Friday, July 20, 2012

Wasted Days and Wasted Nights.

Strains of Freddy fenders song wafting through the F.M. radio took me back to the glorious days of my youth. Drinking played a crucial role in college days, love, celebrations, soirees, mingling amidst career anxieties were a heady cocktail – like drinking the wild music of youth: A time when you try to dissolve your dreams in alcohol and the haze of marijuana smoke.

Bonds of friendship, romance and professional camaraderie were always sealed with a drink, the magical substance that consents to be prosaic. Alcohol also had the power to destroy those very bonds and corrode our adult life. As Peter Hamil states,” In our youth we become aware of alcohol, tobacco and embrace it and later struggle to give it up”.

Drinking was as essential part of being a macho alpha male, an amber colored world of bars, nightclubs and discotheques where men and women would congregate to toast the amber colored liquid and exchange body fluids.

The culture of drink endures because it offers many rewards; confidence for the shy, clarity for the uncertain struck with stage fright, solace for the lonely/lovelorn – and above all the elusive promise of happiness albeit ephemeral. In the smug darkness of the saloons life is easier when you drink – as you imagine you can live life with greater lucidity.

Part of me still yearns for this aimless vagabonds solitude of my erstwhile drinking college life, carefree and without a care in the world. The sort of life everyone enjoys._ Vinay-

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