Sunday, August 7, 2011

Change your Expiry Date

Change is inevitable, and the external forces that factor this change are not in our control. The world of business is changing so fast that stability is a luxury we cannot afford. The trend of machine intelligence is growing exponentially and “homo sapiens” may no longer be the dominant species in this planet.
The world is transforming, policies, regulations, markets and technology at the speed of thought; to survive and flourish in this era of change or stay ahead is like harnessing a tsunami wave and riding its crest. With this phenomenal advance in technology and thinking, all spiritual insights will have a limited shelf life. Quaint truths of a bygone era will be footnotes in history. Replication of the DNA will occur continuously like a serpent shedding skins every retiring year, a random selection of natural mutations, our response to significant needs and opportunities.
Under such conditions how can the ancient codes of spirituality exist? The million dollar question is, are all spiritual truths engraved in stone, or merely contextual? Change does not warn you, it hits you, you have to pre-empt change and be prepared to add value to a fickle, fad prone, society. Just like the ‘Stone Age’ aboriginal creation myth doesn’t concern us anymore, so too our beliefs to post digital humans who will come after us.

The genetic tendencies are too strong, to miss the point as there are hundreds of examples of outdated beliefs that are extinct today. Knowledge is our only hope for survival. What works today will not work tomorrow. The future is a continuous present, being built in a day. So reinvent yourself or be left behind as a fossil. The answer my friend is blowing in the winds of change! _Vinay-

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