Thursday, August 4, 2011


Creativity is the purpose of life, even if it goes against some of our premises. The purpose of life is not to live in passive acceptance of regressive situations but to engage in conflict in order to be creative.
Mahatma Gandhi fought peacefully against Apartheid and British rule, Dalai Lama chose to live in exile than peacefully in Tibet, Aung San Sau Kyi and Nelson Mandela suffered in jail and solitary confinement. Einstein opened the boundaries of scientific knowledge while James Joyce did the same in the world of literature
Conflict is the duality we have to face in life, a post mortem of the conflicts and economic crisis points to shared culpability across individuals, institutions and government organizations. Leadership need not necessarily come from the top. Determined people relentlessly pursue legitimate objectives in an immoral world.
Group discussion, consensus building, and persuasion are all crucial for change.
Conflict often plunges many leaders into their baser instincts.

As the movie “Wall Street” depicts this conflict, when Charlie Sheen is torn between the moral and ethical upbringing he received and the allure of wealth and power that beckon him as an unethical stock broker. It prompts deep reflections on the emotional intelligence that must underpin true leaders who have redefined the purpose of our lives

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