Friday, July 20, 2012

The Truth of the Matter.

The “Truth” is a word that is bandied about by everyone. The Bible says “the truth shall set you free,” Urdu literature proclaims. “Ain al Haque “I am the truth which was echoed by Sarmad the mystic before he was certified as a lunatic. All religions try to establish their own versions of the truth.

All search for the meaning of truth is meaningless unless you know what it means and how it will set you free. The original idea must spring out of your mind or at least we must have an intuition of the concept we are searching for as truth. In the absence of an idea, image or thought it borders on the ludicrous.

Searching for something called the “Truth “which we ourselves cannot imagine is inconceivable to me. It is like looking out from a crib on a dark and stormy night in search of an elusive Will ‘o” the Wisp. If one keeps hoping for an epiphany to inspire one’s search for the truth it will be a big disappointment. An ecstatic sense of waiting (for God…) a pure abstraction cannot give a further impetus for the search.

The main problem with all those who seek the truth is that they have not immersed themselves fully into this life on earth. Throw yourself into worldly activity; this is an ascetic exercise that will cleanse you of all impurities, like a dirty window. When I am involved with my work, mentally physically and psychologically then I am drained. I am depleted with a sense of enchantment & look forward to recharging my batteries with that amber liquid.

I then look forward ecstatically to the dawn of another day in paradise, glad to be alive and kicking. Life is a trip through an evanescent world it is sublime and with our freedom enjoy the mystery of existence. Isn’t that what life is all about, or do we have to complicate it with the search for “truth”. Truth the Upanishads states lies everywhere partially in our errors, disappointments, mistakes and even in lies. – VINAY-

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