will of course never learn, or never remember, how to live in the hope of one another’s well-being. Religion thrives on human discord; as a system it strives to corrupt-us all, buy and sell us all, one against the other.
At the very heart of this divide and conquer strategy, we must remember, is the colonization of the individuals mind and spirit by a decadent and bizarre framework whose moral and rational energies are dwindling as science advances to usurp their place.
The fundamentalists preach; rather they are the corrupt residues and grotesque spasms of a dying exploitful organization which manipulated mankind for centuries in the name of so called salvation. In the name of God, these priests, in their mercenary sermonizing, becomes the original “Capitalist” to control and own like a flock of sheep the collective souls of its followers. For more than four millennia it has robbed and exploited the energies of earth and her creatures.-Culture and Religion -Sjoo-
The Wretched of the Earth.
Amongst the many Third World people still fighting their way out of the rubble of advanced colonialism, and among political minorities in the west generally, there is terrific suspicion and hostility towards suggestions of any “religious solutions” to the world’s real problems.
This anger and doubt is understandable, and thoroughly justified. For centuries they have stifled and conquered the whole of humanity in the name of the so- called Christian religious experience.
“They” of course, refers to the Christian West. The “so-called religious experience” has been that of a dominating European and American male elite (with their auxiliary “wives” and families), which has for three centuries proceeded to “realize” its pathological lust for individual power and enrichment at the expense of the rest of the world. Western patriarchy has plundered, raped, plundered, ripped off, brutalized and massacred lavishly, always in the name of God – “God” is always available to justify what cannot otherwise be justified; the Holy Bible itself is the first written example of this phenomenon.
Western Christians, throughout their long gory history, have convinced themselves that this God virtually gave them the entire earth to use, to control, to profit from and in the final insult, to missionize – to teach “spirit” to!—through, a rifle barrel, if necessary. It is a kind of dematerialized fairy tale Christians have long and wistfully told themselves; that the living earth is not “real” anyway, so “God” gave it to them to abstract into wealth (which is quite real).
The entire planet, with its exotic varieties of peoples, lands, animals, and resources, has been viewed by Western Christianity as little more than raw material, just waiting to be appropriated and reprocessed by enterprising religious men into an ego-enhancing experience. Because, clearly, the God in whose name the west has terrorized the rest of the world has not been a God spirit, not ever, but a God of inflated, religious ego; an ego so full of itself it has always been able to “spiritualize” – i.e., rationalize as “divinely ordained” – the most blatant robberies and repulsive crimes. –Franz Fanon
This anger and doubt is understandable, and thoroughly justified. For centuries they have stifled and conquered the whole of humanity in the name of the so- called Christian religious experience.
“They” of course, refers to the Christian West. The “so-called religious experience” has been that of a dominating European and American male elite (with their auxiliary “wives” and families), which has for three centuries proceeded to “realize” its pathological lust for individual power and enrichment at the expense of the rest of the world. Western patriarchy has plundered, raped, plundered, ripped off, brutalized and massacred lavishly, always in the name of God – “God” is always available to justify what cannot otherwise be justified; the Holy Bible itself is the first written example of this phenomenon.
Western Christians, throughout their long gory history, have convinced themselves that this God virtually gave them the entire earth to use, to control, to profit from and in the final insult, to missionize – to teach “spirit” to!—through, a rifle barrel, if necessary. It is a kind of dematerialized fairy tale Christians have long and wistfully told themselves; that the living earth is not “real” anyway, so “God” gave it to them to abstract into wealth (which is quite real).
The entire planet, with its exotic varieties of peoples, lands, animals, and resources, has been viewed by Western Christianity as little more than raw material, just waiting to be appropriated and reprocessed by enterprising religious men into an ego-enhancing experience. Because, clearly, the God in whose name the west has terrorized the rest of the world has not been a God spirit, not ever, but a God of inflated, religious ego; an ego so full of itself it has always been able to “spiritualize” – i.e., rationalize as “divinely ordained” – the most blatant robberies and repulsive crimes. –Franz Fanon
Reboot your life spring is here.
For Hindu’s spring is synonymous with the start of a New Year. Like the spring cleaning ritual where the old clothes are shed for new and celebrations to usher the future.
It kicked off with Padwa in the West, Baisakhi in the North, Vishu / Pulkandu Vazthukal akin to Pongal in South and Rongalibichu / Pola Boishakh in the east.
Prayer, songs, dance, crackers and poor feeding are all part of the celebrations, which form a symbol of humanity embracing Mother Earth and reaping the bountiful harvest of life.
The religious chant slokas and ring the temple bells as the fragrance of incense mixed with earthly smells wafts up from the offerings, the young sing the song of spring and dance. It is a time for re-union of family, friend’s mankind & to spread bonhomie with good cheer.
The traditional lunch or dinner is a ceremonial feast integrating different dishes which bring alive all the sensory tastes like, sweet, sour, bitter- symbolic of life’s experience, which one must blend and mix in the womb of existence of our mother earth.
The quintessence is to share and distribute the harvest amongst the world, so that everyone can partake of the joys and wealth of nature. Giving and taking is like sowing and reaping the harvest & distributed with love so that it blooms like flowers in every heart - compassion, love, and forgiveness are the deserts which complement the sumptuous feast.
Contented and satiated everyone looks forward to a bountiful New Year, with renewed vigour.
Nature is at its vibrant best in spring and there is a new creation as the flora blooms creating the colors of life every year. Nature’s myriad mysteries unfold before our eyes, inspiring our lives, urging us into the unforgettable and evocative journey of life on earth. Passionately embracing every facet of nature is also a form of worship.
HAPPY NEW YEAR………… -Vinay-
It kicked off with Padwa in the West, Baisakhi in the North, Vishu / Pulkandu Vazthukal akin to Pongal in South and Rongalibichu / Pola Boishakh in the east.
Prayer, songs, dance, crackers and poor feeding are all part of the celebrations, which form a symbol of humanity embracing Mother Earth and reaping the bountiful harvest of life.
The religious chant slokas and ring the temple bells as the fragrance of incense mixed with earthly smells wafts up from the offerings, the young sing the song of spring and dance. It is a time for re-union of family, friend’s mankind & to spread bonhomie with good cheer.
The traditional lunch or dinner is a ceremonial feast integrating different dishes which bring alive all the sensory tastes like, sweet, sour, bitter- symbolic of life’s experience, which one must blend and mix in the womb of existence of our mother earth.
The quintessence is to share and distribute the harvest amongst the world, so that everyone can partake of the joys and wealth of nature. Giving and taking is like sowing and reaping the harvest & distributed with love so that it blooms like flowers in every heart - compassion, love, and forgiveness are the deserts which complement the sumptuous feast.
Contented and satiated everyone looks forward to a bountiful New Year, with renewed vigour.
Nature is at its vibrant best in spring and there is a new creation as the flora blooms creating the colors of life every year. Nature’s myriad mysteries unfold before our eyes, inspiring our lives, urging us into the unforgettable and evocative journey of life on earth. Passionately embracing every facet of nature is also a form of worship.
HAPPY NEW YEAR………… -Vinay-
The Male of the Species is crueler than the female.
A survey conducted by Trust law website of Reuters reveals that Congo, Pakistan, India Middle East and Somalia top the charts, and is dismal where women’s progress is concerned. The high rates of human trafficking, prostitution; female foeticide subjugates and places a great cultural burden on women. Not that elsewhere the scenario is brighter as can be seen from a sampling of news items that shows the male chauvinistic attitude.
• Under Islamic law, virgins cannot be executed. So in Iranian jails, prison guards systematically gang-rape young female prisoners sentenced to death, thus rendering them fit, in “God’s” eyes, for execution.
• Pregnant women prisoners in some American jails, notably the California Institution for women, are routinely strapped to their beds at the ankles or wrists throughout their labor and childbirth. Under twenty-four-hour surveillance, the enchained women are unable to move, turn over during sleep, or help themselves in the most minimal way to ease labor pains – though the woman in labor is not going to be in anyone’s opinion, a great security risk.
• Hundreds of young women are killed yearly in India in the notorious “dowry-deaths,” in which a young bride is set afire by her in-laws as revenge for “inadequate” or incompletely paid dowries. The new bride is doused with kerosene and then ignited with matches. This act is usually performed by mothers-in-law, in acts of stupendous greed and self-hatred, conditioned by religious ideas that define sons and males generally as “spiritual beings,” while daughters and other females are defined as “income property.”
• One of the most popular X-rated video games, before it was removed from circulation in response to protests from Native American and feminist groups, was called” Custer’s Revenge,” in which a naked General Custer scored points by raping bound Indian women.
• Despite abolishing slavery , racism and women’s lib movements world over, and religion stating that there is no gender discrimination, we live in a world where the state and religion dualizes the human sexes, dichotomizing and ravaging the fairer but weaker sex.
• Beyond the Male and Pale God.- Sjoo-
• Under Islamic law, virgins cannot be executed. So in Iranian jails, prison guards systematically gang-rape young female prisoners sentenced to death, thus rendering them fit, in “God’s” eyes, for execution.
• Pregnant women prisoners in some American jails, notably the California Institution for women, are routinely strapped to their beds at the ankles or wrists throughout their labor and childbirth. Under twenty-four-hour surveillance, the enchained women are unable to move, turn over during sleep, or help themselves in the most minimal way to ease labor pains – though the woman in labor is not going to be in anyone’s opinion, a great security risk.
• Hundreds of young women are killed yearly in India in the notorious “dowry-deaths,” in which a young bride is set afire by her in-laws as revenge for “inadequate” or incompletely paid dowries. The new bride is doused with kerosene and then ignited with matches. This act is usually performed by mothers-in-law, in acts of stupendous greed and self-hatred, conditioned by religious ideas that define sons and males generally as “spiritual beings,” while daughters and other females are defined as “income property.”
• One of the most popular X-rated video games, before it was removed from circulation in response to protests from Native American and feminist groups, was called” Custer’s Revenge,” in which a naked General Custer scored points by raping bound Indian women.
• Despite abolishing slavery , racism and women’s lib movements world over, and religion stating that there is no gender discrimination, we live in a world where the state and religion dualizes the human sexes, dichotomizing and ravaging the fairer but weaker sex.
