Friday, July 20, 2012

Dances with the Daffodils.

When I first skimmed this poem in my youth, I thought it was one of those romantic poems that litter the landscape. Little did I realize that in that simple poem Wordsworth summed up an entire philosophy of life and it was loaded with meaning, depicting him wandering in a state of worldly detachment.

It has similarities with the dance of the Dervishes which represents the journey towards truth through love by jettisoning your ego and uniting body, mind, and heart. Lonely as a cloud depicts worldly detachment and unconcerned with immediate circumstances,pausing from our self- destructive pace of the treadmill of life.

Watching a blade of grass grow, an innocent child’s laugh or a host of daffodils symbolizes the rich experiences and sensations of life which we miss out because we are perennially caught up in our daily bustle and distractions of living. Mankind has perverted his own nature with this so called progress in modern society. We therefore forget to carry our cherished moments and treasured memories that happen accidentally every day.

The last stanza says it all, the essence of nirvana the bliss of solitude, heart full of pleasure and dancing with liberation and wild abandon, like the free willed daffodils fluttering in the breeze. Slow down and smell the zeitgeist (daffodils), forget the disconnected and dispassionate nature of our lives – a daily haze of anguish, religion, ritual and pointless moral codes of society. Civilization has destroyed our bond and connection with nature.

Dance is an expression of bliss and liberation accompanied by music which is the spiritual song of the universe. As Martha stated, dance is the hidden language of the soul – or a mystical journey and spiritual union with nature and your inner self. Rumi has defined dance eloquently…. Dance is not rising to your feet painlessly, like a speck of dust blowing in the wind. Dancing is when you rise above both worlds – tearing your heart to pieces and giving up your soul. -Dances with the wolves like Vinay-

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