• Beyond the Male and Pale God.- Sjoo-
Tears of Aphrodite.
The major theme of Greek mythology was the gradual reduction of women from a scared pedestal to sex slaves. This was followed by the inquisition of the Medieval Christian authorities who unleashed a reign of terror essentially a frightening and threatening realm. Women were burnt as witches on the stake- the pagan the female – a ring of terror was placed around the unconscious, for religious, patriarchal and political reasons.
To break up the ancient material kinship, colonial armies sent missionaries to introduce the abstract and alien concept of Father God in heaven, Muslims followed by carrying the message of Allah and Prophet Mohammed they subjected women to wear the sack cloth of the Burkha.
Patriarchal politics, fundamentalist religion and fanatics, militant in outlook manipulated social history to repress the females through a chronic state of fear and alienation.
Students of history, mythology and philosophy find that when the feminine principle is subjected to sustained attack by religious fanatics and society, it often quietly submerges. Under the ocean where organic life began, it swims through the subconscious (where orgiastic desires reside) of the dominant male society, occasionally bobbing to the surface, to offer a glimpse of the rejected harmony.
Mature development – does not come from severing the early infantile sense of unity with the mother, but from re-establishing it. Truly, our very sanity is at stake with the continuing patriarchal attitude of religious societies that deny the cosmic feminine principle.
The Origin of early culture…. - Barbara Mor
To break up the ancient material kinship, colonial armies sent missionaries to introduce the abstract and alien concept of Father God in heaven, Muslims followed by carrying the message of Allah and Prophet Mohammed they subjected women to wear the sack cloth of the Burkha.
Patriarchal politics, fundamentalist religion and fanatics, militant in outlook manipulated social history to repress the females through a chronic state of fear and alienation.
Students of history, mythology and philosophy find that when the feminine principle is subjected to sustained attack by religious fanatics and society, it often quietly submerges. Under the ocean where organic life began, it swims through the subconscious (where orgiastic desires reside) of the dominant male society, occasionally bobbing to the surface, to offer a glimpse of the rejected harmony.
Mature development – does not come from severing the early infantile sense of unity with the mother, but from re-establishing it. Truly, our very sanity is at stake with the continuing patriarchal attitude of religious societies that deny the cosmic feminine principle.
The Origin of early culture…. - Barbara Mor
Sunday, April 1, 2012
Frozen Wall Posts.
Frozen Wall Posts.
“Worthy or not, my life is my subject, and my subject is my life.”-Casanova-
The Difference Between a Professional and an Amateur.
The professional grabs the moment (opportunity) savoring it deliciously and says to hell with the consequences, I will cross that bridge when it comes. The Amateur thinks of the dire consequences, preferring contemplation and hesitation to action; heeding to risk aversion, doubt to certainty and by the time he decides the moment is gone! The essence is embrace happiness when it comes –it won’t last long) –Vinay-
The spirit by whatever name it exists within your heart and mind is indifferent to life's problems.In the course of time solutions may cause joy or sorrow and is not part of the spirits path to liberation.
The spirits path or what is loosely termed as spirituality has no profound liberation as understood by religion where there is a pot of gold or salvation at the end.It is for understanding of reality and our awareness of it.It helps us deepen our understanding of life there is no reward or punishment involved.
It says you can fool some people all the time, and all the people for some time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time. -But the Politicians and governments have been fooling all the people all the time!- Vinay
To be successful in life one must eschew the basic tenets of religion like compassion,truthfulness,ethics and overcome our guilty conscience and moral codes to reach the top. Thats why there are many successful sinners and only a handful of saints.-Vinay-
When you point your sails into the wind and let the current take you, who knows what wonderful shores life might carry you to?- Vinay-
The problem with choosing paths to salvation, nirvana and satori is that you seek directions to guide your desires. If you embrace the 'path' as a river, it will carry you to a desirable destination nudging you along the twists and turns of the epic journey.-Vinay-
When men start believing in God they don't believe in nothing: they believe in anything.In Fairies, Elves,Leprechauns,Devils,Magic,Sorcerers,Saints and even Harry Potter.
As God's chair is vacant Bishops,Priests, Imams,Sages, Guru's, Mullah's, Charlatans and Preachers sit in it, assuming all authority; and their main business is to examine the human species as they imagine all knowledge. (Audacious).
Life is meant to have a blast, living recklessly, living in the realm of of timelessness; living up to desires- ... to travel, living place less, faceless,to caress the velvet reality ... to glimpse at nowhere...
If everything can be figured out, there will be no meaning left in experiencing the journey of life.-Vinay-
“We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful what we pretend to be”- Kurt Vonnegut-
The sands of time turn our past memories into grime.
Lord’s Prayer.
We pray “Our Father who art in heaven” (hallowed be thy name) does it mean that our “Mothers” are left on earth? This would imply that deserting women to bring up the children as single parents was prevalent from Biblical times.-Mathew 6:9-13-
If he is actually the Supreme creator he does not belong to any country, nation, culture, race or faith. Then why do religions create a feeling of ownership over their gods? Isn't possessiveness the path to violence which is the antithesis of all religions? Thou shall not abjure thy neighbors religion.-Vinay-
Love is the slowest form of suicide, killing one softly as we succumb to its slow lingering poison.
A writer doesn’t mind criticism at all. All the writers and philosophers in the past have been criticized including Shakespeare. A writer should not get into ego clashes about beliefs. At most, knowing that criticism is out of ignorance, he can have a good laugh about it.
If there is actually only one Supreme creator in this world, obviously he does not belong to any country, nation, culture, race or faith. Then why do religions create a feeling of ownership over their gods? Isn't possessiveness the path to violence which is the antithesis of all religions? Thou shall not abjure thy neighbors religion.-Vinay
Technology and the speed of Jet travel has eliminated the distinction between, history, geography philosophy and mythology~ packing all the wrong things for simple survival, let alone enjoy life.-Vinay
If there is only one Supreme creator as everyone claims, then how come there are so many religions?
Ever since I ate Sushi from a small Japanese restaurant in downtown Bombay, my breathing has been irregular. The Hotel staff insisted that the fish was freshly flown in from the Fukishama Prefecture. I complained about the sour tasting rice in which the raw slices of tuna fish were fermenting to the Chef; but my wife made me swallow my words when I mentioned “radioactive” fish.--Vinay-
There’s a joke in psychiatry: If you talk to God, it’s called praying; if God talks to you, you’re nuts.
Gurus, Masters,Mullahs,Monks,Sooth Sayers, Evangelists,Priests,Pastors and Parishioners~ they know everything it is said; unfortunately that is all they know.
Women like well endowed men.~ Men with with an enormous private income and a thick stubby freely open wallet.
Blind faith is like the powerful headlights of your car that lights an unending road in your journey,while you miss the little secrets hidden in the shadows, which actually inspire and sustain life.-Vinay-
Meditation is easy -keep your mouth shut and eyes closed~ This will help jettison your useless worldly karmic baggage.-Vinay-
The Azure blue sky knows that heaven and hell are merely illusory constructs.-Vinay-
I learned that Tai Kwon Do only has nine levels—there is white, yellow, orange, green, blue, purple, red, and brown, and then a whole separate series of advanced black belts, each with its own complexity of reticulated levels, nine tiers of nine grades in nine stages without end—because Korean culture does not believe we can be perfect.
I remain philosophical thanks to alcohol (C2Ho5) while my neighbors and relatives labeled me as a drunken genius, so I did not have to indulge in having polite conversations with them, (Cheers). I was the only truly great and unwillingly ‘insane’ person, among so many who pretended to be insane but are really all too normal. Even Churchill drank to what most of us would regard as excess; whisky (Johnnie Walker Black Label): ‘the main basic standing refreshment of the white officer in the East’, as he called it. He reckoned it ‘quickened his intellect’.
In today's world 100% genuine love and compassion is offered only by a mother. In Calcutta Mother Teresa almost filled this void and then there was......Nun. -Vinay
Where else except in America can a pop star with a face like weasel and a voice that squeaks, hit the top chart buster lists and become a Billionaire. - Beat it.
How beautiful when the winds meet over the sea and the dark vastness of the ocean trembles ..... to stand up on the sea shore and see a ship sinking - rejoice in anther's woe.....( now we know why the movie Titanic was such a huge success)-Vinay-
Though it is broken, broken again still it is there~ the moon on the water.-Chosu-
Fame or oneself which does one love more?loss of self or the possession of goods which is the greater evil?-Laotse-
The US Government spends 20 billion dollars a year to increase farm income and products by doling out subsidies. The same government then spends another $30 billion dollars to make food available to poor people on welfare, food stamps and other schemes. Even a moron or imbecile can see the mistake in this equation. Just give $20 billion to the poor and let them buy the food from the farmers, it will save $30 billion of the tax savers money.
When you were born, you cried
and the world rejoiced.
Live your life
so that when you die,
the world cries and you rejoice.
The world was here before I was born, the world will be here after I am gone,
I do not fret about the world , so why should the world fret about me?
The world is going to the dogs, but forget about the world and save yourself.
The opposite of truth is not a lie , but another truth.
When I was young and had an infantile mind, I too believed in Santa Claus, Tooth fairy, Elves and Black Magic. Now that I am grown up and have a mind of my own I am not joining the majority whose religious world view is that all atheists, Non believers and Infidels are doomed because they don’t believe in God or the supreme creator- I may be a moron but I am not joining that nonsense just because I am older.
“Worthy or not, my life is my subject, and my subject is my life.”-Casanova-
The Difference Between a Professional and an Amateur.
The professional grabs the moment (opportunity) savoring it deliciously and says to hell with the consequences, I will cross that bridge when it comes. The Amateur thinks of the dire consequences, preferring contemplation and hesitation to action; heeding to risk aversion, doubt to certainty and by the time he decides the moment is gone! The essence is embrace happiness when it comes –it won’t last long) –Vinay-
The spirit by whatever name it exists within your heart and mind is indifferent to life's problems.In the course of time solutions may cause joy or sorrow and is not part of the spirits path to liberation.
The spirits path or what is loosely termed as spirituality has no profound liberation as understood by religion where there is a pot of gold or salvation at the end.It is for understanding of reality and our awareness of it.It helps us deepen our understanding of life there is no reward or punishment involved.
It says you can fool some people all the time, and all the people for some time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time. -But the Politicians and governments have been fooling all the people all the time!- Vinay
To be successful in life one must eschew the basic tenets of religion like compassion,truthfulness,ethics and overcome our guilty conscience and moral codes to reach the top. Thats why there are many successful sinners and only a handful of saints.-Vinay-
When you point your sails into the wind and let the current take you, who knows what wonderful shores life might carry you to?- Vinay-
The problem with choosing paths to salvation, nirvana and satori is that you seek directions to guide your desires. If you embrace the 'path' as a river, it will carry you to a desirable destination nudging you along the twists and turns of the epic journey.-Vinay-
When men start believing in God they don't believe in nothing: they believe in anything.In Fairies, Elves,Leprechauns,Devils,Magic,Sorcerers,Saints and even Harry Potter.
As God's chair is vacant Bishops,Priests, Imams,Sages, Guru's, Mullah's, Charlatans and Preachers sit in it, assuming all authority; and their main business is to examine the human species as they imagine all knowledge. (Audacious).
Life is meant to have a blast, living recklessly, living in the realm of of timelessness; living up to desires- ... to travel, living place less, faceless,to caress the velvet reality ... to glimpse at nowhere...
If everything can be figured out, there will be no meaning left in experiencing the journey of life.-Vinay-
“We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful what we pretend to be”- Kurt Vonnegut-
The sands of time turn our past memories into grime.
Lord’s Prayer.
We pray “Our Father who art in heaven” (hallowed be thy name) does it mean that our “Mothers” are left on earth? This would imply that deserting women to bring up the children as single parents was prevalent from Biblical times.-Mathew 6:9-13-
If he is actually the Supreme creator he does not belong to any country, nation, culture, race or faith. Then why do religions create a feeling of ownership over their gods? Isn't possessiveness the path to violence which is the antithesis of all religions? Thou shall not abjure thy neighbors religion.-Vinay-
Love is the slowest form of suicide, killing one softly as we succumb to its slow lingering poison.
A writer doesn’t mind criticism at all. All the writers and philosophers in the past have been criticized including Shakespeare. A writer should not get into ego clashes about beliefs. At most, knowing that criticism is out of ignorance, he can have a good laugh about it.
If there is actually only one Supreme creator in this world, obviously he does not belong to any country, nation, culture, race or faith. Then why do religions create a feeling of ownership over their gods? Isn't possessiveness the path to violence which is the antithesis of all religions? Thou shall not abjure thy neighbors religion.-Vinay
Technology and the speed of Jet travel has eliminated the distinction between, history, geography philosophy and mythology~ packing all the wrong things for simple survival, let alone enjoy life.-Vinay
If there is only one Supreme creator as everyone claims, then how come there are so many religions?
Ever since I ate Sushi from a small Japanese restaurant in downtown Bombay, my breathing has been irregular. The Hotel staff insisted that the fish was freshly flown in from the Fukishama Prefecture. I complained about the sour tasting rice in which the raw slices of tuna fish were fermenting to the Chef; but my wife made me swallow my words when I mentioned “radioactive” fish.--Vinay-
There’s a joke in psychiatry: If you talk to God, it’s called praying; if God talks to you, you’re nuts.
Gurus, Masters,Mullahs,Monks,Sooth Sayers, Evangelists,Priests,Pastors and Parishioners~ they know everything it is said; unfortunately that is all they know.
Women like well endowed men.~ Men with with an enormous private income and a thick stubby freely open wallet.
Blind faith is like the powerful headlights of your car that lights an unending road in your journey,while you miss the little secrets hidden in the shadows, which actually inspire and sustain life.-Vinay-
Meditation is easy -keep your mouth shut and eyes closed~ This will help jettison your useless worldly karmic baggage.-Vinay-
The Azure blue sky knows that heaven and hell are merely illusory constructs.-Vinay-
I learned that Tai Kwon Do only has nine levels—there is white, yellow, orange, green, blue, purple, red, and brown, and then a whole separate series of advanced black belts, each with its own complexity of reticulated levels, nine tiers of nine grades in nine stages without end—because Korean culture does not believe we can be perfect.
I remain philosophical thanks to alcohol (C2Ho5) while my neighbors and relatives labeled me as a drunken genius, so I did not have to indulge in having polite conversations with them, (Cheers). I was the only truly great and unwillingly ‘insane’ person, among so many who pretended to be insane but are really all too normal. Even Churchill drank to what most of us would regard as excess; whisky (Johnnie Walker Black Label): ‘the main basic standing refreshment of the white officer in the East’, as he called it. He reckoned it ‘quickened his intellect’.
In today's world 100% genuine love and compassion is offered only by a mother. In Calcutta Mother Teresa almost filled this void and then there was......Nun. -Vinay
Where else except in America can a pop star with a face like weasel and a voice that squeaks, hit the top chart buster lists and become a Billionaire. - Beat it.
How beautiful when the winds meet over the sea and the dark vastness of the ocean trembles ..... to stand up on the sea shore and see a ship sinking - rejoice in anther's woe.....( now we know why the movie Titanic was such a huge success)-Vinay-
Though it is broken, broken again still it is there~ the moon on the water.-Chosu-
Fame or oneself which does one love more?loss of self or the possession of goods which is the greater evil?-Laotse-
The US Government spends 20 billion dollars a year to increase farm income and products by doling out subsidies. The same government then spends another $30 billion dollars to make food available to poor people on welfare, food stamps and other schemes. Even a moron or imbecile can see the mistake in this equation. Just give $20 billion to the poor and let them buy the food from the farmers, it will save $30 billion of the tax savers money.
When you were born, you cried
and the world rejoiced.
Live your life
so that when you die,
the world cries and you rejoice.
The world was here before I was born, the world will be here after I am gone,
I do not fret about the world , so why should the world fret about me?
The world is going to the dogs, but forget about the world and save yourself.
The opposite of truth is not a lie , but another truth.
When I was young and had an infantile mind, I too believed in Santa Claus, Tooth fairy, Elves and Black Magic. Now that I am grown up and have a mind of my own I am not joining the majority whose religious world view is that all atheists, Non believers and Infidels are doomed because they don’t believe in God or the supreme creator- I may be a moron but I am not joining that nonsense just because I am older.
From Here to Eternity!
From cradle to grave is a celebration of life.
The process of dying begins at birth; in the play of life we assume many roles till finally the many becomes one. The body mind and soul are part of an integrated construct a sort of trinity as explained by the world view. By nature the body is inert till our intellect commands it to action, the mind is always vibrant and dynamic.
However we are conditioned by society, religion and peer pressure to repress our independent views and actions thereof. We are forced to become believers, and end up with petty dogmas and absurd beliefs.
Success, happiness and growth are part of our birthright and anyone or society that curtails it is myopic. Life is for celebration not for asceticism and denial. Every day when we wake up, our senses our alive and have a strong desire to enjoy the world. The Intellect is the realm of judgment but can be clouded by discrimination and bogged down by petty considerations enforced by society / religion. Many arguments will be put to justify their stands but if one embraces it then one will become confused, dispassionate and a troubled soul.
Unhitch yourself from the herd wagon, all life is about contact of the senses, the deeper the contact the deeper the pleasure. Only then will you feel fulfilled. Abstinence, or dieting or leading an ascetic life can’t save you-in fact you will feel stupid in the end, some day when you die of “nothing” having enjoyed nothing. Life is a full zero upon completion, on death it is a state that reveals nothingness – dust unto dust.
When I leave this planet having danced life with abandon, letting ecstasy and pain fill right down to my marrow. My body will be bruised to the bone with love, grief and despair. It will bear more scars than a crucified Jesus; all the skid marks of an abusive, life will be strewn all over my skin. A man warped by life, enfeebled by surrender to a hedonistic life. Lungs black with smoking weed and tobacco, liver shriveled due to dawn to dusk drinking. Body fluids drained indulging in every sin known to mankind – heart broken into smithereens with all the women who gave meaning to my life.
Yet my mind bruised after a night of revelry will try to get up, aching with longings and desires, despite partaking fully in every parson of life.
I prefer to go with a battered, bruised and withered body, yet my spirit will be alive and kicking; having savored every sensual moment in life. Only fools exit with the pristine body of a sage.
The saint and the sinner the believer and the atheist meet the same fate – up in flames or eaten by worms and transformed to dust. If there is a soul and it can seek newer bodies it might change places between the saint & sinner and eventually both disappear, and in the final analysis or test, I will not shrink back if placed in the center of the fires in purgatory.-Vinay-
The process of dying begins at birth; in the play of life we assume many roles till finally the many becomes one. The body mind and soul are part of an integrated construct a sort of trinity as explained by the world view. By nature the body is inert till our intellect commands it to action, the mind is always vibrant and dynamic.
However we are conditioned by society, religion and peer pressure to repress our independent views and actions thereof. We are forced to become believers, and end up with petty dogmas and absurd beliefs.
Success, happiness and growth are part of our birthright and anyone or society that curtails it is myopic. Life is for celebration not for asceticism and denial. Every day when we wake up, our senses our alive and have a strong desire to enjoy the world. The Intellect is the realm of judgment but can be clouded by discrimination and bogged down by petty considerations enforced by society / religion. Many arguments will be put to justify their stands but if one embraces it then one will become confused, dispassionate and a troubled soul.
Unhitch yourself from the herd wagon, all life is about contact of the senses, the deeper the contact the deeper the pleasure. Only then will you feel fulfilled. Abstinence, or dieting or leading an ascetic life can’t save you-in fact you will feel stupid in the end, some day when you die of “nothing” having enjoyed nothing. Life is a full zero upon completion, on death it is a state that reveals nothingness – dust unto dust.
When I leave this planet having danced life with abandon, letting ecstasy and pain fill right down to my marrow. My body will be bruised to the bone with love, grief and despair. It will bear more scars than a crucified Jesus; all the skid marks of an abusive, life will be strewn all over my skin. A man warped by life, enfeebled by surrender to a hedonistic life. Lungs black with smoking weed and tobacco, liver shriveled due to dawn to dusk drinking. Body fluids drained indulging in every sin known to mankind – heart broken into smithereens with all the women who gave meaning to my life.
Yet my mind bruised after a night of revelry will try to get up, aching with longings and desires, despite partaking fully in every parson of life.
I prefer to go with a battered, bruised and withered body, yet my spirit will be alive and kicking; having savored every sensual moment in life. Only fools exit with the pristine body of a sage.
The saint and the sinner the believer and the atheist meet the same fate – up in flames or eaten by worms and transformed to dust. If there is a soul and it can seek newer bodies it might change places between the saint & sinner and eventually both disappear, and in the final analysis or test, I will not shrink back if placed in the center of the fires in purgatory.-Vinay-
The Geeks will inherit the earth.
Each era shapes a generations responses.
In the fifties we respected elders never discussed personal matters, scheduled time for meeting to ask favors, saved up money to buy houses and send our children to College. Reality was a harsh teacher for a generation that worked with their sleeves rolled up, so that their children could have a better life. They had to sing for their supper, and had a desire for certainty and stability in their lives.
In the sixties the pop culture rebelled against parents and authority, visited people on impulse without prior intimation. The flower children and hippie generation believed, children should develop their personalities in a free, unstructured atmosphere. And the parents mostly hung out on the second floor of the building, smoking dope and enjoying sex, while downstairs the big kids tormented the little kids. For a long time this generation acted as if only moral, political and religious obstacles prevented love from flourishing in its entire splendor.
Eighties and nineties bombarded by T.V ads-says you owe me a favor, personal matters discussed in public. Disillusionment with the ethos of their own generation, like their equivalents in half a dozen other countries in the world, nourished the dream of an absolute break with the past. Their jobs were a mixture of consultancy, hard sell, event planning and wearing fancy clothes for all night parties around town.
We come to the 21st century! IT savvy youths serious by 20, lived their entire lives with antennae growing out of their ears. They require money for everything, no time to enjoy life; MBAs are plug ‘n’ play people they want to start careers as Vice presidents, they tweet, they share, they stay in touch with FB and their heads are in the clouds. They send pictures of their body parts, have short attention spans, no loyalty to employer or family, divorces are faster than the time it took to make wedding plans.
Compensation and how much money they can make in the shortest possible period is the holy grail~ first to know of fancy changes in technology they think, all people who lived in this planet before them were stupid, because they did not know how to Google, the world is their oyster.
B- Schools are churning them out by the millions, they are even willing to outsource their epitaph writing to third parties.-Vinay-
In the fifties we respected elders never discussed personal matters, scheduled time for meeting to ask favors, saved up money to buy houses and send our children to College. Reality was a harsh teacher for a generation that worked with their sleeves rolled up, so that their children could have a better life. They had to sing for their supper, and had a desire for certainty and stability in their lives.
In the sixties the pop culture rebelled against parents and authority, visited people on impulse without prior intimation. The flower children and hippie generation believed, children should develop their personalities in a free, unstructured atmosphere. And the parents mostly hung out on the second floor of the building, smoking dope and enjoying sex, while downstairs the big kids tormented the little kids. For a long time this generation acted as if only moral, political and religious obstacles prevented love from flourishing in its entire splendor.
Eighties and nineties bombarded by T.V ads-says you owe me a favor, personal matters discussed in public. Disillusionment with the ethos of their own generation, like their equivalents in half a dozen other countries in the world, nourished the dream of an absolute break with the past. Their jobs were a mixture of consultancy, hard sell, event planning and wearing fancy clothes for all night parties around town.
We come to the 21st century! IT savvy youths serious by 20, lived their entire lives with antennae growing out of their ears. They require money for everything, no time to enjoy life; MBAs are plug ‘n’ play people they want to start careers as Vice presidents, they tweet, they share, they stay in touch with FB and their heads are in the clouds. They send pictures of their body parts, have short attention spans, no loyalty to employer or family, divorces are faster than the time it took to make wedding plans.
Compensation and how much money they can make in the shortest possible period is the holy grail~ first to know of fancy changes in technology they think, all people who lived in this planet before them were stupid, because they did not know how to Google, the world is their oyster.
B- Schools are churning them out by the millions, they are even willing to outsource their epitaph writing to third parties.-Vinay-
Life is a long and difficult journey!
Life is a long and difficult journey with yin and yang and misery. The moment of truth does not come at the end of the journey….. Because death is not the opposite of birth, just like a lie is not the opposite of truth, life moves into another realm, instead till the end comes you have to be aware and true to yourself, and life shifts into another plane.
Face to face with the marrow of the matter the spark of happiness that all humans want to convert - into a burning flame forever, yet we do not eschew our greed, passion, anger or revenge – until in one moment, we realize our folly. The moan uttered at last, but it is too late and only the futility of a wasted life remains! Guilt and retribution runs through life’s long journey, the whole traumatic religious history, with its atmospheres and whisperings, its big lies and small deceits.
Yet we ignore bliss when it appears in its myriad forms and wallow in our own created ponds of misery – succumbing to the desire of wanting more and more; you never know what is enough, unless you know what “more” than enough is!
We embrace religion for rewards ignoring our own inner spirit nature which holds the key to understanding this universe. Therein lies the sad tale of dissatisfaction and other mistakes that the heart and mind are capable of making. Our flaw is the unshakeable belief, in the theory of the supreme creator of this universe; based on the endless scriptures of theology conditioned in to our minds- making us feel decadent and not transitional in this journey of life.
Life thus becomes a flight through darkness towards a final flash - - - -
Face to face with the marrow of the matter the spark of happiness that all humans want to convert - into a burning flame forever, yet we do not eschew our greed, passion, anger or revenge – until in one moment, we realize our folly. The moan uttered at last, but it is too late and only the futility of a wasted life remains! Guilt and retribution runs through life’s long journey, the whole traumatic religious history, with its atmospheres and whisperings, its big lies and small deceits.
Yet we ignore bliss when it appears in its myriad forms and wallow in our own created ponds of misery – succumbing to the desire of wanting more and more; you never know what is enough, unless you know what “more” than enough is!
We embrace religion for rewards ignoring our own inner spirit nature which holds the key to understanding this universe. Therein lies the sad tale of dissatisfaction and other mistakes that the heart and mind are capable of making. Our flaw is the unshakeable belief, in the theory of the supreme creator of this universe; based on the endless scriptures of theology conditioned in to our minds- making us feel decadent and not transitional in this journey of life.
Life thus becomes a flight through darkness towards a final flash - - - -
The Difference between, a Professional and an Amateur.
The Professional grabs the moment (opportunity) savoring it deliciously and says to hell with the consequences, I will cross that bridge when it comes.
The Amateur thinks of the dire consequences, preferring contemplation and hesitation to action; heeding to risk aversion, doubt to certainty and by the time he decides the moment is gone!
The amateur has an alternate set of visions, his imagined world conditioned by beliefs rather than abstracts, physical rather than philosophical.
For the Professional the fringe and moment are unexplored territory, where truth and fantasy are not yet disentangled. He always tries to combine the true with the beautiful moment, but when he has to choose one from the other , he usually chooses the beautiful.
The essence is embrace happiness when it comes –it won’t last long –Vinay-
The Amateur thinks of the dire consequences, preferring contemplation and hesitation to action; heeding to risk aversion, doubt to certainty and by the time he decides the moment is gone!
The amateur has an alternate set of visions, his imagined world conditioned by beliefs rather than abstracts, physical rather than philosophical.
For the Professional the fringe and moment are unexplored territory, where truth and fantasy are not yet disentangled. He always tries to combine the true with the beautiful moment, but when he has to choose one from the other , he usually chooses the beautiful.
The essence is embrace happiness when it comes –it won’t last long –Vinay-
Vanda Naal Mudhal.
From time Immemorial till now, nothing has changed except Mankind!
It is hard to think of the future of the world without being terrified and hope that humanity can be spared a self inflicted Apocalypse.
There is a very old Tamil song, penned by Poet Kannadasan which succinctly shows how man has destroyed this paradise called earth. From inception the sky, the ocean, the moon, the sun, the animal kingdom, the flora fauna, soil, the forest, the mountains, none of these have changed. But man in his attempt to overcome nature has brought in ecological imbalance and devastated the Universe.
He was inspired by the birds and invented the Aero plane, he saw the fish moving effortlessly in the oceans and invented the Boat, Ships etc. He heard the echoes of thunder and invented the radio. Not content to live and die his greed led him to create the malaise called money or wealth to improve his standing or status.
Not content with all this he created a monster called religion that divided the people and made them go crazy, killing, raping and pillaging each other in the name of religion.
Preaching god’s way he falsely created different castes, creeds, and countries creating differences everywhere and ended up tearing the fabric of humanity that once held homo-Sapiens’s in place. Religious patriotism becomes a false form of piety and killing for it’s sake a dark and devilish project, sacrificing man on the altar of a false God.
All the love and pleasures created by nature to foster and care have compassion has been ripped apart. Man with his false talk of religion, morality and God’s justice has turned everything asunder. Whatever nature created man has separated and destroyed.
In its wake there is misery, bloodshed, pestilence, bloodshed murder and mayhem. Only nature with its innate goodness can save us from ourselves- as the sweetness of life exists within it, the gardens of the new Heaven on Earth, - and religions can only make it to the graveyards of the innocents.
Should we say Amen or (what) Aman? -Vinay -
It is hard to think of the future of the world without being terrified and hope that humanity can be spared a self inflicted Apocalypse.
There is a very old Tamil song, penned by Poet Kannadasan which succinctly shows how man has destroyed this paradise called earth. From inception the sky, the ocean, the moon, the sun, the animal kingdom, the flora fauna, soil, the forest, the mountains, none of these have changed. But man in his attempt to overcome nature has brought in ecological imbalance and devastated the Universe.
He was inspired by the birds and invented the Aero plane, he saw the fish moving effortlessly in the oceans and invented the Boat, Ships etc. He heard the echoes of thunder and invented the radio. Not content to live and die his greed led him to create the malaise called money or wealth to improve his standing or status.
Not content with all this he created a monster called religion that divided the people and made them go crazy, killing, raping and pillaging each other in the name of religion.
Preaching god’s way he falsely created different castes, creeds, and countries creating differences everywhere and ended up tearing the fabric of humanity that once held homo-Sapiens’s in place. Religious patriotism becomes a false form of piety and killing for it’s sake a dark and devilish project, sacrificing man on the altar of a false God.
All the love and pleasures created by nature to foster and care have compassion has been ripped apart. Man with his false talk of religion, morality and God’s justice has turned everything asunder. Whatever nature created man has separated and destroyed.
In its wake there is misery, bloodshed, pestilence, bloodshed murder and mayhem. Only nature with its innate goodness can save us from ourselves- as the sweetness of life exists within it, the gardens of the new Heaven on Earth, - and religions can only make it to the graveyards of the innocents.
Should we say Amen or (what) Aman? -Vinay -
Yoga-Scandals and Viral tales.
The New York Times report that stated that Yoga was fundamentally a Tantric practice with sexual connotations has opened up a Pandora’s Box amongst practitioners and preachers alike.
With the shift of the movie theater generation to internet, people are no longer interested in the sex Scandals of movie stars, but the sex and sleeze in spirituality and religion coming out of the closet is a hot topic for debates.
The Yoga guru scandal that erupted in USA with sex, money, marijuana, video tales and lies has tongues wagging overtime 24/7. The Anusara Yoga edifice with 20000 followers scattered all over the globe was exposed when John Friend the founder was exposed as a serial adulterer, sex maniac and drug dealer.
The original roots of Yoga was to spiritualize the mundane existence, but now it is multimillion dollar business and the West has distorted it beyond recognition, of its original frame work. It is using spirituality to cloak the guilt feelings of having sex whenever and with whomsoever. The paradox is that Yoga as enumerated in the Bhagavad Gita, is about Karma and Siddhi or developing the latent energies and understanding - which also comes from the loins and moves upwards, but people who have no control of the sexual impulse use it for respectability.
Pulitzer Prize winning science writer William Broad (pun in name unintended) further eroded the purity of Yoga practice when he wrote, that Yoga discipline has its roots in Tantra and was initiated as a sex cult to stir the sexual hormones. With glamorous practitioners like Sting, Robert Downey Junior it has become a cult act in the USA, hordes of young people flocks to enroll for the wrong reasons.
This has given rise to unauthorized fly by night yoga guru’s and charlatans, who have seized this opportunity to make a fast buck and fuck, with a self defeating eclectic cocktail of spiritual mumbo – jumbo, sex and sleaze, attracting clients looking for libidinal secrets.
Hatha yoga is the purified offspring of Tantra which is different from the practice of Tantra. People in the West think Indian spirituality is about pot and chillum smoking sages indulging in orgies and asanas are mistaken for erotic positions depicted in the Kama Sutra, forgetting that all the original teachers of yoga were celibates, and it was used to heighten the senses for a higher purpose.
Forget trying to get esoteric because the confusion is caused by alliteration of asanas/spirituality of sorts. The true aim of the Tantric sex act is to transcend frictional orgasm, but it cannot be misconstrued as Nirvana. Yoga in to purest form has no connection to the rites of Tantra. –Vinay- Cocktail news round up.-
With the shift of the movie theater generation to internet, people are no longer interested in the sex Scandals of movie stars, but the sex and sleeze in spirituality and religion coming out of the closet is a hot topic for debates.
The Yoga guru scandal that erupted in USA with sex, money, marijuana, video tales and lies has tongues wagging overtime 24/7. The Anusara Yoga edifice with 20000 followers scattered all over the globe was exposed when John Friend the founder was exposed as a serial adulterer, sex maniac and drug dealer.
The original roots of Yoga was to spiritualize the mundane existence, but now it is multimillion dollar business and the West has distorted it beyond recognition, of its original frame work. It is using spirituality to cloak the guilt feelings of having sex whenever and with whomsoever. The paradox is that Yoga as enumerated in the Bhagavad Gita, is about Karma and Siddhi or developing the latent energies and understanding - which also comes from the loins and moves upwards, but people who have no control of the sexual impulse use it for respectability.
Pulitzer Prize winning science writer William Broad (pun in name unintended) further eroded the purity of Yoga practice when he wrote, that Yoga discipline has its roots in Tantra and was initiated as a sex cult to stir the sexual hormones. With glamorous practitioners like Sting, Robert Downey Junior it has become a cult act in the USA, hordes of young people flocks to enroll for the wrong reasons.
This has given rise to unauthorized fly by night yoga guru’s and charlatans, who have seized this opportunity to make a fast buck and fuck, with a self defeating eclectic cocktail of spiritual mumbo – jumbo, sex and sleaze, attracting clients looking for libidinal secrets.
Hatha yoga is the purified offspring of Tantra which is different from the practice of Tantra. People in the West think Indian spirituality is about pot and chillum smoking sages indulging in orgies and asanas are mistaken for erotic positions depicted in the Kama Sutra, forgetting that all the original teachers of yoga were celibates, and it was used to heighten the senses for a higher purpose.
Forget trying to get esoteric because the confusion is caused by alliteration of asanas/spirituality of sorts. The true aim of the Tantric sex act is to transcend frictional orgasm, but it cannot be misconstrued as Nirvana. Yoga in to purest form has no connection to the rites of Tantra. –Vinay- Cocktail news round up.-
Bored to death in Heaven!
The point is that without the looming threat of a negative (meaning death) the positive (meaning life) becomes meaningless. It is an old argument there are positive and negative aspects, you simply can’t appreciate a bi-polar condition without any knowledge of the opposite polarity, since each defines the other. You cannot experience yin without a yang, or white without black, good without bad.
Spiritual columnist Mukul Sharma has a very interesting take on this – he states that even religion is also cannily clever when they guarantee immortality and a heavenly paradise in the afterlife. The complete assertion of suffering may sound great on scriptural paper, but compared to what? Without the comparison, bliss become blasé, and eventually boring.
Like the man who attained Satori and had nothing more to look forward to. Religion tries to scare people by depicting hell as a place of excruciating physical torment – something that can hardly be perceived as boring – even through the opposite of bliss should only be an extreme agony of the mind.
The opposite of horrific bodily pain is ecstatic bodily bliss. Then paradise may sound like a heavenly place for delightful sex.That would be stultifying as sex is taboo for religion. Science is also trying to achieve immortality by arresting aging for immortality which too would be equally boring
Spiritual columnist Mukul Sharma has a very interesting take on this – he states that even religion is also cannily clever when they guarantee immortality and a heavenly paradise in the afterlife. The complete assertion of suffering may sound great on scriptural paper, but compared to what? Without the comparison, bliss become blasé, and eventually boring.
Like the man who attained Satori and had nothing more to look forward to. Religion tries to scare people by depicting hell as a place of excruciating physical torment – something that can hardly be perceived as boring – even through the opposite of bliss should only be an extreme agony of the mind.
The opposite of horrific bodily pain is ecstatic bodily bliss. Then paradise may sound like a heavenly place for delightful sex.That would be stultifying as sex is taboo for religion. Science is also trying to achieve immortality by arresting aging for immortality which too would be equally boring
Coping with life.
Things don’t always go the way we want, and there are times when everything seems to be going wrong. So how does one cope in such a situation?
Resiliency helps us to accept the setbacks in our everyday lives. Acknowledge your emotions about the situation, whether it is grief or losing your job. Practice acceptance, resisting what has happened to you is like being, caught in quicksand the more you struggle against it, the tighter you get caught in the quagmire. Only when you relax do you have a chance to get out of it.
Accept life as it is, not as it should be, being realistic will help you move forward faster.Gain perspective; remember past experiences, this is key to your ability to bounce back from adversity. Recall other difficulties that you have had in your life and realize that, somehow, you made it through them. It’s likely you will also make it through this one, too. As a wise person once said, “This, too, shall pass.”
The Problem becomes the only thing in your life. Let go of it. Widen your focus and see what else is in your life. Stay in the moment, rather than fretting about something that could happen in the future or worrying about the past, try to stay in the present moment. This is where life is really happening. One of the best ways to bounce back from hard times is allow other people to support you emotionally.
The more you allow your problem to be a secret, the more power it has over you. By talking about it, you take the power away from the “deep, dark secret” and put it back where it belongs – with you.
You already know that life has its fair share of ups and downs. So ride the roller coaster. It’s possible to bounce back from virtually anything.
Resiliency helps us to accept the setbacks in our everyday lives. Acknowledge your emotions about the situation, whether it is grief or losing your job. Practice acceptance, resisting what has happened to you is like being, caught in quicksand the more you struggle against it, the tighter you get caught in the quagmire. Only when you relax do you have a chance to get out of it.
Accept life as it is, not as it should be, being realistic will help you move forward faster.Gain perspective; remember past experiences, this is key to your ability to bounce back from adversity. Recall other difficulties that you have had in your life and realize that, somehow, you made it through them. It’s likely you will also make it through this one, too. As a wise person once said, “This, too, shall pass.”
The Problem becomes the only thing in your life. Let go of it. Widen your focus and see what else is in your life. Stay in the moment, rather than fretting about something that could happen in the future or worrying about the past, try to stay in the present moment. This is where life is really happening. One of the best ways to bounce back from hard times is allow other people to support you emotionally.
The more you allow your problem to be a secret, the more power it has over you. By talking about it, you take the power away from the “deep, dark secret” and put it back where it belongs – with you.
You already know that life has its fair share of ups and downs. So ride the roller coaster. It’s possible to bounce back from virtually anything.
The rules of Engagement.
If you don’t like their rules, whose would you use?’
There are plenty of formulae out there – ready-made rules for living your life: what to do, what to believe, what to think, how to dress. From traditional religious observance to the ‘new-age’ and the modern religion of ‘self-improvement,’ there’s a vast smorgasbord of choice, and it can be overwhelming. We spent most of our adult life trying out these different flavors. But none of them really satisfy our hunger.
So what truly satisfies? I think, it’s about a willingness to let go, to stop being in control – to let life take us in its great stream, to embrace what someone called the ‘wisdom of insecurity.’ Like a river charting an unpredictable course, till it merges with the ocean, and there is no river anymore…
There are plenty of formulae out there – ready-made rules for living your life: what to do, what to believe, what to think, how to dress. From traditional religious observance to the ‘new-age’ and the modern religion of ‘self-improvement,’ there’s a vast smorgasbord of choice, and it can be overwhelming. We spent most of our adult life trying out these different flavors. But none of them really satisfy our hunger.
So what truly satisfies? I think, it’s about a willingness to let go, to stop being in control – to let life take us in its great stream, to embrace what someone called the ‘wisdom of insecurity.’ Like a river charting an unpredictable course, till it merges with the ocean, and there is no river anymore…
A guide to reality.
The big persistent questions such as: ‘what is the nature of reality, the purpose of the universe, and the meaning of life? Is there any rhyme or reason to the course of human history? Why am I here? Do I have a soul, and if so, how long will it last? What happens when we die? Do we have free will? Why should I be moral? What is love, and why it is usually inconvenient? Contemporary religious belief is immune to rational objection because it questions the implications of their own worldview.
There is no God. Reality is what physics says (and evolutionary biology). There is no purpose to anything, anywhere, never was, never will be. There is therefore no meaning to life. I’m here because of dumb luck. Prayer doesn’t work. There is no such thing as a soul. There is no freewill. When we die, everything stays the same except without us. There is no moral difference between good and bad, right and wrong. You should be good because it makes you feel better than being bad.
Anything goes. Love is a solution to a strategic coordination problem. It’s automatic, programmed so there’s no need to go out looking for it. History has no purpose because the future is less and less like the past. Technology makes predicting the future a guessing game and their rational choice theories are outrageously bad psychology. The belief in free will and purpose and all that is belief in hokum of the same order as belief in God.
Naturalism to be the thesis that the natural sciences are the best guide to what exists in the world and that its methods are the best ways of extending knowledge of what exists. If we are still justified in helping ourselves to freewill, responsibility, self knowledge and all that, then what is there to fear, what’s the big deal? With superstitions all gone, the revaluation of values can be turned into a political, ethical, aesthetic programme for freethinkers no longer shackled by voodoo metaphysics.
Evolution underwrites the rationalism of being an atheist but doesn’t corrode our human image. Nothing in science underwrites the value of any categorical imperative such as thou shalt not steal or kill or you ought to look after your neighbor, the frail, weak and so on. There can be no deserving poor or deserving rich in a universe where there is no deserving anything. There’s just blind luck.
Evolution has selected the illusions that recognize our fates are yoked to living with others harmoniously. We are not inherently aggressive and competitive but gain advantage by being good at negotiating sociability.
Evolutionism and physics gives us a nihilist universe, purposeless, meaningless, ultimately devoid of everything we think is important. But it has constructed us as having evolutionary reflexes that grant us illusions of freewill and purpose we cannot but believe. The illusions are selected instincts that are too overwhelming and powerful to be overridden. This explains the sub title: -Enjoying life without illusion
There is no God. Reality is what physics says (and evolutionary biology). There is no purpose to anything, anywhere, never was, never will be. There is therefore no meaning to life. I’m here because of dumb luck. Prayer doesn’t work. There is no such thing as a soul. There is no freewill. When we die, everything stays the same except without us. There is no moral difference between good and bad, right and wrong. You should be good because it makes you feel better than being bad.
Anything goes. Love is a solution to a strategic coordination problem. It’s automatic, programmed so there’s no need to go out looking for it. History has no purpose because the future is less and less like the past. Technology makes predicting the future a guessing game and their rational choice theories are outrageously bad psychology. The belief in free will and purpose and all that is belief in hokum of the same order as belief in God.
Naturalism to be the thesis that the natural sciences are the best guide to what exists in the world and that its methods are the best ways of extending knowledge of what exists. If we are still justified in helping ourselves to freewill, responsibility, self knowledge and all that, then what is there to fear, what’s the big deal? With superstitions all gone, the revaluation of values can be turned into a political, ethical, aesthetic programme for freethinkers no longer shackled by voodoo metaphysics.
Evolution underwrites the rationalism of being an atheist but doesn’t corrode our human image. Nothing in science underwrites the value of any categorical imperative such as thou shalt not steal or kill or you ought to look after your neighbor, the frail, weak and so on. There can be no deserving poor or deserving rich in a universe where there is no deserving anything. There’s just blind luck.
Evolution has selected the illusions that recognize our fates are yoked to living with others harmoniously. We are not inherently aggressive and competitive but gain advantage by being good at negotiating sociability.
Evolutionism and physics gives us a nihilist universe, purposeless, meaningless, ultimately devoid of everything we think is important. But it has constructed us as having evolutionary reflexes that grant us illusions of freewill and purpose we cannot but believe. The illusions are selected instincts that are too overwhelming and powerful to be overridden. This explains the sub title: -Enjoying life without illusion
religion the oldest heritage
Religion is the oldest heritage that man has and people’s sense of reality was easily enough undermined, and from there replaced – a process also known as brainwashing which has continued for hundreds of years. Sigmund Freud suggested that “man has in him an active instinct for hatred and destruction.” Freud went on to contrast this “instinct to destroy and kill” with one he called erotic—an instinct “to conserve and unify,” an instinct for love.
Humans are driven by two basic impulses, one impelling them to independence and survival, the other to propagation and thereby to the loss of individuality. Paranoia functioned as a religious worldview, and bound all religious followers into a community. The paranoid person logically weaves all events, all persons, all chance remarks and happenings, into his system. The death instinct will work its ruin and reduce life to its primal state of inert matter.
The death instinct provided the biological justification for all those vile, pernicious propensities [to war] which we are now combating. Does not every religion lead ultimately to this—a sort of mythology? By twisting the natural processes through semantic twists and scriptures which set of beliefs becomes a religion.As Hubbard the inventor of Scientology remarked “all I’m asking is that we take a look at this information, and … let’s see if we can’t disagree with this universe, just a little bit. He went on to add that the human mind is a perfect computer corrupted by ‘incorrect data.
The painful conflicts in which humans have been entangled throughout their history and pre-history do not come only from oppression, poverty, inequality or lack of education; they originate in permanent flaws of the human animal. We’re treating the present-time beingness, that’s religion, not mental science. The history of religions in the 20th century is the privileging of the mystical, secret, elitist aspects of religion, often to the neglect of the mundane. In Eastern theology, Hindu way of life, Vedas and Buddhism practiced “karma’ - or self-mastery through the acceptance of a personal fate, a condition that was supposed to go with tranquility of mind.
Humans are driven by two basic impulses, one impelling them to independence and survival, the other to propagation and thereby to the loss of individuality. Paranoia functioned as a religious worldview, and bound all religious followers into a community. The paranoid person logically weaves all events, all persons, all chance remarks and happenings, into his system. The death instinct will work its ruin and reduce life to its primal state of inert matter.
The death instinct provided the biological justification for all those vile, pernicious propensities [to war] which we are now combating. Does not every religion lead ultimately to this—a sort of mythology? By twisting the natural processes through semantic twists and scriptures which set of beliefs becomes a religion.As Hubbard the inventor of Scientology remarked “all I’m asking is that we take a look at this information, and … let’s see if we can’t disagree with this universe, just a little bit. He went on to add that the human mind is a perfect computer corrupted by ‘incorrect data.
The painful conflicts in which humans have been entangled throughout their history and pre-history do not come only from oppression, poverty, inequality or lack of education; they originate in permanent flaws of the human animal. We’re treating the present-time beingness, that’s religion, not mental science. The history of religions in the 20th century is the privileging of the mystical, secret, elitist aspects of religion, often to the neglect of the mundane. In Eastern theology, Hindu way of life, Vedas and Buddhism practiced “karma’ - or self-mastery through the acceptance of a personal fate, a condition that was supposed to go with tranquility of mind.
Heaven abovehell – fire on earth....
I am amazed at the zest and persistence of the gospelers, who use every opportunity to try and convert you to their faith, as if they had marketing targets to achieve. I am deeply puzzled when these proselytizers want to prove to me that God exists.
There may be comfort in collective emotions no denying, but spiritual succor in groups cannot lead one to salvation. People tend to get carried away when their emotions, fear, joy, sorrow are shared by a community or faith, something like a flash mob that grows bigger as more and more people join.
In the olden days we dealt with our conflicts and trauma by ourselves, or with parents or close friends. Today there are a host of clinics, psychologists, and networking sites where you wash and dry out your innermost fears and emotions. Religion offers a vast network of people working in unison and who are focused on salvation or nirvana. They tell you what you like to hear, like how a miracle will happen and take away your suffering through prayer. You fall neatly into the trap because you are leading an unconscious life and do not want to confront life’s problems. Religious books are like fiction made up of fantasy, miracles and other stories, escapism from the reality of life. It makes you voluntarily surrender your consciousness to the beliefs of others.
Like meditation you can momentarily shut off the real facts of life. But you need to shift laterally to consciousness to break the mirage of miracles happening. Only family or few will tell you the real “bone marrow’ truths that life’s’ stories are about failures. You don’t need the crutch of religion to get up and dust yourself, be yourself and work relentlessly for the actual transformation to happen. Push out the boundaries of religious scriptures & explore the unchartered territory of your consciousness.
Real ecstasy is in discovery ourselves in the book of life as you experience it chapter by chapter and the curiosity and expectation that many pages are left; then knowing that another great chapter will open out as you expand your consciousness.
What amazed me is the passion audiences bring to play when they congregate in church or a house of worship, and all of them bond on the same page. This obsessive community outpouring is a symbol of regression. They allow conscious minds to get synchronized with their own religious faith to experience joy in their brotherhood. When someone does not share their beliefs the “joy” instantly turns to hate and is the beginning of religious intolerance!
There may be comfort in collective emotions no denying, but spiritual succor in groups cannot lead one to salvation. People tend to get carried away when their emotions, fear, joy, sorrow are shared by a community or faith, something like a flash mob that grows bigger as more and more people join.
In the olden days we dealt with our conflicts and trauma by ourselves, or with parents or close friends. Today there are a host of clinics, psychologists, and networking sites where you wash and dry out your innermost fears and emotions. Religion offers a vast network of people working in unison and who are focused on salvation or nirvana. They tell you what you like to hear, like how a miracle will happen and take away your suffering through prayer. You fall neatly into the trap because you are leading an unconscious life and do not want to confront life’s problems. Religious books are like fiction made up of fantasy, miracles and other stories, escapism from the reality of life. It makes you voluntarily surrender your consciousness to the beliefs of others.
Like meditation you can momentarily shut off the real facts of life. But you need to shift laterally to consciousness to break the mirage of miracles happening. Only family or few will tell you the real “bone marrow’ truths that life’s’ stories are about failures. You don’t need the crutch of religion to get up and dust yourself, be yourself and work relentlessly for the actual transformation to happen. Push out the boundaries of religious scriptures & explore the unchartered territory of your consciousness.
Real ecstasy is in discovery ourselves in the book of life as you experience it chapter by chapter and the curiosity and expectation that many pages are left; then knowing that another great chapter will open out as you expand your consciousness.
What amazed me is the passion audiences bring to play when they congregate in church or a house of worship, and all of them bond on the same page. This obsessive community outpouring is a symbol of regression. They allow conscious minds to get synchronized with their own religious faith to experience joy in their brotherhood. When someone does not share their beliefs the “joy” instantly turns to hate and is the beginning of religious intolerance!
The Turning Brain.
Philosophers, scientists and psychologists have all tried to unravel the mysteries of the human mind for countless years, slowly inching towards answers while making little head way, like “the Pilgrims progress”. Individuals differ in how they sense and interpret the world around them depending on their world view.
What are the processes that influence our judgments and decisions? Recently a team of MIT neurologists/ scientists claim that they can change peoples moral judgments by disrupting the nerves located in the right temporoparietal junction. Other seminal researches by psychologists claim that the decision making is the result of the interplay between two cognitive systems.
All this shatters our traditional myth involving the rationality of the mind in decision making. According to Daniel Kahneman the two cognitive systems are one favoring risk and unafraid of danger while the other is to play safe and a sort of risk averse type. Through a complex interaction between there two traits the outcome of the decision is determined. That is why some decisions are not rational but more hedonistic.
That is why in philosophy and mystic wisdom we are told to make a transformation or paradigm shift from the shadow caused by our weaknesses and to develop our own minds to escape from the years of conditioning by society, culture and religion. Philosophy unlike the others has no answers, but asks questions and makes you think for yourself and not follow any pre-ordained beliefs. Both the ephemeral wink at the sensual delights of the present moment and the depths of cosmic consciousness can be found within these sticky layers of the mind.
Thoughts are like a burst of color in celebration of the universe’s capacity for joy, sorrow and laughter, infusing the breath of life and the feelings can energize or relax our minds. Ideas infiltrate our brains and takes over our actions, Truth then becomes brush strokes of our thoughts on the canvas of life.
Our capacity to appreciate Prada and Pranayam or embrace the Guru and explore the “G- spot” from the trembling skin to the tingling spirituality, its all in the mind.
As, Nicolas Despereaux states… “How often the fear of one evil leads us into worse”.-Vinay-
What are the processes that influence our judgments and decisions? Recently a team of MIT neurologists/ scientists claim that they can change peoples moral judgments by disrupting the nerves located in the right temporoparietal junction. Other seminal researches by psychologists claim that the decision making is the result of the interplay between two cognitive systems.
All this shatters our traditional myth involving the rationality of the mind in decision making. According to Daniel Kahneman the two cognitive systems are one favoring risk and unafraid of danger while the other is to play safe and a sort of risk averse type. Through a complex interaction between there two traits the outcome of the decision is determined. That is why some decisions are not rational but more hedonistic.
That is why in philosophy and mystic wisdom we are told to make a transformation or paradigm shift from the shadow caused by our weaknesses and to develop our own minds to escape from the years of conditioning by society, culture and religion. Philosophy unlike the others has no answers, but asks questions and makes you think for yourself and not follow any pre-ordained beliefs. Both the ephemeral wink at the sensual delights of the present moment and the depths of cosmic consciousness can be found within these sticky layers of the mind.
Thoughts are like a burst of color in celebration of the universe’s capacity for joy, sorrow and laughter, infusing the breath of life and the feelings can energize or relax our minds. Ideas infiltrate our brains and takes over our actions, Truth then becomes brush strokes of our thoughts on the canvas of life.
Our capacity to appreciate Prada and Pranayam or embrace the Guru and explore the “G- spot” from the trembling skin to the tingling spirituality, its all in the mind.
As, Nicolas Despereaux states… “How often the fear of one evil leads us into worse”.-Vinay-
Say it with flowers.
When you wake up to the glorious sunrise at dawn, feel the gentle breeze nudge your cheeks, inhaled the jasmine scented night air and gaze at the moon and stars above the ocean. As you explore this enchanted earth, you will suddenly come upon a field full of flowers.
Behind the beautiful flowers in this world lurk life, death and hope which cast their crooked shadows on the lake, to some flowers that fall casually – dying enchanted with living. Death is only a different smell that stalks through stems, sapping life, souring roots, while others that grow rigid and lie in unnatural postures through many seasons, death is the answer, which lies in every act of living. If the flowers present in drooping throw it out….. Vinay
Behind the beautiful flowers in this world lurk life, death and hope which cast their crooked shadows on the lake, to some flowers that fall casually – dying enchanted with living. Death is only a different smell that stalks through stems, sapping life, souring roots, while others that grow rigid and lie in unnatural postures through many seasons, death is the answer, which lies in every act of living. If the flowers present in drooping throw it out….. Vinay
Quanta and Qualia.
Many anthropic principles are simply confusing to the ordinary layman. Of late term Quanta & Qualia are bandied about widely in all cosmological theories. Spiritual guru Deepak Chopra in a free wheeling discussion with Trishala Jain gives us his insights. According to him art and creative writing is a symbolic representation of reality as 0pposed to science which is a map and not an experimental symbolism like art.
The qualitative experience according to him is closer than the quantitative measurements of science. Art and thoughts are the highest form of expression of our consciousness; big leaps in collective consciousness have brought in the era of Renaissance in history.
People tend to understand from their own level of awareness. Art and creative thinking captures the flavors of life and in the language of consciousness, it is called “Qualia” meaning the quality of subjective experience. In the realm of science it is difficult to explain this experience in terms of neural networks.
For example: when you watch a beautiful sunset in Quanta terms the empirical theory of neurons firing from the temporoparietal nerve junction and some chemical or electromagnetic changes as explained by neuroscience cannot explore or explain this feeling or sense. Vedanta states that it is the experiential imagination of that sunset that may trigger the firing of neurons. Neurons are only a symbolic representation of that and the “Qualia” together create the illusion of the material world.
The self, observer and the object of observation, thoughts, feelings, sensations and images that we call the material world including our mind is the conglomeration of “Qualia”
The astronomers also watch the sunset stars and moon and have their own set of empirical theories which are tested, but are two weak to throw light on scientific theories as of now.
Qualia are consciousness or a karmic frequency and when the Qualia resonate together the experience is beautiful. Mebbe when we fall in love with someone it means your Qualia and their Qualia are dancing together on the same frequency.
Building a substantive argument based on tautological foundation of strong variants of the anthropic principle is fraught with uncertainty of the appropriation of “Quanta” observations. Because observation is not empirical Quanta, and it is difficult to arrive at an empirical basics for an ethical theory. So the twain shall not meet in the near future. -Tangerine trees and Marmalade skies.-
The qualitative experience according to him is closer than the quantitative measurements of science. Art and thoughts are the highest form of expression of our consciousness; big leaps in collective consciousness have brought in the era of Renaissance in history.
People tend to understand from their own level of awareness. Art and creative thinking captures the flavors of life and in the language of consciousness, it is called “Qualia” meaning the quality of subjective experience. In the realm of science it is difficult to explain this experience in terms of neural networks.
For example: when you watch a beautiful sunset in Quanta terms the empirical theory of neurons firing from the temporoparietal nerve junction and some chemical or electromagnetic changes as explained by neuroscience cannot explore or explain this feeling or sense. Vedanta states that it is the experiential imagination of that sunset that may trigger the firing of neurons. Neurons are only a symbolic representation of that and the “Qualia” together create the illusion of the material world.
The self, observer and the object of observation, thoughts, feelings, sensations and images that we call the material world including our mind is the conglomeration of “Qualia”
The astronomers also watch the sunset stars and moon and have their own set of empirical theories which are tested, but are two weak to throw light on scientific theories as of now.
Qualia are consciousness or a karmic frequency and when the Qualia resonate together the experience is beautiful. Mebbe when we fall in love with someone it means your Qualia and their Qualia are dancing together on the same frequency.
Building a substantive argument based on tautological foundation of strong variants of the anthropic principle is fraught with uncertainty of the appropriation of “Quanta” observations. Because observation is not empirical Quanta, and it is difficult to arrive at an empirical basics for an ethical theory. So the twain shall not meet in the near future. -Tangerine trees and Marmalade skies.-
The Myth of the matter.
With deft strokes of his pen spiritual columnist Vithal Nadkarni draws heavily from the Rig Vedas the new age spiritual and neoshamanistic texts of Don Miguel to drive home the point stated by Einstein that everything is ultimately the “figments of our imagination”.
The central precept is a holistic spiritual consciousness drawing on both Eastern and Western philosophic tradition. The concept is powerful and has the ability to transform our lives by breaking thousands of “limiting agreements“ we have made with ourselves, our faith, with other people their faiths and with life itself.
All sacred narratives are myths explaining how humankind came to exist in their present form- mythological stories originate within traditions – Prometheus shaping man for Athena to breathe life into clay- to our heavenly Father, Mother, Holy Ghost and Prophet ~ Adam, Eve, Gods, Goddesses, Fairies, Elves, Leprechauns, Dragons and Devils; so different from us as if they are from some alien planet. These confining dogmas, beliefs, practices symbols and myths over the years have become powerful influences in our minds.
If you are aware of this, then it’s easy to understand that all of these different mythologies, religions and philosophies existing in this world; all those different beliefs, dogmas, and ways of thinking are nothing but agreements with ourselves and with other human beings.
Everything that exists is true: the earth, the stars and the universe are true. As the Rig Veda states (Truth is one: the wise speak of many). But the symbols that we use to contract what we think are true, because “we” say so; they are all our “creations” but are they true? Existence, awareness is the only truth (Rig Veda).
The “fifth agreement” is ultimately about seeing your whole reality with the eyes of truth. If you practice this fifth agreement it will result in the complete acceptance of yourself just the way are, and the complete acceptance of everybody else just the way they are. The reward will be eternal happiness.
The central precept is a holistic spiritual consciousness drawing on both Eastern and Western philosophic tradition. The concept is powerful and has the ability to transform our lives by breaking thousands of “limiting agreements“ we have made with ourselves, our faith, with other people their faiths and with life itself.
All sacred narratives are myths explaining how humankind came to exist in their present form- mythological stories originate within traditions – Prometheus shaping man for Athena to breathe life into clay- to our heavenly Father, Mother, Holy Ghost and Prophet ~ Adam, Eve, Gods, Goddesses, Fairies, Elves, Leprechauns, Dragons and Devils; so different from us as if they are from some alien planet. These confining dogmas, beliefs, practices symbols and myths over the years have become powerful influences in our minds.
If you are aware of this, then it’s easy to understand that all of these different mythologies, religions and philosophies existing in this world; all those different beliefs, dogmas, and ways of thinking are nothing but agreements with ourselves and with other human beings.
Everything that exists is true: the earth, the stars and the universe are true. As the Rig Veda states (Truth is one: the wise speak of many). But the symbols that we use to contract what we think are true, because “we” say so; they are all our “creations” but are they true? Existence, awareness is the only truth (Rig Veda).
The “fifth agreement” is ultimately about seeing your whole reality with the eyes of truth. If you practice this fifth agreement it will result in the complete acceptance of yourself just the way are, and the complete acceptance of everybody else just the way they are. The reward will be eternal happiness.
Zen and the art of Motorcycle riding.
Yesterday night I went for a long motorcycle ride on my old world war II (Bullet). With the night wind caressing my cheeks and whistling in my ear, as the chill entered my heart was an exhilarating experience. As the wheels devoured the macadam road stretching endlessly like a black ribbon, darkness parted by the solitary beam of my headlight, flashes of memory sputtered alive ~Peter ‘O’ Toole, Lawrence of Arabia, early youth, gals, bikes, racing, crashes at alii. I always liked a bike as opposed to cars, as it gave a certain freedom tinged with danger. I have read Robert Persig’s “Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance”, but the import of the chapters now roared back into my mind. “On a motorcycle whizzing past milestones was intoxicating like drinking the elixir of youth”. In a car you are always cuckooned in a compartment, you are used to it, you don’t realize that through the window everything you see is like watching television. You are a passive observer and its all boring moving frame by frame. On a motorcycle the frame is gone, you are in contact with the scene, not watching it and the sense of presence is overwhelming. You are on top of the world as it rushes past your feet.
Why Chemotherapy cannot cure the cancer of love.
When you sight a potential lover, the brain releases a set of chemicals; including pheromones. Dopamine, norepinephrines and serotonin.
These chemicals activate the brains pleasure centre mainly the nucleus accumbens.
Their immediate after effects include higher heart rate, loss of appetite, sleep and intense excitement.
For lasting long term bonds, two more chemicals must kick in; oxytocin and vasopressin.
Studies reveal that emotions stimulated by such chemicals, sustain a relationship for about one and half years. This confirms the cooling off of relationship after two years, leading to the “seven year itch”.
By contrast lust is much simpler as it works on testosterone for men and oestrogen for women.
These chemicals activate the brains pleasure centre mainly the nucleus accumbens.
Their immediate after effects include higher heart rate, loss of appetite, sleep and intense excitement.
For lasting long term bonds, two more chemicals must kick in; oxytocin and vasopressin.
Studies reveal that emotions stimulated by such chemicals, sustain a relationship for about one and half years. This confirms the cooling off of relationship after two years, leading to the “seven year itch”.
By contrast lust is much simpler as it works on testosterone for men and oestrogen for women.
Doff your Convocation cap and Don your thinking hat.
Learning does not always take place in classrooms, or colleges, it mostly takes place in family, other environments and work places, which also teaches you apart from molding behavioral patterns. Moral principles in human relations are perhaps the most glaring gap in traditional teaching. It winds up being appropriated by religion, with its bias toward the supernatural or authoritarian ideas of state.
The most important skill of thinking is not taught in schools or colleges. We resort to all fancy engineering and MBA degrees in order to prove that we are intelligent. Higher education by itself does not translate into knowledge; it only provides the building blocks of a good foundation in learning and analysis of problems. It is the work, life or career experience that can transform that learning into knowledge and build up our intelligence.Highly intelligent people do not necessarily make good thinkers. Thinking is a skill, not intelligence in action. Thinking is something that we can’t acquire with a college degree in Humanities, Science or Commerce topped off with an MBA degree.
We tend to resort to all sorts of strategies in order not to use our brains. Thinking is hard work, so everyone avoids it. We need to have as much idea work as we do information work. We must realize that the analysis of data is not enough. The analysis / paralysis syndrome is a fad in all companies, where whole days are wasted in meetings behind closed doors. All situations closed cannot produce ideas, we confuse fluency with substance Getting out of the cave, walking into the real wide world and seeing things as they really are: that’s what the philosophy of knowledge is about.
Maybe with the Internet and Telepresence video conferencing people will learn what the true cognoscenti have long known. Anyone interested in knowing what's really happening or in changing the way things are don’t go to boring meetings or seminars.
The most important skill of thinking is not taught in schools or colleges. We resort to all fancy engineering and MBA degrees in order to prove that we are intelligent. Higher education by itself does not translate into knowledge; it only provides the building blocks of a good foundation in learning and analysis of problems. It is the work, life or career experience that can transform that learning into knowledge and build up our intelligence.Highly intelligent people do not necessarily make good thinkers. Thinking is a skill, not intelligence in action. Thinking is something that we can’t acquire with a college degree in Humanities, Science or Commerce topped off with an MBA degree.
We tend to resort to all sorts of strategies in order not to use our brains. Thinking is hard work, so everyone avoids it. We need to have as much idea work as we do information work. We must realize that the analysis of data is not enough. The analysis / paralysis syndrome is a fad in all companies, where whole days are wasted in meetings behind closed doors. All situations closed cannot produce ideas, we confuse fluency with substance Getting out of the cave, walking into the real wide world and seeing things as they really are: that’s what the philosophy of knowledge is about.
Maybe with the Internet and Telepresence video conferencing people will learn what the true cognoscenti have long known. Anyone interested in knowing what's really happening or in changing the way things are don’t go to boring meetings or seminars.
Oh! To be in England now that spring is here …. and to drink an English Beer.
As spring approaches remnants of a childhood song echoes in my mind, and I try to recall the lines and express the joyous days.
Holi is a religious spring festival celebrated by Indians, also known as festival of colors,it is celebrated in India, by people throwing scented powder and perfume at each other. Bonfires are lit on the eve of the festival; Holi is celebrated at the end of the winter season. One of its biggest customs is the loosening strictness of social structures, which normally include religion, age, sex, status, and caste. No holier than thou attitude here as it closes the wide gaps between social classes and brings everyone together. The cosmic orbit of cyclical change of seasons translated into a burst of color. These cyclical changes are the essence of nature’s being.
The atmosphere is filled with excitement and joy, originally, it was a festival that commemorated good harvests and the fertile land; in addition to celebrating the coming of spring, Indians believe it is a time of enjoying spring's abundant colors and saying farewell to winter. As Robin Frost and Vithal Nadkarni both commented, it’s the time when earth begins to bloom again. The Ashoka tree is aflame with orange and red blossoms, while the chaffinch sings on the elm’s orchard bough, the whitethroat builds, and all the swallows! Hark! A variety of bees, butterflies and bees galore
A riot of blossoms and dewdrops, the buttercups, gaudy melon-flowers; The parakeets, flame throated barbets, rainbow hued sunbirds, the wise thrush; he sings each song twice over, in fine careless rapture! . Everyone is dancing to the deeper rhythm of the cosmic cycle of life and death, the link whose imprimatur is embedded in the DNA of the Universe The confluence that arises from the converging of seasons in the sun, the vehicle of transformation of life on earth. And so the earth shall rejoice and bloom as the winter sorrowful and sighing shall flee.
Holi is a religious spring festival celebrated by Indians, also known as festival of colors,it is celebrated in India, by people throwing scented powder and perfume at each other. Bonfires are lit on the eve of the festival; Holi is celebrated at the end of the winter season. One of its biggest customs is the loosening strictness of social structures, which normally include religion, age, sex, status, and caste. No holier than thou attitude here as it closes the wide gaps between social classes and brings everyone together. The cosmic orbit of cyclical change of seasons translated into a burst of color. These cyclical changes are the essence of nature’s being.
The atmosphere is filled with excitement and joy, originally, it was a festival that commemorated good harvests and the fertile land; in addition to celebrating the coming of spring, Indians believe it is a time of enjoying spring's abundant colors and saying farewell to winter. As Robin Frost and Vithal Nadkarni both commented, it’s the time when earth begins to bloom again. The Ashoka tree is aflame with orange and red blossoms, while the chaffinch sings on the elm’s orchard bough, the whitethroat builds, and all the swallows! Hark! A variety of bees, butterflies and bees galore
A riot of blossoms and dewdrops, the buttercups, gaudy melon-flowers; The parakeets, flame throated barbets, rainbow hued sunbirds, the wise thrush; he sings each song twice over, in fine careless rapture! . Everyone is dancing to the deeper rhythm of the cosmic cycle of life and death, the link whose imprimatur is embedded in the DNA of the Universe The confluence that arises from the converging of seasons in the sun, the vehicle of transformation of life on earth. And so the earth shall rejoice and bloom as the winter sorrowful and sighing shall flee.
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